Disclaimer: I do not own Full House, obviously, or any of the characters. This is just the work of a fan….like any other story on this website. I did make up the show Ultimate Dare. It's like Fear Factor. I didn't know if Fear Factor existed back then, lol, so I made up something else.
A/N: this is just a simple jesse-torture fic, lol I'm so mean. Chapter Two, here it is!
Plot: Jesse is sick. simple as that. Picking up from where we left off.
Jesse woke up from his nap feeling a little better, but not much. His stomach didn't hurt as badly, but the pounding in his head canceled out that fact. His diaphragm was still sore, and his eyes were itchy and watery. He sat up a little and stretched. Becky sat down next to him as soon as she saw that he was awake.
"Are you feeling any better after your nap?" she asked, rubbing his back.
"A little," Jesse said, giving his wife the privilege of seeing him smile.
"Good. Do you think you can eat something?"
The thought of food unsettled his stomach a little, but he was so hungry. He decided to try for it. "Yeah…I think I can."
"Okay. I'll go make you some soup. Is that good?"
"Yeah, I'm starving."
Becky kissed him on the cheek and left to prepare him some soup. Jesse tried to stay sitting up, but he was too weak. He fell back onto his pillows, breathing heavy. For a few minuets, he just stared up at the ceiling, waiting for Becky to come back. When she finally did, it was with a bowl of chicken soup in her hands.
"Be careful, it's hot. And take small sips, one at a time. I don't want you getting sick again."
"Yeah, neither do I." Jesse forced himself to sit up, and Becky helped him stay that way by making a wall of pillows around him. He took the spoon and took a little at a time. Soup had never tasted so good. "That's amazing…it tastes so good!"
Becky smiled. "It's just soup."
"No, it's more than that. It's great…the broth…" he trailed off. He couldn't think of anything that'd ever tasted so good to him. He struggled to contain himself to take small sips. He wanted to chug the whole thing.
Becky helped Jesse to eat the soup, until finally it was gone. She hoped he would hold it in. "There…why don't you try to sleep again? Now that you've got some food in you."
"I think I will!" Jesse said happily. He felt so much better now that he'd eaten. How wonderful it felt to be full.
"Okay. I'm going to go downstairs for awhile, alright? Call if you need me."
"Okay. I'll…I'll be…fine." He trailed off as he immediately fell asleep.
Becky smiled and kissed him. She was so happy to see him feeling a little better. "Sleep well."
Jesse woke up and looked at the clock. 5:30. He'd been asleep for three hours. He didn't feel as good as he had before he went to sleep. His stomach was gurgling, and he still had that horrible headache. His diaphragm wasn't quite as sore, but his eyes were still watery. He wondered if he was ever going to feel better.
He sat up slowly and moved to get out of bed. He seemed okay, so he stood. This motion was a little too much, and an immediate rush of nausea swept over him. He put out a hand and held himself against the wall, closing his eyes and blowing out. He tried his best to quiet his stomach. The feeling passed as quickly as it had come. He sat back down on the bed.
Stephanie came up to check on him and approached slowly, as if the room were quarantined. "Uncle Jesse? Are you feeling any better?"
"Not really, kid." He said, looking at her. "I got kind of weird just then…so you might want to leave."
"Becky wants to know if you threw up again."
Why do they keep saying that word…well, words"Nope." He answered simply.
"Good! I hope you feel better, Uncle Jesse." Stephanie said, patting his shoulder and leaving.
God? Are you going to let me go any time soon? Jesse asked in his mind, dropping his head. He sat there for a few minuets, bored to death. He was almost happy when Becky came up again. "Becky…how ya been?"
"How have you been?" she asked, putting her hand to his forehead.
"Been better."
"You're still hot."
"I feel hot."
"Do you think you can drink?"
That thought nauseated him. "Umm…I'll wait a little while before I drink something."
"Okay, sorry. Do you think you can come downstairs?"
"I think so."
Becky helped him to his feet and down the stairs. Once they were in the family room, she let him collapse onto the couch. Everyone was there in an instant, asking if he was feeling alright. He just told them that he was fine, he just needed some quiet. Becky turned on the TV and sat down next to him. They were watching a show called Ultimate Dare. It was one of Jesse's favorite shows. The bad luck was, they had turned it on right at the dinner course dare. Today, it was some pile of shit with fish eyes sprinkled over it. Jesse insisted that it was okay to watch, he was feeling much better. But he was lying. His stomach was getting queasier by the minuet.
Everyone gathered to watch the show. Stephanie shouted "That's sick!" many times. DJ wouldn't watch it. She said it was disgusting, and went to her room. Michelle was fine with it; she'd watched it with Jesse many times. Joey and Danny were squeamish, but they watched it anyway. Jesse, however…Jesse didn't make it past five minuets. He jumped up from the couch and ran into the kitchen, covering his mouth with his hand. He headed to the sink and threw up a lot of the soup he'd eaten. Becky, Michelle, and Danny raced after him. Becky was at his side in an instant, rubbing his back and consoling him.
"I knew that show wasn't good for sick guys." Danny said, trying to make a joke.
Jesse stopped for a second and looked at him from the sink. "Please go away, everyone. I'm fine, really." He was so embarrassed. His already-hot cheeks were burning.
"Honey…let's go back upstairs," She said when he stopped. She helped him get back up the stairs without falling. He was so limp. She sat him down on the couch and sat the small wastebasket by his feet again. "I know you want to be left alone…but if you need anything, we're all downstairs." She kissed him and started to walk away.
"Becky?" he muttered weakly.
She turned around. "Yes?"
"Thanks…thanks for helping me out."
Becky smiled. "You just stay there and rest…I know it's boring, but just…read a magazine or something."
She left. While she was gone, he threw up a few more times, emptying out everything. Eventually he figured there was nothing left. There couldn't be.
He lifted his head out of the wastebasket, after that last time. He dropped it at his feet and lay back, relaxing. Strangely, he felt better.
DJ came up with a glass of water. "Becky wants you to drink this. She says take small sips."
He took the glass from her and thanked her as she walked away. He took a few sips every few minuets, amazed at how good water tasted right then. A few minuets later, Becky was there with more soup.
"I want you to try and eat again. Go slowly." She put the soup on the coffee table.
"Okay, but if I puke again, I'm blaming you and your soup." He took the spoon and took a very small sip.
"Oh, Jess…I'm sorry you're sick."
"Actually I'm feeling a little better now. I think I got everything up and out." He tried to make his voice sound playful, but it came out miserable.
"You just eat that up…I'll be back soon."
"You keep leaving me!" he joked.
"Oh, stop that…I feel bad enough!"
"Don't feel bad." He ate more soup. And more. And more as the minuets went by. Soon he was staring at an empty bowl, leaning back in the couch with a full stomach. He almost felt drunk, ready to fall asleep. He decided to try and walk to his bed. Standing slowly, he made his way to the bed, surprisingly not falling in-between. Once there, he collapsed and sighed deeply. This horrible day was finally over.
Suddenly, he felt warmth against him. He turned to see Becky's beautiful face, smiling at him. "Good-night, honey." She said. She wrapped her arms around him, cuddling up and soothing him. "You'll feel better in the morning…I promise."
He smiled back. "If I wasn't sick we could have some fun."
"Oh! You just go to sleep, mister." She giggled and kissed him just as his eyes slipped shut.
Jesse woke up at 2:30 p.m! The longest he'd slept in a long, long time. He sighed deeply, lying there vacantly waiting to see how he felt. He only had a slight headache, but his diaphragm was killing him. He put a hand to his stomach and sat up. Becky was still there, looking at him.
"How are you feeling?" she asked.
"A lot better."
"I'm glad." She smiled and kissed him.
"Thanks for taking care of me, Becky. I love you." He rested his forehead on hers, just to where he could see her eyes.
"Through sickness and health, right?"
He smiled and kissed her. "You got it."
A/N: Sorry I got all sappy there, lol. And sorry it was a little short. So tell me! What'd you think?