Disclaimer: I own anyone you don't recognize. Everyone else belongs to Anthony Zuiker and the rest of the crew at CSI: Miami and CBS.

A/N: Okay I really didn't want to start a new story yet until I finished I've Got a Secret but that looks like it's gonna be a while and I just had to write this down. I really don't know where it came from but I was on the way to the creepy dentist and this popped up.


"When are you going to go on a date?"

"I don't really like dating people."

"Oh. Do you date aliens?"

"No. Ash, it..."

"It's that guy isn't it?"


"Calleigh, that was seven years ago. You've got to get over it."

"We dated for five years Ashley."

"Oh my lord it's a world record!" she drawled. "Why won't you go out on a date? Jerry really likes you."

"Ashley, any time you set me up with someone it never works." Calleigh said.

"Because you never go on the date! You're an enigma Calleigh Duquesne. I'm your best friend, yet I know nothing about you. You're obsessed with a man that fell of the face of the earth. Your life revolves around work."

"I'm not an enigma. I'm a private person. I'm not obsessed with him. He was amazing Ashley. And my life does not revolve around work."

"Calleigh Duquesne to Chief Brody's office." a voice called over the PA system.

"Excuse me." she drawled, heading up to her boss's office. "Chief, you wanted to see me?"

"Yes. Calleigh take a seat." Brody nodded.

"What's going on?"

"Ms. Duquesne, I'm Lt. Caine,"

Calleigh jumped and turned around.

"I'm so sorry sir!" she exclaimed. "I... I didn't see you there when I walked in."

"It's okay." the redhead smiled. "I'm from the Miami-Dade Crime Lab, there I'm the supervisor."

"You're a long way from Miami, Lt." Calleigh smiled.

"Yes I am. I've heard a lot about you Ms. Duquesne. I'd like you to join my team."

"Wow. Um... when do you want me there?"

"How does next week sound?"

"Next week? Yes that's fine."

"You will need a place to stay."

Brody laughed.

"Calleigh practically lives in the ballistics lab."

"My uncle has lived in Miami for the past seven years." Calleigh said. "I'll stay with him until I find a place of my own."

"Well thank you very much Ms. Duquesne. You'll be a wonderful addition to our team."

"Oh call me Calleigh, Lt."

"Then you can call me Horatio. Stop by the lab on Wednesday and ask for me. I'll get you settled in."

"Okay. Thank you very much."

"No. Thank you."


Next week...

The elevator doors opened and Calleigh stepped into CSI. She walked up to the receptionist's desk, where a young man was standing, going over a file.

"Hi, excuse me, I was wondering if you could tell me where I could find Horatio Caine."

The man looked up and his eyes widened in surprise.


"Oh my lord... Tim." she murmured. He stepped forward and enveloped Calleigh in a hug. He held her tightly, burying his face in her hair. Calleigh held him just as tight, her head resting on his shoulder.


He quickly pulled apart from Calleigh and she groaned.

"She was looking for you." Tim stammered, pushing Calleigh towards Horatio.

"And you figured a nice hug would welcome her to the lab." Horatio smirked, a humourous expression on his face.


The three adults paused and Tim looked down, as did Calleigh.

"What's wrong Sarah?" she asked, then turned to Horatio. "Horatio, I'm sorry. My flight was delayed and I couldn't drop her off at my uncle's."

"It's okay Calleigh. She can sit in my office with us. Speed, I need you going over the evidence from the Hanson case. I'll be busy for a while."

"Mommy..." Sarah tugged on Calleigh's hand.

"What Sarah?"

"I have to go to the bathroom." she said quietly. Tim smiled slightly and disappeared down the hallway. Horatio chuckled.

"The bathroom is down the hall to your left." he said.

"Thank you. I'm so sorry about all of this." Calleigh pulled Sarah down the hall.

"I'll be waiting right here." Horatio called. Calleigh nodded and disappeared through a door.


A/N: How do Calleigh and Tim know each other before working at the lab together? Are they psychic? The story, right now, takes place before season 1, about three years so Calleigh is about 26-27, as is Tim. Eric isn't in the story yet, sorry to all you Eric fans.