Izy: congrats!

Smicc: I don't own nothing except the previously listed things!

Izy" please read and review without flames


Mari opened her eyes to a blurry vision of two brown and black blobs. Wait, no, it was one person. "Hermoine," thought Mari. She focused on Hermoine, and slowly she came into vision.  Harry and Ron pulled her up; she collapsed back to the ground. Instead they just go her into a sitting position. She rubbed her head; she had a migraine that had to be the size of Texas. "What happened?" asked Mari. Hermoine, Harry and Ron filled her in on what happened. "I don't remember anything past…my family" whispered Mari. Hermoine could tell that Mari was fighting back tears because she had kind of a glassy look over her eyes and confused look on her face, which Hermoine knew, was masking a hurt one. "Where is he know he got away didn't he" said Mari knowing that she had failed. Mari got up and walked away. Harry gave Hermoine a hug because she was in tears just thinking about how Mari must have felt. Ron however, followed Mari to the other side of the room. Mari pulled a locket off her head. And opened it. She leaned against the wall in the shadows and let a single tear roll down her cheek as she looked at the two pictures inside it. One was of Mari and her family and the other was of Luna and her. Ron came up and sat down next to Mari. She quickly brushed away her tear. "What do you want" said Mari a bit harsher than she meant. "You really miss them don't you?" asked Ron. Mari didn't respond. If some freaky evil dude had brought my family back and I found out he killed them and was taunting me I wouldn't have been able to handle it.  Ron looked over at Mari, she was looking stonily forward. She blinked for a sec and another tear came out. Ron leaned over and whispered in her ear "It's okay to cry I won't tell anyone one, and no one would think less of you if you did". Mari bit her lip but her tears still came. "I thought it was my fault all along and it still partly is, if I had this power I could have saved them! They needn't have died!" sobbed Mari silently to Ron. He took a good look at her. This girl was the one who beat up his best friend, took a copy of the Marauders Map from his brothers, and scared Hermoine. It was all just a cover up. On the inside she was just a scared girl who had already had enough trauma and death in her live by the time she was 8 to last a normal person a couple of lifetimes. Hermoine was right she wasn't as mean or tough as she seemed she just put on a brave face for others. He brushed away her tears. "It's not your fault you were to young to have done anything about it powers or not." Said Ron. After a minute or so Mari responded Thanks for listening, I promise I'll never do it again. But if you tell any one about it! ** Yawn** I'll kill you" she said sleepily as she fell over on Ron's shoulder. Ron shook his head and gave a small laugh. "Come on Harry, Hermoine lets get outta this place" said Ron as he threw Mari over his Shoulder. Harry gave him a grin and two thumbs up as Ron came into view. Ron turned Beat red. "Not even!" he said embarrassedly. Hermoine missed the whole thing.

            Mari woke up and rubbed her eyes. She was in the Hospital Wing. She got out of bed and grabbed her wand and tiptoed out the door and ran as fast as she could to the Great hall. Madam Pomprhey was not far behind having discovered Mari missing a minute after her "Prisoner" had escaped. Mari skidded around the corner into the entrance. Everyone was too busy eating to notice her entrance she hear Madam Pomprhey right behind her and dived under the Gryffindor's table as Madam Pomprhey came in. Mari crawled under the table till she came to the middle where she couldn't be seen from the ends. "Professor Dumbledore! Professor Dumbledore! A stundent is missing from the Hospital Wing!" Madam Pomprhey shouted as she ran up to the teacher's table.

            Hearing Madam Pomprhey yells Harry, Ron, and Hermoine stopped eating their breakfast. Mari had been the only student in there last night and they doubted if another had been admitted. "Mari!" they all said in unison. Mari from under the table punched Harry in the shin. "Ouch! " he cried as he jumped. All three looked under the table. "Shh! Don't give me away!" whisper yelled Mari. Harry, Ron and Hermoine laughed. They passed her some eggs and oatmeal and she devoured it in a matter of seconds. "What else is up there?" she asked Ron. "Oh lots of good stuff!" he said. "Are any teachers around?" she asked. "No, they all went looking for you" said Harry. Mari popped up in the empty seat next to Ron and started to eat everything within reach. "Aha! There are!" said Prof. MaGonogall as she grabbed Mari's ear and dragged her unceremoniously back to the Hospital wing amid hoots of laughter from all the students.

Hermoine gave Ron a tight hug and Harry one last goodbye kiss and then to everyone's surprise she gave Mari a hug. "I hope to she you all this summer!" She said. "Until then wait for my owl! Bye!" she called as she ran to go meet her parents waiting on the other side of the arch of platform 9 ¾. Harry and Ron went through and then Mari. Ron walked up to a gaggle of redheads and waved goodbye to Harry and Mari. "Where do stay over summer?" Harry asked. "The Orphanage" replied Mari as if it were the simplest thing in the world. "You know I've heard good things about the foster family program you should try that. Bye see you this summer I guess" said Harry as he waved and walked off to met a man who didn't look at happy to see him.  "I guess I did make some friends this year, now lets see if I can keep them alive" thought Mari as she walked off to the muggle part of London.

The end!