TITLE: All I Wanted

AUTHOR: Matina

DISCLAIMER: All belongs to the almighty Joss Whedon and mutant enemy bluh bluh bluh… I own nothing…


SPOILERS: Observe above statement.

SYNOPSIS: Complete AU. Buffy was tired of being poor, so she did something about it.

DISTRIBUTION: Want it? Take it…

FEEDBACK: Like it, yep like it a lot! It's like fuel…

RATING: I'm not sure yet, I might write some adult content later on in the story if I see fit, but for right now, let's just say… PG-13?

Elizabeth Summers A.K.A Buffy walked into the airport, unsure of how exactly she was going to go anywhere without having the money to pay for it, all she knew was that she had to get out of Italy, and back home to L.A. fast!

Now if you're wondering why exactly this was such an urgent matter, it's very simple. You see she had grown up in poverty, her mother only getting them by from paycheck to paycheck, wearing hand-me-downs, going days without eating anything decent and on holidays such as Christmas basically getting measly little gifts from charities her mother applied for. She hated it! It was humiliating, and at sixteen she was at a very critical age, which meant she had needs and longed for the things her mother could not possibly provide for her.

When he mother had died a few weeks after her seventeenth birthday Buffy was shocked and outraged, not because she had died and left her all alone to fend for herself, no it was because her mother had a tumor, a brain tumor to be more specific, and she had known for months yet she had not spoken a word of this to Buffy.

They could not afford an operation and Joyce knew that, so she had not breathed a word of it to her daughter as to not burden her. There was so much she was missing out on already in her life; she didn't want to burden her with this too. It would be too unfair to her. Sometimes Joyce just sat there and reflected on how it seemed as if Buffy was carrying the weight of the world around on her shoulders. She was already too grown-up for her age as it was, yet she didn't chose to be that way, it was life that had forced this maturity and wisdom on her.

I guess on some level, Buffy understood that, but she just could not get over the injustice of it all, her mother would have, no scratch that her mother HAD given her life for Buffy, because even though she was aware of her fatal condition Joyce had not stopped working the whole time she was sick, while she should have spent the night at the hospital she had spent hours serving ungrateful brats at the Double-Meat-Palace. She had not even shown up late for work once.

But they would not have had to go through that if it wasn't for Hank, her biological "father". He had left them when she was three years old so she didn't really remember him. He didn't pay for child support or ever call them to make sure they were even alive after that. He just sort of… left… left them to their own devices, struggling to survive.

They had been doing ok before that, they weren't exactly rich mind you, but they had no monetary problems, they never had to worry about paying the bills or if something would cost too much that they wouldn't be able to afford it. They were comfortable. That is until Hank had left with his secretary to Maui or god knows where.

Buffy had absolutely deplored her lifestyle, and after her mothers death she had promised herself she would never want for anything ever again. She would make sure that she had the most comfortable of lifestyles and she would never, EVER go through the discomfiture and insecurity of her old life again.

Now Buffy was not stupid, but she wasn't all that smart either. She could hold her own in a conversation but she couldn't seem to make much sense of geometry…or algebra… or science… or history, or even English! I mean she did speak English so you'd think it would be pretty easy huh? Well it was, for the most part, the only problems she had were those concerning Shakespeare. Yep, he was her downfall.

So since she couldn't get everything she wanted for herself, she had decided that she would have to get someone to provide them for her.

And that's when she'd met him…