Chapter 1:7th Year Begins

"Ron! Harry! Wait up!" yelled Hermoine to her two best friends. She ran and caught up with them as they entered the Hogwarts Express.

"Hermonie?" asked Ron.

"Duh. Who do you think I am? Jojo?" she replied to him.

"Who's Jojo?" asked Ron.

"She's a singer from America." said Harry.

"Oh, okay." replied Ron.

"So do you guys know who the Heads are?" asked Ron

"I'm Head Girl, but I don't know who Head Boy is." said Hermonie. "Well guys, I have to be goingthe the Heads compartment. We have a meeting."


Hermonie entered the compartment with great curiousity of who the Head Boy was. When she saw who it was, she gasped. She couldn't believe it was him!

"Oh, dreadful. You're Head Boy?"

"And you're Head Girl. But who are you? You look like a muggle singer. What's her name? Oh yeah, Jojo." said Head Boy, none other than Draco Malfoy. This was going to be a long year.

"No I am not. And how do you know a muggle singer?" asked Hermonie. She didn't think that his father would allow him to know about any part of the muggle world.

"You would be suprised what I know about the muggle world, now that my father is dead." said Draco.

"Really, I didn't know he was dead. That's one person to cross off my hit list." joked Hermonie.

Draco just sat there and rolled his eyes.

"So who are you?" he asked.

"You really can't tell?"


"Okay, I'm Hermoine Granger, the person you teased mercilessly for six long years." she replied calmly.

Draco's jaw dropped. He couldn't believe that the vixen that was standing there was Hermoine Granger. It certainly didn't look like her.

"Wow! You've changed!" he said. He looked over her body and smirked. She IS sexy.

"I don't think I have that much." she said.

"Looks like this year you have big boobs and a nice ass." said Draco, again looking over her body.

"Do you want me to slap you?" she asked him.

"No madam." he joked.

Just then, McGonnagall came in and briefed them on their jobs for the year and said to meet before the feast.

Okay guys, I know that this is short, but it will get better. This is my first/second fanfiction. I'm writing 2 right now. Read and review please! Be nice please!
