"Calleigh honey come on." said Tim.

"I'm watching friends honey wait a minute."

"Honey you've seen this episode a million times on t.v. and you have it on DVD. Now please let's go."

"Honey do you think i'm fat?"

Tim sighed and sat down next to his wife. "Calleigh your 2 months pregnant. Your not fat."

"Well I will be before this baby is out of me."

"Cal, that's being pregnant not fat." "There's a difference."

"I know. But if I did become fat would you leave me?"

"I would never leave you."

"Not even if I shrunk down to two inches tall?"

"I'd carry you around in my pocket." Calleigh smiled and Tim groaned. "See now you got me hooked on the show."

Calleigh laughed. "Admit it you like the show."

"Actually I think its a pathetic excuse for comedy now please were going to miss the movie."



"Calleigh come on push." said the doctor.

"I'm tired."

"Calleigh honey come on you can do this."

Calleigh screamed in pain. "Why don't I kick you in the balls...multiply that by like a million then come back and tell me I can do this."

"I'm sorry."

"Well you should be you did this-" Calleigh was cut off by another scream of pain.

"Calleigh one good push and she's out ok."

Calleigh nodded slightly and pushed. Calleigh settled back on the pillows when she heared a baby cry.

"Congrads you have a beautiful little girl."

"She's beautiful."

"Yeah she is." said Calleigh. "I'm just glad this is over."

"Whoa wait a minute your not going to be able to relax for long we have to get ready for your other one."

"Wait a minute what?" said Calleigh.

"Your having twins you didn't know this?"

"Yeah this is the faces of two people in the know." said Tim sarcastically.

"Your doctor didn't tell you you were having twins?" asked Doctor Carmen. Calleigh's regular doctor Doctor Miller was out of town on vacation so Doctor Carmen was filing in for him.

"Well sometimes one twin does hide behind the other." said Calleigh as she screamed out in pain again.

"Okay looks like the other one wants out to."


"I am getting so sick of waiting." said Valera and sat up quickly. "Whoa head rush...cool."

"Delko how did you ever marry her?" asked Tyler.

"Well I don't really go for smarts."

"Hey I heared that." said Valera and smacked Eric on the back of the head. "And what do you have to say for yourself mister?"

Delko didn't know what to say. "This parchute is a nap sack." said Eric and pretended to fall over a chair.

"Hey guys." said Tim walking into the waiting room with one little girl in his arms.

"Let me see Daddy...let me see." said Emily.

"Emily i'd like you to see your baby sisiter. Riley Marie Speedle."

"She's so tiny." said Emily. "Daddy can I see mommy?"

"Not yet sweetheart I still have a suprise for you guys."

"A suprise?" asked a puzzled Alexx.

"Mmm...Val you wanna take her for a sec?"


"Ok i'll be right back." Tim left for a few mintues and then came back with another little pink bundle. "Guys I would also like you to meet Carmen Louise Speedle."

"Two of them?" said Tyler.

"Well thank you captain obvious."

"Daddy there's two of them." said Emily dreadfully.


5 years later-----

"Make him stop dad. I can't do my homework."

"What is going on?" asked Eric as he walked into the kitchen.

"I'm trying to study for a history test and Michael won't stop pulling on my hair."

"Michael Delko leave your sister alone."

Calleigh and Tim had decided to tell Emily the truth about who her father was and gave her the decision of who she wanted to live with. She picked Tim and Calleigh. Because no matter what a test said Tim would always be her father. But Emily went to Eric and Valera's house everyother weekend.

"Sowie daddy...but Emmy promised we'd play and she won't."

"I told you buddy I have to study first then we'll play."




"Emily if you don't get your butt out her right now and eat. Your gonna be grounded." yelled Tim from the barbeque grill.

"Alright i'm comin, I'm comin."

"Were you on the phone again?"

"Yes I was talking to Zack."

"I don't like him...he drives one of them Ducati's."

Calleigh and Emily laughed. "Honey you have one of them Ducati's."

"I know but mine's cool."

"Dad his is exactly like yours."

"Well it doesn't matter. I don't like you on them."

"Mom rides with you. Even I ride with you."

"Well that's different i'm your father and what I say goes."

"Your being so unfair."

"Oh really."

"Yes really."

"Well would I be unfair if I did this?" asked Tim as he picked Emily up and through her over his shoulder and then jumped in the pool.

"Dad!" yelled Emily as she came back up out of the water.

"What?" whined Tim.

"I was getting ready to go out."

"Well I guess you can't now."

" Eric would never do this."

"No your right about that. He'd do this." said Tim as he dunked Emily under again.

Just then Eric, Valera and Michael stepped into the back yard.

Emily came up for air and saw Eric. "Dad help me!" Emily pleaded just before Tim dunked her under again.

"I think you got everything under control." said Eric.

"Uncle Eric!" yelled Riley and Carmen at the same time. Eric swirled around and was bombarded by the two littlest Speedle kids. The onyl way you could tell the differences was that Riley had blonde hair like Calleigh and Carmen had dark hair like Tim the rest was identical.

"Hey guys."

"Uncle Eric are you going to go swimming with us?"

"I think I get enough of that at work guys."

"Yeah but in here the water's clean and you can come out whenever you want.' said Tim as he gripped the sides of the pool and went to get out when Emily pulled him back under.

"Haha." said Emily. "I win again."

THE END...Crappy ending. And I'm sorry about that. And i'm also sorry for all the friends quotes. But what can I say I love that show almost as much as I love Speed. Hey leave me alone I said almost. lol.

Just wanted to say thank you for all the reviews they really mean alot to me.