The WRONG WAY to Decline A Birthday Invitation
by: Akimi
Disclaimer: I own nothing... don't sue
Here we go...

And no, we present to you, the WRONG WAY to decline a birthday invitation, starring Heero Yuy! Mr. Yuy?
Thank you. Now, before you decline an invitation, you must first have a legitimate reason. Legitimate reasons include:

*physical inability to attend
*mental incapacity to cope with the stress of being surrounded by stupid persons
*fever of 1 degree or higher
*inviter is top on your "Persons I Really Really Hate" list

Any reason not listed is illegitimate.

The next thing we will discuss is the WRONG WAY. Here, we will have some WRONG WAY scenarios which will be acted out by pre-selected volunteers from the audience. Our first pre-selected volunteer will be Mr. Quatre Reberba Winner. Mr. Winner, please demonstrate to us a WRONG WAY!


Miss Relena Peacecraft will assist you. Miss Peacecraft?

Quatre, I'd like you to come to my birthday.


Quatre, you were supposed to DECLINE the invitation, stupid!

Oops! Can we try again?


Quatre, I'd like you to come to my birthday.

Um, no that's okay. Me and some Magunacs are having a teaparty that night. Sorry. How was that?

Stop there! Now that was the WRONG WAY. Thank you, Mr. Winner. You may take your seat now. And now, we will have another pre-selected volunteer from the audience to demonstrate the correct way. Duo Maxwell, come on down! Miss Peacecraft will assist you.

Duo, I'd like you to come to my birthday.

Hell no! **RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIP!** Go to hell, bitch! **starts firing at her with an M-16** DIE!!!

Nicely done, Mr. Maxwell! And that concludes our lecture on the WRONG WAY to decline a birthday invitation! Until next time!

(Off Air!)

Duo, I'm pretty sure that she is, in fact, dead now... Okay you can stop shooting now... Ooooooooo! You killed her really good! Let's go have a party to celebrate! ^^

The End!