365 Days and I Love You


a.n.: Attention! This is a longer chapter then most.. And my writhing style, I hope… Has become more descriptive and… well… better! Let me know if you think so too! (Just so I know I'm not being too self-absorbed! Oh! And review please!


It takes a lot for me to say this

And despite what you may be thinking, it's true…


Now what are you going to do?

PLEASE don't leave me wondering!


January: Trunks

January 4th-


So how was the weekend? Busy? Must have been. You never called me. Was it what happened between us? God, I hope not! I've been working my ass off to work with this journal! It can't all go to waste! No! I won't let it! When you get home today, I'm just going to tell you! I need you pan! REALLY, REALLY need you!


January 6th-

You're coming home on the ninth. What am I supposed to do until then? Wait? Wish? Forget? I pray you'll call me, but I have really no idea. It's killing me, and in the worst possible way. Part of me just wants to move on. The other part is telling me I need to fight for what I want. I just have no idea what I'm doing right now. Or what I'm going to do. Phone's ringing… maybe it's you?


January 7th-

You're home. Earlier than expected, but you're here. You asked me to come get you. I did. You were crying. But I came. You came out from the house, suitcase in hand, eyes puffy with sadness. Poor Pan has the worst of luck with guys. Could I change that? Could I try to make things better? You threw your arms around me, dropping your suitcase in the process. "I missed you," you whispered. I wish you hadn't done that. But at the same time, it reminded me why I started this whole thing in the first place. YOU. You're the one for me… but I have no idea if I'm the one for you.


January 10th-

We drove for a long time, but we couldn't exactly make it home without taking a break. We stopped at a hotel for a night because you claimed the seats in my car sucked. The motel was out of single beds. I said that we could just find another one. But you interrupted and said double is fine. I was shocked. What does this mean?

We got upstairs and the first thing you did was eat both the chocolates off both of the pillows. I yelled at you jokingly and eventually, we were having a pillow fight. At 3 in the morning. The people in the room next to us knocked on the wall trying to make us shut up. We did, then went down to the end of the hall to the vending machines. You were in one of your over-sized men's t-shirts and I was in my boxers and work shirt. It was pretty embarrassing. But! When you bent over to get your soda, I saw you were wearing a pink thong. Me-ow. But I'm not saying I was looking or anything…


January 11th-

You woke me up jumping on the bed. Honestly, Pan… you're a three-year-old stuck in a woman's body. A sexy, beautiful woman… with pink thongs. You were eating Cheerio's, spilling them everywhere. You stopped, then looked at me sweetly. "Did I wake you?" You said, jokingly. God, I hate you sometimes.

But can't help loving you like I do…


January 11th (night)-

Car troubles today. You would think I would know how to fix it… But honestly, I haven't the slightest idea. We had to stay another night because the repair shop was closed. The hotel staff wasn't too happy to hear about that. The cleaning lady stopped by the room and told you to lay off the Cheerio's for the night. Like an hour later from playing online Jeopardy, you decided for me that I was tired and I wanted to go to bed. So we laid down and like the child you are, you built a pillow fort. When I came out of the bathroom from brushing my teeth, you popped out of the fort like some rabid two-year old. You scared the shit out of me. I totally forgot about that side of you. We were laying in bed, talking when it became evident that the people the next room over were having sex. We kept laughing and you even started crying because you thought it was so funny. They finally stopped and we were looking at each other, and you reached out and grabbed my hands. You whispered 'do you trust me?' and, of course, I nodded. So you lowered my hands, still connected to yours, and kissed me. I don't think we stopped. And for a minute there, all I wanted was this. I honestly couldn't think of anything else I wanted to be doing. And I didn't mind not being like the people next door. This was a big step in itself.

Where are we going from here?


January 13th-

We're home. You're looking for an apartment and I'm supposed to come over to go with you to look at one. Phone's ringing. Is it you?


January 13th-

"Wow… this isn't too bad!" Trunks said as he pulled up in front of the apartment building. He looked over a Pan, who had her silky black hair tied in her mother's trademark pigtails and her classic bandanna over them. Trunks reached over and pushed Pan's lengthy bangs from her eyes. "I think you might just like it…" he whispered.

"Yeah… But I bet the carpet has cigarette burns in it and smells like a halfway house." She said, quietly, half-joking.

Trunks smiled and leaned in and kissed her lips. "Since when did we become a 'thing'?" He asked, holding her chin between his thumb and index finger.

"I don't know…" Pan leaned in and kissed Trunks again, the stopped and looked in the review mirror. "Realtor." She stated

"Trunks looked in the mirror. "Now or never, huh?"

Pan nodded and she opened the passenger door and climbed out. Trunks did the same then walked around the front of his car and stood next to Pan. He reached for her hand and held it. "You're shaking…" he whispered to her.

"I'm nervous…" Pan looked down and let go of Trunks' hand.

"Pan! Is that really you!" The realtor exclaimed, walking closer.

Pan looked up. "Josh?"

"The one and only!" The realtor answered, wrapping his arms around Pan's neck. He kissed her cheek. "You are just as beautiful as the last time I saw you."

"France… was just a phase… I'm older, Josh… I've moved on… We're nothing now. You never called anyway."

Trunks, meanwhile was on a roller coaster of emotion. He went from happy, to sad, to angry, to happy in just under five minutes. He felt like somebody was clawing out his heart then duct taping it back together. (And we all know duct tape works for … most … anything.)

"Yes, but… you didn't seem to think so… then."

Trunks saw Pan roll her eyes. She reached out her hand and grabbed Trunks'. "Have you met my fiancé?"

Trunks' eyes widened. 'Fiancé? Big step there, Pan… what are you thinking?' he thought.

"Oh. Well, we ought to look at that apartment then…" The realtor said.

"Yes, we should…" Pan walked with Trunks up the stairs and into the apartment.

"Beautiful place, really… I'll leave you two to think about it, mmmkay?" The realtor walked over to the kitchen area where Trunks was looking at the sink. "She's really something, huh?"

Trunks smiled. "You will never know the half of it." He walked over to join Pan in the bathroom.

"I think I like it…" She whispered.

Trunks smiled and hugged her. "I'm glad…"

"It's a lot smaller than I want for the price…"

"Well, I'd have no problem helping you out with the cash…" He said, looking into Pan's charcoal eyes.

"For real?"

"Have I ever not… been… um," Trunks tripped over his words as Pan hugged him tighter, "Yea, for real…"

"So, you thinking' of buying it?" The realtor stuck his head around the corner.

"Yeah… It's… homely?"

"Well, that's great! I'll give you a call when I'm done with the paperwork and I'm ready for you to sign, mmmkay?"

"Sounds good." Trunks said, smiling.

Pan nodded and then led Trunks out of the apartment. She high fived him, then kissed his cheek. "Trunks is my hero!" She screamed to no one in particular.

Trunks smiled. "Just like old times," he said, getting into his car.

"But this time, we made out…" she added as she kissed his lips lovingly.

January 20th-

We've come so far from where we were… and I don't really even know how it happened. All I know is that I'm thankful that it did. And by tonight, you'll finally be all moved in and we're going to dinner. Is it wrong to say I'm nervous about whether or not you're just tricking me into something you really don't feel like I do?


January 25th-

For lack of things to say, your birthday is next week. You knew that. I have a lot planned. As for dinner on the 20th… uneventful. I dropped you off with a kiss on your cheek and a 'call me'… but you didn't…

Did you forget?
