The Couples

Everyone always says spring is the season for love, but at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, autumn seemed to be that season.

It was September 12th, three days after Harry, Ron and Hermione had arrived to Hogwarts for their seventh year at it. They had all changed so much over the break, you wouldn't tell it was them.

Harry's hair was neater, more like tousled then messy, and his glittering green eyes were no longer hidden behind glasses. Ron had gotten taller, as usual, and he seemed to grow bigger muscles. And Hermione had her hair straightened and had gotten into shape. The three looked great, and soon became three of the hottest students in the school.

Harry had long gotten over Cho Chang, realizing she would rather cry over Cedric Diggory's death in fourth year then care about Harry. He had moved on to Ginny Weasley, Ron's youngest and only sister, and they had been dating ever since the beginning of sixth year. They looked great together and both loved each other's company.

But, on this day, Hermione felt different. She felt as if she didn't want them together and would rather have him and herself as a couple. She had never felt this way about Harry before now.

Anyway, onto the story...


Hermione folded her robes neatly into her wardrobe, shutting the doors and turning on her heel. It was nine am on September 12th and she had woken up first. In the bed beside hers lay Lavender Brown and on the other side, Parvati Patil. She shrugged her shoulders and pulled on her long, beige cardigan before walking out the dormitory and to the common room.

The fire was already burning, but it was still cool in there, so she left her cardigan on. She smiled and made her way to the two piles of towering books where Ron and Harry must have been hidden behind.

"Hey, guys,"she said and moved the books aside, startled to see it was Colin Creevey and his friend.

"Oh, sorry Colin,"she said and looked around, sighing as she realized they were still in bed. Hermione walked up the steps to the boy's dormitory and knocked on it quietly. She waited 3 minutes before Harry opened the door, wearing nothing but boxers to expose his well built stomach and chest.

"What do you..."he said and froze as he saw Hermione, grabbing the long coat and pulling it over him. Hermione laughed."Nice outfit,"she said. Harry grinned and stuck his tongue out.

"I was going down to see Hagrid, did you guys want to come?"she asked. Harry looked over at Ron's bed, where he rolled in his sleep and occasionally yelled,"AH! SPIDERS!" Harry sighed and turned to her.

"Yeah, I doubt he's comin'. But sure, just give me a second,"he said. She nodded and walked down to the common room to wait.

Five minutes later, Harry walked down in jeans and a grey T-shirt, smiling and throwing his leather jacket on."Come on,"he said and grabbed Hermione's hand as they walked out and to the grounds.

The two friends made their way to Hagrid's hut and knocked on the door of it. Slowly, it creaked open to reveal Hagrid and Fang, drooling onto Harry's foot.

" 'Ello, you two,"he said and pulled Fang back."What yer doin' 'ere?"

"We came to see how you were,"Hermione said and rubbed her arms. Harry draped his arm over her to warm her up, and Hermione's stomach did a black flip.

"Yer, I'm fine. Wanna come in for a bit o' tea?"Hagrid asked. Harry looked at Hermione and shook his head."We have to go eat. We'll come back with Ron later,"he said.

"Alrigh'. See you two later."He shut his door.

Harry and Hermione trudged back up to Hogwarts and walked inside, making their way to the Great Hall. They opened the doors and sat at the Gryffindor table.

"Morning Hermione. Hey sweetie,"Ginny said from across Hermione. Harry sat next to Ginny and kissed her cheek."Hey babe, what's for breakfast?"

Hermione glanced up at the couple infront of her and frowned slightly. Seeing the two together hurt her heart so much, she couldn't even eat anymore without them making out infront of her. She looked up at Ginny. She was alot prettier than she had been. She had darkened her hair a bit, more of a light brown, and she had gotten a bit of a tan. Her face structure was slim and she looked great. As Hermione studied her, Harry leaned in and kissed her mouth soft at first but growing more intense. She shook her head away from the scene and grabbed the bowl of mashed potatoes, scooping it to her plate.

A few minutes later, after Harry and Ginny had stopped, Ron made his way into the Great Hall and sat beside Hermione, staring at his empty plate with a mournful look.

"You okay?"Hermione asked, patting his shoulder. Ron gulped and nodded."Er...yeah...I think so,"he said. She sighed."Lavender?"

Ron nodded. He and Lavender had been dating for almost two years now, enjoying the time together, but yesterday, Ron had seen Lavender making out with Seamus Finnagin under a tree on the grounds and he'd broken up with her. He was still having a hard time to get over her.

"Ron, why don't you ask someone else out? Like Fleur?"Ginny said. Ron's head snapped up to the Ravenclaw table and stared at the back of a white blond's head. Fleur had been exchanged here after Madame Maxime had gone insane and left, so she wanted to find someone else.

"Hmm...that's a really good idea. Besides, Lavender hates Fleur. She'll be sorry when she see's I'm dating her,"he said and nodded, getting up."I'm going to do it, so be right back."

Harry, Ginny and Hermione's eyes followed Ron as he made his way to Fleur. He tapped her shoulder and chewed his lip as she turned to him.

"Ah! Ron! May I be helping you?"she said in her thick accent. Ron nodded."Um, can we talk outside?"he asked. Fleur nodded and tapped Padma Patil's shoulder to whisper something, got up and followed Ron out the Great Hall.

"He's gone to ask her,"Harry said and laughed. Ginny smiled and whispered something to Harry, who's eyes widened and glanced at Ginny. She nodded and the two walked out, leaving Hermione heartbroken and alone. Dean Thomas, who had a small crush on Hermione, slid his food down across from her and was soon followed by Seamus and Neville.

"You alright, Hermione?" Dean asked. Seamus looked at Neville, who shaked his head and turned it to Hermione.

"Yeah, I'm fine,"she said and looked into her lap. Dean reached over and patted her shoulder soothingly.

"Say, did you see the new towels in the washroom?"Seamus said, trying to leave her and Dean alone.

"No! I haven't! Let's go see!"Neville said a bit too cheerfully and the two leapt from the table, running out.

Dean looked around and cleared his throat."Um, did you want to go walk?"he asked. She nodded and they got up, walking out the Great Hall. Over in the corner, Ron was smiling and hugging Fleur, who was doing the same to Ron, and by the stairs, Harry and Ginny were making out, which made Hermione sigh a bit.

Dean and Hermione walked outside and down to the tree Lavender and Seamus had been at. She sat down by the trunk and Dean sat across from her. She looked up.

"So, uh, Hermione, I've been meaning to...ask you something,"he stuttered. Hermione laughed quietly and nodded."Go ahead."

"Um, I was wondering wanted to go out sometime, to Hogsmead or something,"he said nervously. Hermione closed her eyes in thought. Dean was a great guy. He was smart, funny, nice and pretty hot. He'd be great and it was time to get over Harry anyway.

"Sure, that'd be great,"she said and smiled. Dean smiled to and patted her knee."Great, so, I'll see you around,"he said. Hermione nodded and kissed his cheek before he got up, walking away and touching his cheek. Hermione watched Dean walk away. Yeah, tomorrow was the first Hogsmead trip, it'd be great. She closed her eyes and sighed. Would it?

(A/N: First chapter of my new story! I'm also working on another story and a new chapter for This Kiss Kiss This! and will shortly be working on What Happens Tomorrow and Hot In Here)