Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters, plot, or the Harry Potter Universe in this story. They belong to J.K. Rowling and her publishers. Any characters you don't recognize belong to either myself or a fellow author Marietsy. This story is an expanded version of What Harry Potter Owned written by the author Marietsy and rewritten with her permission.

Prologue- Coming of Age

The sky above Privet Drive was clear for the first time in days as Harry lay on his bed looking up at the stars. He had spent most of his summer holidays like this in his room either doing homework or avoiding the Dursley's snide comments and dirty looks which they were quick to offer. Staring out the window for several more minutes he was pulled from his thoughts by Aunt Petunia pounding on his door. "Harry! Get out here right now and take out the trash you lazy brat!" She yelled.

"Right away Aunt Petunia." Harry replied pulling himself up off his bed. Crossing his room he pulled open the door and passed her on his way down the stairs. As he was walking around the side of the house he heard the loud pop of a wizard apparating into the middle of the rubbish bins. Stopping to pull his wand from its hiding place up his sleeve he slowly made his way around the corner. There standing before Harry picking garbage off of his official looking robes was a young looking ministry wizard. Slightly lowering his wand Harry made his way over to help the man out of the pile of bins.

Once satisfied that his robes were clean as they were going to get he turned to address Harry. "I'm quite sorry for the intrusion sir, but are you Mr. Harry J. Potter?" he asked.

"Yes I am, and you are?" asked Harry still somewhat wary of the wizard.

"Oh, please excuse my manners. I'm Nigel Lawson secretary for Madam Bones Head of the Magical Law Enforcement Office. I was asked to personally deliver this letter to you and congratulate you on your coming of age in the wizarding world." He said handing Harry a letter bearing the seal of both the Ministry of Magic and the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. "Well Now that that's done I must get going. I have plenty of work to attend to before the night is through. Have a good evening Mr. Potter." Nigel said before he disapparated.

Stuffing the letter in his pocket he quickly took the bins to the curb and ran back up to his room eager to discover what the Ministry was coming after him for this time. Pulling the letter out of his pocket he looked at it for a moment before opening it and reading.

Dear Mr. Potter,

We are pleased to inform you that since you have come of age in the wizarding world you are no longer bound by the Decree for the Reasonable Restriction of Underage Sorcery of 1875. Meaning you are now allowed to perform magic outside of school. Please be advised that while you are being granted this right there are a few restrictions you need to be aware of.

You May perform magic whenever you wish as long as:

You refrain from knowingly performing magic in front of muggles or densely populated muggle areas unless it's necessary in an emergency.

You abide by the laws set forth by this Ministry.

You must also complete your 7th year at school.

Failure to follow any of the previously stated conditions could result in your arrest, imprisonment, and/or the destruction of your wand.

You are allowed to perform magic in the presence of your guardians as long as you not in plain view of your neighbors.

Enjoy your final year at Hogwarts and have a pleasant life.

Amelia Bones
Head of the Magical Law Enforcement Office

After reading the letter again to make sure it wasn't a joke Harry lay back on his bed with a wicked grin on his face. This summer was really beginning to look up after all he thought as he showered and got ready for bed. Leaving his window slightly open to let in some fresh air he fell asleep having pleasant dreams for the first time in a long time.

The next morning came too quick for Harry's liking as he awoke once again to more pounding on his door. "Boy! Get out down here right now and make us our breakfast." roared Vernon. Remembering the ministry letter he had received the night before he grinned and pulled on a pair of jeans and a long sleeved t-shirt making sure his wand was tucked securely up his sleeve before heading down to the kitchen to give them what they wanted one way or another.