Prologue (Haley's POV)

So this is probably a very, twisted, extended, little Brady semi-physcopathic Bunch of a family we have here. But we all live here and have lived here, in Tree Hill, since we were born. Sure some of us left, and came back. Well not all, but that doesn't change the fact that this is home, to all of us, and always will be. I have my own little heaven on Earth here most days. I mean, yeah, there are things I wish were different, things that would make our little heaven here a little better. But I still love it here. With my Brady Bunch.

Lucas, Brooke, Jake, and Peyton are my best friends. Lucas is like my brother, in all the ways that count, and even is sort of, technically. Brooke and Peyton are amazing, and always know how to cheer me up, and help me out with Megan whenever I need help. Jake is there for me too, having Jenny and all, he knows a lot. So does Karen, Luke's mom, and my surrogate mother. She was in the same situation I was in. Keith is also like my father, even though he isn't anyone's real father, but he has been more than happy to be the best surrogate father we all have. Dan and Deb are Nathan parents. And Dan is Luke's father. They've worked everything out afer two and a half years of counseling and after Dan's sudden need to be close with Nathan and Lucas, everything feel into place.

Lucas and Brooke and Jake and Peyton are dating. Well, actually Lucas and Brooke are engaged, and Jake and Peyton are living together and raising Jenny, Jake's daughter. Karen and Keith are dating, too, but they live together, they take care of all of us, and act more married then most married couples do. But neither is ready to make that commitment just yet, some day I know they will. But right now I just don't see that happening.

Megan and I live together in a house I bought with the inheritance I got from my grandfather. It was just enough to put the down payment on the house and pay the first three months in mortgage payments, but I love the house, there is two extra rooms that my real family and sometimes my surrogete one stays in when they suddenly drop through town, unexpectedly.

Megan Rose Scott is my pride and joy, my adorable baby girl. I love her to death and am so glad I have her. Sure it was hard at first, going to school, taking care of her, and working at Karen's café. But my Brady Bunch was more than happy to come to my rescue and take her while I went to classes at Duke. Lucas and Jake got basketball scholarships there and Brooke had her parents money, and Peyton got a art scholarship there as well. I got a half-scholarship for my grades, and the rest I got student loans for. It all worked out okay, I got my teaching degree, and I got a great job at Tree Hill High. Which is perfect because now that Megan is starting kindergarten next fall, it will be easier to work and take care of her, having my hours be when she is at school.

But you are probably wondering how I got Megan. Well, I am a single mother who got married at 17 and pregnant the summer before freshman year of college. At 18 I got pregnant! I was scared as hell to tell anyone. So I just stayed in Tree Hill and let my husband leave me without getting a chance to tell him that I was pregnant. But I cant blame Nathan, my husband, I knew basketball was important to him and UCLA offered him a full ride basketball scholarship. I didn't want him to turn it down because he felt obligated to take care of the baby. So I just let him leave thinking everything was fine and that my morning sickness was just a flu. I didnt tell him. I was scared. But boy, o boy, did Dan ever tell him. He told him that he was to get his 'sorry back here before he threw the most important thing in this life away.' Of course he was too stubborn to listen, and I did honestly have half a mind to get on a plane and go tell him, but my doctor told me it might induce labor so I stayed put. He blamed me for not telling him and once college was done he went into the NBA. He never calls, even though we are still technically married, and only ever talks to Lucas or Dan. But everyone was really supportive of me, and it has been working out okay. I have Megan, four best friends, and four amazing parents, in all the ways that count, they are my family. My Brady Bunch.

But here it is 5 years later, and Brooke and Lucas's marriage is threatening to tear my Brady Bunch apart. That was never in the show. They were so happy. Nathan is coming home two weeks before the wedding (he's best man) and he's got everyone acting like the situation is a china doll ready to be dropped and shatter into a billion and one pieces at any minute. Honestly, after 5 years of not talking to him at all, I'd be absolutely ecstatic that he was coming home, and that he told Brooke he was looking foward to seeing me. If it weren't for the fact that he might break Megan's poor naive like heart.