Arrows pierced the air as the sounds of screams grew louder. Everywhere there was chaos, as people ran around, trying to avoid mangled bodies in vain. Every second, dozens more bodies fell, adding to the heaps on the bloody ground.
At last, the onslaught stopped, but the shrieks of pain and loss did not cease. Tears ran down women's faces as they hugged the bodies of their children and husbands. Children stared confused as their parents laid on the ground, unmoving.
In the midst of it all, Kinomoto Sakura huddled in her hiding place, shock still rooting her to the ground.
King Fujitaka ran a head through his graying hair as he reviewed the damage done to his kingdom. Hundreds dead and many buildings destroyed. His land was living in fear of another attack. His troops were still strong, but they were no match for Li's. One more attack like this…and he feared the end.
He had only one choice left, It was risky, but it was his only hope to revive his kingdom and bring down the Li's. He mentioned to a servant. "Bring my daughter here," he commanded.
Minutes later, a pretty girl with shoulder-length auburn hair and emerald eyes entered the room. The king gestured rudely to the servant. "Leave!" he said in a booming voice.
The girl trained her dull eyes on her father. "What do you want?"
The king gritted his teeth at his daughter's lack of manners. She was a princess and had been raised better than this. "You," he paused, "are going to the Li kingdom."
His daughter laughed mockingly at him. "If you hate me so much, why don't you just kill me right now? Or do you want me to suffer more?"
Her father glared at her. "You will go to the Li kingdom. Go to the castle and find a job. Then, you will gather information and know your way around. When you have done all that you can, make the journey back here and we will prepare to attack the Li's."
"A job?" The girl looked perplexed. "You can't possibly expect me to be a-"
"Servant, yes."
The girl looked horrified. "Why me?"
The king did not answer her. "You will leave tonight. Travel only by night. If you are found by the Li's wandering in their forests, they will not hesitate to kill you."
An angry scowl on her face, Kinomoto Sakura turned and stomped away, to enjoy her last day for a long time as Kinomoto royalty.
The King sat down in regret as he remembered the hatred on his daughter's face. He loved her dearly, but every time he saw her, he was reminded of his traitorous wife. He hadn't wanted to send her on this dangerous mission but he knew it had to be done.
He had known this day would come the day Sakura was born. A prophecy had been made at her birth. It stated that when two enemies reached the beginning of the end, only she had the power to save them. But there was also a great chance she could fail…
Sakura glanced irritably as the raggedy dress she wore caught on another branch. It was bad enough that she could barely move in the dense forest without snagging on something or having a branch scratch her, but she had to wear servant clothes. The rough material was itchy and coarse. She was used to wearing fine silks.
She froze as she heard soft footsteps behind her and let out her breath in relief when she realized it was just a rabbit.
She unhooked her dress from the branch and continued walking. The darkness of the night made it hard to see. An owl hooted nearby, causing Sakura to jump. Suddenly strong arms snaked around her waist and she felt pain as her back was shoved against the large trunk of a tree.
She gasped for her air. Her captor leaned down and she could smell his pungent breath. "Who 're you?"
"Ch-Cheung Mei Ling," she spoke in a shaky voice.
He snorted. "A typical Chinese name. What are you doing wandering these forests in the dead of the night?"
"Please, sir. I was just passing by…"
"Silence!" he roared as he shoved her harder against the tree. "Don't lie to me."
The man gave a great laugh, stroking her cheek. She shuddered against his unwelcome touch.
"Jumpy 're we?"
Sakura stood paralyzed, not moving a muscle.
"Normally, I would kill you, but I'm a bit low in money these days. I'll take you up and see if I can get a reward," he chuckled, the sound reverting through the forest. He reached into a pouch and pulled out rope, bounding her wrists and ankles.
Sakura's heart sank. Only a few hours and she had already failed. Now fear coursed through her body as she remembered her father's words. "If you are found by the Li's wandering in their forests, they will not hesitate to kill you." This man hadn't killed her, but who knew what would happen when he brought her to the castle?
Her captor tossed her over his shoulder and easily walked through the forest with long, powerful strides. By daybreak, they had reached the outskirts of town.
The Li kingdom was a big change from the Kinomoto's. All the buildings were intact and the scenery was lush and green, unlike the pale landscapes Sakura had seen since the battle. She could see many smiling faces, and anger rose in her as she thought of her people, sad and angry.
In the distance, Sakura could see the great Li castle looming over the town. It was perched on a high hill, and even from so far away, Sakura could see its magnificence.
Early-risers looked curiously at the sight of a tied-up girl limp on the shoulders of the towering man, but no one pried.
Hours later, Sakura felt the man stop and opened her eyes. In front of her was the Li castle in all its glory. Looking up, she could see the tall, white towers reaching for the sky.
A guard nodded at the man, who explained the situation. "Caught 'er wanderin' the forests at night. Naturally, I was suspicious."
"Bring her up," the guard grunted.
The guard led them through the long hallways and stopped in front of a giant gold door. He knocked three times and silence fell.
"Come in," a voice barked. The door opened and they could see a man and a woman perched on their high thrones, not unlike the ones Sakura was used to seeing her father sit on.
Hatred burned in Sakura was she looked up to the face of the King and Queen of the Li kingdom. These were the people who had destroyed her people's lives.
"Untie the girl."
The man complied and Sakura nearly fell over after being immobile for so long. She bowed low to the monarchs. When she straightened, she could see the king's angry face.
"You dare waste my time on this?" he seethed.
The man shrank back. "Sorry, your highness. See, my family is starving and-"
"Enough!" the king bellowed.
The man shut his mouth immediately, cowering, afraid of what was in store for him. He looked up in surprise as a sack of coins landed in front of him.
"Take the money and use it wisely. Next time, just tell me you need money and don't waste my time was these meaningless concerns."
"Thank you, your highness!" the man shouted and ran out, unbelievable at his luck.
"Now…" the king turned to Sakura. "What were you doing in the forests?"
Sakura hung her head and tried to looked pained, which wasn't hard, considering her situation. "Your highness, I am from the country of Magera," she said, naming an ally of the Li's. "My parents just died, and I have nowhere to live. I heard about the Li kingdom's generosity and thought I'd see if I could find work here."
"You don't look Megerian."
"No, sir. I was born in the nearby town of Allera."
The king spoke in the rapid tongue native to Megera. Being a princess, Sakura was trained in languages and responded flawlessly.
The king nodded, satisfied. "Very well. You may stay here and work as a maid."
The queen spoke up. "Wait a minute. She can be Syaoran's personal servant. I heard he just fired the last one."
The king sighed, as if tired of his son's behaviour. "Fine. Show her to her room," he said, nodding to a girl in the corner.
The girl smiled at Sakura. "I'm Chiharu."
"Sa-Mei Ling." Sakura cursed herself for her mistake.
"That's a pretty name."
"Thank you," said Sakura, liking Chiharu already.
"So are you here to conquer Li?"
"Excuse me?" Had someone discovered her secret already?
Chiharu laughed. "You're the new servant of Prince Syaoran. All the girls fancy him. He's off limits, of course, but they don't try to stop. Rumour has it he's a playboy."
Sakura tried not to look disgusted. "No, I just need a job."
They stopped at a room. "This is where you'll stay," Chiharu explained. "It's right next to Prince Syaoran's room, so it's quite a privilege. If you need anything, just ask me."
"Thank you," said Sakura gratefully. She examined the room. It was big for a servant's standards, but there was nothing but a bed. She sat down on it, immediately repulsed by the lumpiness.
She knew she would have to get used to being treated as a servant, but that thought didn't comfort her. Never in her life had she been given orders. It was always her telling people what to do, always her in control.
The door banged open and a young man entered. One glance at him and Sakura knew this was Prince Syaoran. She bowed to him.
Sakura could tell why the girls liked him. He had messy chestnut hair and deep amber eyes. Judging by his frame, Sakura guessed he had a nice body as well.
The prince sneered at her and looked her up and down. "Not bad," he spat, "for a lowly servant."
Sakura's face burned at his comment, but she looked down to disguise her fury.
"Look at me," the prince demanded.
Sakura obeyed, hating every second of it.
"You will do as I say, whatever, whenever. You will serve my meals and clean up when I'm done. You will be present every morning and night. You will come when I call, no questions asked. Understood?"
"Yes, your highness."
He leaned down, his mouth an inch from her ear. "Good."
Sakura shuddered at his deep voice still tingling in her ear. The prince smirked down at her, enjoying the effect he knew he was causing.
"Report to my room at eight," he commanded, then left the room.
Sakura collapsed of the bed from the day's exhaustion. She fell asleep instantly. When she awoke, it was already half past eight. She left her room with a feeling of dread in her, and braced herself.
She knocked on the prince's door, which flung open.
"You're half an hour late." His voice was dangerously low.
"Sorry, your highness," said Sakura, bowing.
He looked disgustingly at her. "Don't bow to me, scum."
"Yes, your highness."
He glared at her. "I expect punctuality for a servant." Without warning, he reached his hand out and smacked her hard on the face.
Sakura's head snapped to the side, tears stinging her eyes.
"Let that be a lesson to you. Next time, it'll be much worse."
Sakura nodded.
"Take off your dress."
"Did you not hear me? Take off your dress!" He advanced on her.
"Please, don't," Sakura pleaded pathetically.
He stopped and gazed at her, then scoffed. "Don't tell me you believe the rumours about me?
Sakura did not reply, but could only stare at him, scared of the powerful man. She knew she was in his control and he could do whatever he wanted.
A hard look glazed over his face. "I would never sink that low. Nor would I bother with a lowly servant." He gestured to a chair, where Sakura noticed was a dress made of fine material. "When I come back, I expect you to be wearing that." He left abruptly.
Sakura slowly undressed and slipped into the dress on the chair. Her skin instantly felt the difference and she smiled contently, despite herself.
As promised, the prince came back. He glanced over her. "Better. You can go now."
Sakura didn't need a second invitation. She hurried out of the room and sank down as the door closed behind her. Was there more to the prince than she thought?