Both Terra and Starfire looked over, their interest suitably piqued.
"Well, if we don't want to take things too far, first you can finish up Terra. Then you and I can try something and Terra can join us if she'd like."
Starfire looked at Terra, "What do you say friend? Would you like me to continue until I have 'finished you off?' " She spoke that last phrase with altered inflection to indicate it was a quote.
Terra was suddenly aware of what Raven's hands on her head might mean. Shrewd girl. What was she up to?
"Sure. Do you know what's going to happen? What to do?"
Starfire cocked her head to one side, "I am," she stopped for a moment, "unfamiliar with the specifics. Perhaps you can prescribe instruction?"
So romantic. Well, she wanted coaching, so it seemed to be in her best interest.
Man, this was awkward, "Ok, start by looking at me."
Green eyes looked into hers.
"No, look at me," she gestured with a finger towards her vagina.
"I am looking."
"Ok," she tried to visualize how to explain this, "See how I'm sort of open?"
"Good. You'll notice something sticking out above the top. I want you to play with that until something happens."
"Nice," Raven whispered in her ear.
Terra wasn't paying attention because Starfire had renewed her frenzied work. Her tongue was bobbling the round bulb that was her clitoris. Her moans were long and frequent. Her mind abandoned all reason. Any hope of reasoned and rational thought had been driven from her the moment Starfire's tongue contacted her clit.
Now Raven had had enough. Time to do something.
Starfire felt her lower half being pulled towards the center of the bed. If she'd thought about it a more accurate description would've been, "pulled towards Raven."
This was a struggle. She was trying to maneuver Starfire's hips into position, but she didn't want to speak and kill the mood. Good thing she was flexible.
She threw a peek at Raven. She was attempting to position her in a certain way. Rather than fight it, she acquiesced, relinquishing control of that portion of her to Raven for whatever intention she had in mind.
Raven had her legs spread in that magnificent 'v' she had so long to see. She buried her face in Starfire's vulva. She wasn't reaching for orgasm, just entrance. She practically flogged Starfire; her strokes were so fast and hard.
Terra could feel Starfire shudder. Raven must be doing something, that plan she had devised moments ago must be heading towards fruition. Whatever they were, she didn't want them to interfere with Starfire's personal goal. Her attention was heavenly. Her tongue seemed to know what to do and when to do it. She bucked wetly into Starfire.
Starfire was shocked when Terra's hips were propelled upward by some unknown compulsion. She seemed to excrete some extra fluid. It had the same taste as the rest of her, but the consistency was different. Perhaps that was just due to the fact that there was more of it. She tried to keep it from escaping and running down her, following the crease of her vaginal lips. It was a difficult task to accomplish, but she was glad to be doing it.
Raven had her where she wanted her. Starfire's upper half was resting firmly on her right elbow; her lower part was open as if she were on her back. Her left leg had been placed on top of Raven's right and, conversely, her right leg was below Raven's left. She moved slowly, trying to aim just right. It took a few times, but finally, their vaginas met in perfect alignment. Raven's clitoris was nestled snugly in Starfire's slit. Slow at first, she started humping, starting at the vaginal opening and running until they met. Then back down.
Starfire gasped into Terra. It was an accident borne of what Raven was doing. She pulled some skin into her mouth, but it must have been a sensitive area because Terra groaned louder than she had before and leaked more into her mouth. Starfire swallowed before she could choke.
Terra was lost. Her mind blurred, dissociated completely from her body, all senses awash in an otherworldly pleasure. Starfire's mouth was magical. The last thought that her brain had managed to assemble was a sadness in knowing that going solo would never be even a quarter this much fun. She might as well enjoy it while she could. Who knew when something like this would happen again?
Raven had somehow managed to partition her mind in order to keep her emotions steady. Part of her was amazed that she hadn't demolished the room by now. The rest of her didn't care as she was absorbed in dealing pleasure as much as getting it. At first Starfire hadn't responded, but Raven had persisted. It was encouraging when she began to move in the expected way, when her clit on clit stimulation was starting to have the efficacy she desired.
Terra could feel Starfire starting to slack. She dared to open an eye and assess what was going on. Her tongue was still as far within her as it had been, but her motion was less exuberant. She bent a leg around and scratched Starfire's ribs with her foot. She convulsed but it seemed to be the motivation she needed.
Starfire had lost her concentration. There was something building. It was compounded with every movement Raven made. Every time her clitoris struck Starfire's it grew. She was starting to slow down, to descend into it, until she felt Terra tickle her ribs. That galvanized her back into rhythm.
Raven knew that things were running smoothly now. Starfire was properly wet, and it lubricated her motion. Her clitoris slid in easily up and down the length of Starfire's vulva, the crease acted like a track for her. But she needed a better grip. She grasped Starfire's left leg with her right hand and lifted it. She brought it to her armpit and trapped it there, her hand resting on Starfire's thigh. Good thing the girl was flexible.
Starfire realized that Terra had grown still. Her breathing was shallow. She was uncertain what was to happen, but she was certain that if Terra was uncomfortable in any way she would have the good sense to alert her. Nothing had been said so she continued. Her strokes were even well, timed with a metronomic regularity. A quick lick, starting at the upper quarter of her labia major, plowing inside and terminating with a pat on her clitoris. She'd gotten a better response from that so she'd found a way to keep herself inside her and move her head in such a way that it stimulated the rest.
Raven was getting close. Her thrusts were quicker, and shorter, she'd lessened the interval to bring her to climax's height. Almost there. Up, she went up, and their bodies meshed, protruding parts sinking into each others flesh for a delicious moment until Raven pulled away. Keep it up. Almost there. Almost there. Almost there. Raven grunted, a hand streaking towards her vagina. She drove herself into Starfire with all her energy, fingers playing with what they could find.
She murmured something and came. It was too much. She dropped to her hands, head coming to rest on Starfire's stomach. She smelled of sweat. Her hand continued fondling, stroking, caressing. She didn't thrust, but her muscles contracted. She could feel the fluid pouring out of her. Some of it landed on Starfire, though she didn't notice.
Their hips broke contact; Raven left a trail of juice from there to where she finally came to rest, a few errant drops rolling down her skin. Quickly, before Starfire lost the momentum Raven had worked so hard to build, she slung a hand onto one breast, twiddling the nipple. The other went to where her hips had been a mere moment before, tweaking her clitoris with some fingers while the others massaged the rest of her.
Starfire was certain something was going to happen. Even when Raven had lost their connection for just a moment, it had remained: an energizing tingle. She'd felt something on her, but hadn't bothered to look. It felt good. Much like Raven's tongue only without the physical part, just the wet. And her fingers, those wonderful fingers, were doing something else entirely. If she thought Raven's odd, but pleasant movement was nice, then this was surely magic. There was no other way to explain it.
As this feeling was swelling, she made certain not to lose her cadence with Terra. She was unmoving, only her breathing gave her away. Still, that was secondary to this. It was coming. She could feel it.
A wave of pleasure flowed up her, finally breaking somewhere near her stomach. It was impossible to tell.
She lifted her head and moaned, "Raven."
Her orgasm was much more than Ravens. She came. It was nearly a wave, a burst of fluid sprayed outward, broken into several streams by Raven's hand.
Shit! She was missing it.
Raven spun on the bed, a quick one hundred eighty degree turn so her head was near Starfire's vagina. She managed to catch the end of it. Damn, there was a lot there. Well, better help her get cleaned up. Raven licked her lips.
Terra wasn't aware that the other two girls had climaxed. She'd long ago lost her bearing. She was enveloped in the pleasure as fully as Starfire's tongue had enveloped her.
Starfire's pace had quickened and then stopped for just a second. Her tongue, still pressed over her, threw her over the edge.
She shivered once. And again. Her orgasm hit harder than the others. Her hips jackhammered up, fluid flowing out profusely. Starfire didn't know what to do, but a lot of something seemed to be good here. She did her best to swallow what she could, still paying attention to Terra's special spot.
That continued exertion forced her into a second orgasm. She went still, and shivered again.
The tower shook with her. It was more than the first quake. It seemed to pulse through its very foundation. There was no way the others would stay asleep through that.
No one moved.
Starfire seemed surprised. Raven had an almost malicious grin pasted onto her face. Terra didn't know what to say. That wasn't supposed to happen! Terra blushed so hotly that it seemed her face had been set aflame.
Shit. You fucked up
The other girls stopped. Starfire's tongue retracted. Raven looked up at her, stifling a grin with a wet hand. Starfire seemed bewildered.
The room was silent for a few unbearable seconds.
None of them had moved. Terra was frozen. She couldn't think of anything Her mind had turned to stone. But what did it matter. Something like this was unforgivable.
Starfiresnickered. They were laughing at her!
Terra backed away from them, Raven not bothering to look up from Starfire. She got tangled in the sheets, gangly limbs all knots as she sought to escape. Starfire didn't seem to care much, her eyes were beseeching but she seemed sapped of all energy. Understandable.
Terra tried to mumble an excuse but panicked and fled into the hall way. She had to get out. Had to find a place where she couldn't see their expressions as she lost control.
She didn't run into anyone in the hallway, didn't even hear any doors opening as she passed by. No noise from any of the rooms. No alarms sounded. No security system was activated. She might just have been lucky. But still. That was the worst thing that could've happened. There was no way she could face them tomorrow in training. They knew too much. They had seen her at her weakest. They would never regard her as a friend. And it was her fault.
It was always her fault.
How could she let this happen? She'd been doing so well!
She supposed it was all for the best. Only Starfire and Beast Boy had responded to her favorably. Raven made no secret of her dislike. Robin seemed to need a confirmation of his distrust before he would voice it. Cyborg was indifferent, but she knew he'd come around after a little bit.
It was only a matter of time until they turned on her. She had to get out.
She paced around the living room, trying to figure out a way to leave without hurting Beast Boy or Starfire too much. There was no elegant solution to this. Someone would be hurt by her actions.
Someone always was.
She could hear the hum of the air-conditioner. She shivered. In her haste to salvage what was left of her dignity, she'd neglected to retrieve the robe she'd left there. Oh, well. It wasn't hers anyway. They'd probably throw it out after she left.
The most important thing was for her to get dressed before anyone saw her, before Starfire or Raven could find her.
Her clothes were hanging where she'd left them. She snatched them off of the clothes line. They were stiff but dry. She put them on as fast as she could, had to stop at one point and switch her boots. They'd been put on the wrong feet.
Shirt? Check. Shorts? Check. Gloves and goggles? Check. She hoisted her backpack onto her shoulders. Everything was ready for her departure.
It was time to go. She'd been cooped up in here, and now that she thought about it, she felt more like a prisoner than a guest. She needed to breathe unfiltered air. She needed to smell the world around her. She needed to be able to go anywhere she wanted without the delay of a door opening. She needed to look out at open skies.
She needed to feel the the good earth crunching beneath her boots.
She needed to go.
Now, then, where was the door?