Disclaimer: This applies to all chapters. I don't own any of the characters or some of the scenes referred to and mentioned below. All I own is the plot and my ideas
AN: Well if you've clicked on this section then you should have some idea of the books I'm talking about. I happen to really like them...you may not. I wrote this AGEs ago when the last 3 books hadn't come out and it's probably not that great writing (was that bad grammar or is it just me? That's a rhetorical question by the way lol) This was actually written for my best mate Ash to read because she loves the series as well. I've mentioned events that have happened in several of the books available in the Alpha Force series. If you don't want to know what happens, then don't read this! Although I would really like you to
Chapter One: Security
Amber stood completely flattened against the wall in the shadows, sweat dripping down her neck and silently praying that the patrol wouldn't notice her. Across the narrow room she could faintly see Paulo doing the same. Her mind briefly flickered to the other three teenagers who were in the building but her thoughts were interrupted by footsteps, moving quickly towards her.
She pressed back into the wall as the patrol passed by, unconsciously willing herself to fade into the shadows. The two guards paused briefly and for a terrible moment Amber thought she had been spotted, but then she saw the flare of a flame and caught sight of the cigarettes hanging from the guard's mouths. They moved on, never realising that Alpha Force were in the building.
Two floors up, Hex was tapping away at a computer, immersed in the complicated computer system. Li looked back from her post at the door. 'How much longer?' she hissed anxiously, her dark brown eyes glancing between him and the door. 'Two minutes and I'll have it.' Hex replied, not looking up from the screen.
'They've got a pretty advanced security system' he grinned 'Shame they're going to have to replace it.' Five seconds later he hit the enter key 'Done.' Li brought the radio she was holding to her lips 'Paulo.' Static crackled in reply. Li glanced worriedly at Hex and tried again. 'Paulo?'