I'm not even go say spur of the moment. Not sure if this will be a One Shot or Two Shot. eminem joke

If you can't understand the story because I'm not explaining my punctuation then you can, look at Only I Shall Know; there you can see my punctuation index. Also, I think that using Japanese words just here and there is just stupid. I do like to use them as names and story titles. I mean, you see Americans with words in Japanese tattooed on them arms and such but you don't see them with words in English on their arm. Sorry if that offended anyone, it's just a observation I made.


Inuyasha smiled. Yeah, Inuyasha smiled. It was one of those rare smiles he had when he truly was happy. This time he was happy because he had finally found himself a mate.

Not just a mate, but my soul mate. Inuyasha thought.

The half-demon knew the thought was corny but what did he care? He loved her…she loved him and soon enough…there were to be parents. Inuyasha loved Shippo as a son but some things just aren't the same.

Inuyasha put an arm around her shoulder and she smiled back at him. She put a hand at her stomach.

Nothing could dampen this day.

Inuyasha came back to the camp later then his mate did. As much as they loved each other it just didn't feel like the right time to tell everyone else. Even if they didn't tell everybody she'd start to show in just a few months, especially in the clothes she wore, and if the idiots didn't find out he was the father it would be way to obvious when the child was born. Not everybody has dog ears, the one trait he was positive the child would have.

The half-demon came right into the hut that Kaede and the villagers had made for them. Inuyasha took a seat in between Kagome and Shippo as he usually did.

"How was your walk, Inuyasha?" Kagome asked with a smile. Of course she was only answered with a "keh."

"Inuyasha," Shippo started. "How come you've been taking some many walks lately."

"To get away from you, brat." Inuyasha replied, with a blow to Shippo head. Everyone laughed, including Shippo, excluding Inuyasha. "You all confuse me."

"Demon!" A voice rang into the hut.

The team automatically jumped to their feet. Inuyasha, Kagome, and Miroku ran out to see what the problem was; Sango had to rid of the regular clothes she wore. She quickly was out to join the others and was just was shocked as they were. In the middle of the village stood Naraku.

"How did he get into the village without us noticing?" Miroku asked the half-demon, not taking his eyes of Naraku.

"Hell if I know," Inuyasha started and drew Tetsusaiga in the process. "But I know how he's leaving!"

Inuyasha launched himself at Naraku but Kagura appeared in his place. Even thought confused at what just happened, Inuyasha swung at Kagura. The Wind Sorceress blocked the blade with her fan, the force shot Inuyasha back. As soon as that had happened, the large boomerang that had been flying at Kagura hit her and blasted her backward. Kagura hit the ground some distance back, unconscious.

"Miroku," Shouted Inuyasha. "Put a charm or something on the witch so she remains incapacitated."

The monk was instantly on the job. Kagome, Inuyasha, and Sango eyes looked everywhere for Naraku.

"There!" Announced Kagome whilst shooting a sacred at what was seemingly nothing. Seconds after shooting her arrow had Naraku appeared right by where the arrow was gone except his left are was missing.

Naraku looked horrified at his lost limb. Miroku aimed his hand at the pieces of Naraku's arm that had fallen to the ground.

"You'll not be regenerating." Miroku yelled as he unleashed his wind tunnel. The pieces of Naraku flew into the void.

While all this was happening Inuyasha was making his way towards Naraku.

"Burn in hell, you bastard!" Inuyasha roared, raising Tetsusaiga. "Wind Scar!"

The streaks of the attack road the ground at Naraku. His eyes widened as the Wind Scar hit him. What's left of Naraku lied on the ground. It began to regenerate when Miroku opened his Wind Tunnel at the pieces. The quickly flew into Miroku's hand which was soon blessed with no void.

Stunned, the monk showed his hand to Inuyasha and Kagome. They obvious had braced themselves before they saw the tunnel had vanished.

"We did it!" Kagome shrieked with a shrill.

Inuyasha still had a serious expression on his face. "Hey, where's…" His sentence was cut short by a painful scream. "Sango!"

They all turned to see Sango with a sickle attached to a chain sticking out of her right shoulder. Before they could make a move toward her it rapidly ripped done her back opened a long cut from her shoulder to her hip.

Sango fell to her knees before collapsing completely. Behind her stood her brother, Kohaku, standing emotionlessly. He raised his sickle to attack again but before he could Inuyasha had hit him to the ground. Kohaku tried to sit up but the half-demon had knocked too much out of him.

Inuyasha turned his attention to Sango who was now getting to carried to Kaede hut for medical attention.

"Kohaku, you'd better hope she lives." Inuyasha threatened but the boy had already passed out.

Hours passed and Kaede and Kagome had finally got Sango bandaged completely and asleep. The old priestess had used a special blend of herbs that dulled the pain for long enough time for her to get some rest. Kohaku, who had awakened no longer Naraku's spell, laid asleep again right next to his sister.

Inuyasha had gone for another one of his walks leaving just Kagome and Miroku in the hut, except for an asleep Shippo and Kirara.

"Don't you think she'll be okay, Kagome?" Miroku asked with concern in his voice.

"Of course, Miroku, Sango's a girl and besides the wound wasn't even that deep. I think it was mostly because it was Kohaku who had attacked her." Kagome said trying to comfort him.

The monk let out a sigh of relief.

"Hey, Miroku?"

"Yes Kagome?"

"When I was bandaging up her shoulder I noticed something at the base of her neck."


"Well, last time she was hurt and I had to help her she didn't have this. It was like a blue tattoo of waning crescent moon. It was almost exactly like the one on Sesshomaru's forehead."

"That's odd. Maybe we should ask her about it when she wakes." Miroku said, his tone changing somewhat.

Kagome nodded, yawned, lied down, and fell asleep soon. Miroku, however, was still awake when Inuyasha returned.

"Welcome back, Inuyasha. Enjoy yourself?" Miroku asked with a lecherous smile.

"Shut up, Miroku. I had some thinking to do." Inuyasha replied angrily as he sat down so that his back was against the wall.

Miroku got up and sat down next to Inuyasha who gave him a look that said 'what the hell are you doing?'

"Maybe you enjoyed Sango." Miroku whispered slyly.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Inquired the half-demon.

"When Kagome was bandaging Sango she found something on her shoulder. She said it looked just like the mark on Sesshomaru." The monk continued.


"You know monks are supposed to know all aspects of humans and demons." Miroku answered, giving Inuyasha a bizarre smile before going back to where he was previously.

Miroku soon fell asleep leaving only Inuyasha. The half-demon let out.

Crap, am I going to get 'sit'ed tomorrow. Inuyasha thought before falling asleep.

You know what I usually say here.