Copyright Smicc
(Italicized means dream)
Mariel Avalon a.k.a. Smicc: don't own Digimon *sniff sniff*
Izy: um, *sweat drop* wrong story
Smicc: *Hits self on head, then sweat drops* I knew that! I mean Harry Potter...uh... err... yadda yadda yadda (I don't remember how disclaimers go but I know I hate them!) this is very depressing too.
Izy: *sweat drop* this is her first non-anime related fanfic so please be lenient
Smicc: And enjoy the show!
Izy: it's not a show *sweat drop*
Smicc: I knew that too enjoy the story I mean!

Ding Dong "I'll get it!" cried a 5year old blonde haired girl wizard as she ran down the hall and skidded across the slick, cold, tile floor in her socks. "Hello!" she said Happily as she opened her front door and her 13 years Wizard Brother came up behind her "Voldermort!" he cried as the clocked figure at the door shouted 'Averda Vedvre'.

A little blonde girl slept on not realizing she had seen the future not only her only but her Family's too.

Ding Dong "I'll get it!" cried the 5year old blonde haired girl wizard as she ran down the hall and skidded across the slick, cold, tile floor in her socks. "Hello!" she said Happily as she opened her front door and her 13-year-old Wizard Brother came up behind her "Voldermort! Run sis!" he cried as the cloaked figure at the door shouted "Avdvere Vedvre". Instantly her Brother jumped in front of the little girl and was struck by the curse he then screamed and fell to the ground dead. Her Parents came running when they heard the Dark Lord's name and their son's scream. "Avdvere Vedvre" Voldermort cried again felling the little girls parents. "Mum Dad Charlie!" cried the little girl. "You're a bad man!" the little girl yelled crossly kicking Voldermort in the shins. Voldermort who had forgotten the little girl turned on her muttering a single phrase "Avdvere Vedvre" the curse struck the little girl who screamed with pain and was knocked unconscious as her head hit the tile floor. "No suitable bodies here "muttered the cloaked figure as it strode out of the house leaving 3 dead and one clinging to life.

10 years later

"Welcome back to another year at Hogwarts" said Dumbledore as he gazed upon the many new and old eager faces seated at the house tables. Dumbledore then began his speech about the reminders of out of bounds areas and house points. "Hi I'm Lavender Brown and this is Pavarti Patil, Welcome to Hogwarts," said Lavender extending her hand to a blonde haired 5th year Gryffindorr new girl "I'm Marimaya Kinimoto but you can call me Mari! It's nice to have a friendly face around this new school," said the blonde girl smiling and shaking Lavender's hand. Once the feast was over and the girls we in their dormitory's for the night Mari was introduced to Hermoine and the other Fifth year girls.

Next Day

"What do we have today?" asked Harry as the class schedules were passed down "Divination for you two ...Double Potions with the Slytherins ...Herbology and History of Magic" said Hermoine promptly as she passed Harry and Ron their schedules. "Hey, who's that," said Ron pointing with his fork to Marimaya. "She's pretty," he said blushing with a mouthful of eggs. "Oh, That's Marimaya she just transferred here for Beabuxtons," replied Hermoine glancing up to she who Ron was pointing too before burying her head in another course book. "She is pretty, she might even be part Veela!" agreed Harry as Hermoine snorted and said "no chance her mother was American and her father was Japanese...Both Wizards"


'Man oh Man, is this old bat boring with a capitol B' thought Mari as she let out a big yawn. "Miss. Kinimoto please don't fall asleep in my class," said Ms. Trelawnly sharply turning on Mari angrily amid snickers from the boys and angry looks from Lavender and Pavarti. 'Come on Mari stay awake you wanna make a good impression on your teachers' thought Mari as she slipped off once again the dream land.
"She survives and is at Hogwarts with Dumbledore and Potter!" yelled the cloaked figure angrily at a short pudgy balding man with a nose like a rat. "You better not fail me this time Wormtail! Or I will feed you to Nagi! Kill Potter and Kinimoto!" yelled the cloaked figure again. Then Mari felt a sheering pain in her left shoulder.
"Are you okay my dear?" asked a giant glittering insect. "Hmm, I'm fine," said Mari shakily as soon as she realized the glittering insect was Professor Trelawny "And you Harry dear?" asked Ms. Trelawnly turning towards Harry who like Mari was on the ground pale and sweating only he was clutching his Forehead and Mari was clutching her shoulder. "Fine" mumbled Harry. "Mr. Potter, Miss. Kinimoto you most certainly were having a premonition stimulated by the ultraclarvoint waves in my room," said Ms. Trelawny as both kids stared surprised and shocked at each other at the mention of each others last name "I don't feel all that great may I be excused to go to the hospital wing." said Mari as she slowly stood up turning her attention to Ms. Trelawny. "Do you know where it is my dear?" asked Ms. Trelawny. "No" mumbled Mari. "I'll show her Professor, because I was headed down there because of a headache," volunteered Harry. "Oh alright but be back soon." She said as the exited the room. "We've gotta see Dumbledore!" said Harry as they got a safe enough distance away from the classroom. "Your Potter, and you had that dream too" said Mari as she looked up at Harry. "Your Kinimoto and yes I did have that dream." Replied Harry as he kicked a statue of a Gargoyle saying things like Cockroach Cluster, Lemon drop, Acid pops before the Gargoyle jumped to the side letting Mari and Harry into Dumbledore's office when Harry said 'Sherbet Balls'. "Harry how nice to see you again and you've brought Marimaya along too" said Dumbledore as Harry and Mari approached his desk. "Professor, Mari and I had a dream in Divination about Voldermort telling Wormtail to kill us." Said Harry calmly. "Harry I understand how you know about Voldermort plan although I cannot figure out why Miss. Kinimoto does, perhaps she can shed some light on this" said Dumbledore after a few minutes. "Ten years ago Voldermort came too my home looking for some bodies to live in he killed my whole family and tried to do the same thing to me but some how he didn't kill me and all that's left is this scar" said Mari sadly and slowly as she pulled up the sleeve of her shirt to revel a lightning bolt shaped scar on her shoulder identical to the one on Harry's forehead.