Author's Note: This is my fic of Fairy Tales on One Piece, it's a One

Piece story when I put One Piece characters onto fairy

Tales and still with their abilities of course, enjoy the

story and review, please! Sorry for grammar mistakes.

Disclaimer : Eiichiro Oda-sensei and Mary Man-kong as the maker of the story.

Well, enjoy the story!

The Princess and the Pauper part 1


Anneliese : Nico Robin

Erica : Nami

Julian : Roronoah Zoro

Dominick : Sanji

Queen : Vivi Neferutari

Preminger : Enel

Mrs. Carp : Hina

C. Guardian: Luffy, Chopper, Smoker, Mr.2 and Ace

Taylor : Tashigi and Ms. Golden Week

Serafina : Kaya

Wolfy : Ussop

Midas : Kuro

Others : Shura, Satori, Gedatsu and Ohm

Once Upon a time, there were born two little girl at separated places. The first is Nami, Nami had grown in a poor condition and she's working for a Taylor named Hina. Nami worked there to retrieve her parent's loans. The other one was named Nico Robin, but people often call her as Robin. Better than Nami, Robin lives as a princess and had grown up that way, she always do such as princess duty with guidance from her teacher Zoro.

Sure is that their live were different each other, but their faces was almost the same. There's only thing that were different from them was their hair color, Robin's were black and Nami's were orange. One more, Robin had a crown sign on her shoulder.

At one day, Robin was complaining about her live as a princess. "Mom, can I go outside and breath fresh air?" asked the princess to her mother, the queen Vivi Neferutari. Her father Kohza, were died when she was newborn.

"Exactly no, my dear." replied Vivi. She walked from her chair and tapped her hand on Robin's head. "How many times I should tell you that outside the castle were dangers." She added.

"But, you've promised me that you would…" Robin's word was cut off.

SSRRRRRT! The sound of the peacock string was pulled with an I-kill-you-if-you-break-my-rules expression.

"O…Okay!" said Robin hurried. She can't break Vivi's rules even though she wanted to be, Zoro will ignored the princess's request. After that, Robin went back to her room. "Oh, please Zoro! Take me out for just once!" demanded Robin to her teacher. She looked at Zoro in a hopeless girl expression.

"N…no, princess!" denied Zoro, his face is blushy red. He loved the princess at first sight when he was transferred to be the castle mercenary, but it's still impossible though for a low payment merc like him to marry a princess. "I can't princess! You'd better kill me better than break the queen's rules." he added, face's still blushy.

"Okay, I know that she's scary, I could kill her if I want with my hana-hana power, but I can't because she's my mother." said Robin. She hugged her lovely cat named Kaya. "What should I do kaya?" she asked with a hopeless expression again.

Zoro confused, he wanted to give his lovely princess a freedom. But on the other side, he must obey the queen (at least on my fic). But then, Zoro had made a plan to take Robin gone outside and the queen wouldn't notice anything. "Okay then my princess, I can make some plan…" said Zoro, then he sighed.

"What? You can! Oh Zoro, you're the best teacher that I ever had!" yelled Robin while running straight to hug her lovely nice teacher. "Thank you Zoro!" she added.

"W…wait, don't hugged me like that. Princess!" yelled Zoro, blushy boiled red in the Robin's hug.

"Oops!" Robin startled, she quickly pushed away Zoro in also blushy face. "I… I'm sorry… Ill go and get change!" she apologize then she headed to her bathroom.

"I… I'm gonna set a horse-ride right away." said Zoro, then he ran through leaving Robin's room.


"Captain Zoro, what was this train for?" asked Chopper, he's now in a walking point form to give the horse-ride a right direction to the castle background.

"How can I say it? Just call it a little freedom for our princess." replied Zoro. He raised hand up to his shoulder with I-don't-know-what-to-say expression.

Drap Drap Drap Drap! The sound of someone running on the back hall headed to the castle background.

"Zoro! Wait." yelled Robin. She's ran through the hall and finally arrived on the background. "Yes! I'm finally can get adventures from this." said Robin happily, then she entered the horse-ride.

"Yosh, finally done!" yelled Luffy, some of the main guardian with Chopper. "Let's just sent our princess to adventures!" he added.

"You stupid, the princess will be just walking around in the village. Besides, we have to keep this as a secret from the Queen." exclaimed Chopper, while throwing a punch to Luffy's head in Heavy point form.

"What's all this noise?" the Queen came from the front yard with suspicious feelings.

"No, nothing at all your majesty!" exclaimed Zoro. He gulped once to remove his nervous.

"Nothing?" asked the Queen." she headed to the horse-ride. "Then why is the horse-ride was here?" she added.

Luckily, the horse cabin window was covered curtain. So Robin was hided from inside.

"I just… wanted to bring the horse walking around the village." replied Zoro, then he quickly pulled the horse's rope.

Ngiiiiiik! Roan the horse, then it ran through left the castle.

"Hey, Chopper! Is there something the matter?" asked the Queen. But it's to late, Chopper had brought Luffy on his hand then ran quickly. "Huh, strange… they never acting strange like that before…" said Vivi astonished.

Vivi returned to the big hall where her sit was there, there she received some report from an Underground Guardian.

"What? Our Golden mine has gone, there's no anything left!" asked Vivi startled. She tapped her hand to her forehead.

"Exactly my lord… Even Mr. Enel had saw it with us." replied Smoker, the Underground Guardian. He kneeled in front of Vivi.

"Is that true, Enel?" asked Vivi.

A man came from a slide shadow, appeared with a white headband, eating an apple, wear a simple white motive pants and body naked. You've guess it, Enel. He kneeled in front of Vivi. "Yes! Your Highness, absolutely nothing there." He replied even though he is the one who planned the missing gold, wanted to marry the Queen so he can be the next king.

"Oh no, now what should we do?" Vivi confused. She dropped some tears, how she can live her people.

"Don't-wo-rry-Vi-vi-chan!" a hermaphrodite came from the hall door, wear a simple shirt with swan motive, pumpkin blue pants, long pink coat, a bandana and swan decorative in the coat. Exactly Mr.2…

"Mr.2, why are you here?" asked Vivi.

"Hey! Don't call the Queen with her name!" yelled Smoker, pointing his marine sword to Mr.2's chest.

"It's alright, Smoker!" yelled Vivi, she stood from her chair, moved the marine sword from Mr.2's chest. "Tell me, Okama-chan! What should I do?" asked Vivi while she yanked the Okama's chest.

"Oh, it's simple. You just have to found the new King for your daughter." replied Mr.2.

"Yes that's right!" exclaimed Vivi and pushed the Okama back. "I will tell Chopper if he can find someone." said Vivi then ran to the front yard followed by Smoker.

"Hum, this is the best way I think!" exclaimed Mr.2. He stared mischievously to Enel.

"You, bastard!" yelled Enel, he yanked the Okama. "Don't you disturbing me with my plan" warned Enel.

"I know your plan, Enel. And I will stop you if I want. There's no way you'll be the King." exclaimed Mr.2. "I've put many trap if you kill me, they would suddenly know you've kill me." he warned.

"Sigh!" mumbled Enel, he pushed the Okama away. "Try if you could!" yelled Enel. Then he left the hall and headed to the consultant room.


-Meanwhile, on the Village…-

Robin caught herself in the middle of stores on the village. She wore a long dress with silky purple skirt and blue hood. She's cuter than wearing a princess dress, that her dress now had made Zoro blushed.

"Oh, I'm so happy if I'll be free to do anything I want here…" sighed Robin when she took her walk on the Village. "Teacher, can you get me a glass of water while I took another walk?" she asked.

"Ok! But don't call me teacher anymore, it's to formal." replied Zoro.

"Well, what about Zoro?" she asked with a smile on her face.

Zoro's face boiled. "W…whatever you want, then…" he got out from the horse-ride then he ran quickly from there, to find water… I think.

Suddenly, Robin heard a beautiful song. She ran to the voice town square and she saw the singer in a red hood, pink shirt and long silky orange skirt. "What a beautiful voice!" said Robin while the other gave her money in a can that held on a brown male cat. Robin gave her applause, then she stepped to the poor girl.

"Hi!" greeted Robin. The singer turned her face to Robin.

Both of them startled

"You…you're just like me!" yelled them both in unison.

The scene turned silent, both of them opened wide their eyes.

"What's your name?" asked them both, in unison again.

The scene turned silent again, then Robin was finally made her decision.

"Uh, you go first!" said Robin offering his hand to the singer. She pulled Kaya to her hug. The male cat looked at Kaya in a blushy face.

"First, we've to open our hood." said the singer.

They both opened their hood and take a long breath-blow.

"Thank god that our hair was not the same." said the singer, she tapped her hand to her chest.

"Yup, and a crown sign on my shoulder." added Robin, showing her shoulder off.

"Oh, well… my name is Nami." said the singer, tapped her hand each other. "And… you?" asked Nami.

"What, me?" startled Robin, she tapped her forefinger to her chic. "Well, my name is Robin…" she replied.

"Wow! You have the same name as the princess, uh?" Nami astonished. She realized that the girl in front of her was really is the princess. "W… what a pleasure to meet you, Your Highness!" said Nami while she bend her head as a salute to Robin.

"No, no! You don't have being such formal like that!" yelled Robin. She shook her hand as hesitate. "It would be dangerous if someone noticed that I'm a princess." she added. She put her hood back followed by Nami.

"Why are you here, in a dirty place where you shouldn't be?" asked Nami.

"Why? As long as people still eating rice like me, why can't I go to a place where people live? I want to be free with my life if I could, better than doing those troublesome princess stuff!" exclaimed Robin.

"So, it's like that! But different with you, I prefer more to live in a big place, rich and had a lot of luxurious." explained Nami.

"What? It can't be, it was very boring to live there. There's nothing special like the adventure pirate book 'One Piece' that I'd red before." added Robin.

"Yup, it's different for the one who lived as a princess. Not for me that'd born to pay back my parent's loan." she said.

"So, you've a terrible condition like that? What's your job to pay back?" asked Robin.

"I'm working as a Taylor in Ms. Hina's dress shop." replied Nami.

"What, you're a Taylor? I think you're a singer! You're voice was very beautiful, you know?" complimented Robin.

"Is it so? Oh god, even the princess love my voice! Don't made me such special, please!" begged Nami, blushed.

"Yeah, and you've to sing in the castle someday, okay?" asked Robin.

"Uh, yeah, if the princess want me to… alright!" replied Nami.

Zoro came from a far. He brought two bottles of water. The girls looked at him. "Princess, I've brought the water…" he stopped, tried to looking some differences between two girls. He startled, suddenly he dropped the bottles. "What? Which was?" asked Zoro hurried. The girls threw an extremely laughed on him.

The girls opened their hood, Zoro released his deep breath.

"You lady, you've the same face as the princess!" said Zoro. "Who're you?" he asked.

"My name's Nami, nice to meet you!" greeted Nami.

"Hey Zoro, can we take this girl to sing in the castle? She'd an extremely beautiful voice." exclaimed Robin.

"I'm afraid I can't!" he replied. "If I do that, I'm sure that the queen will know what exactly we do on the village!" he added. He shook his head as apologize.

"Huh, so you can't? But then… Nami is…" said Robin. She put a sad face on Zoro.

"What me? I'm okay with being a taylor, don't worry about me!" yelled Nami, showing an I'm-okay expression, although she's a bit disappointed.

"Nami! Get back here already, you damn brat!" yelled a woman inside Hina's dress shop. She's on a white shirt covered with pinky coat and pinky pants.

"And who's exactly that girl?" asked Zoro, pointed his forefinger to the woman.

"It's Ms. Hina, she's a creepy girl, the owner of the store." replied Nami. Sighed, then slowly walk to the store.

"What an annoying woman, I kill her!" yelled Robin, she move her hand in cross form to release the Hana-hana demon fruit power.

"Wait! Don't do that!" yelled Nami that'd suddenly stopped Robin.

"Why? She had called my new friend 'Damn Brat'!" defended Robin.

"I appreciate that you're defending me. But if you do that, the situation will become worse!" yelled Nami. "I've tried once to play trick on her with my Clima-Tack (Her weapon made from an Iron stick), but she always gave the loan more if I do something worse, please understand me…" she begged.

"O… okay then." sighed Robin.

"NAMI !" yelled Hina again.

"Okay Miss!" yelled Nami. Then quickly ran to the shop. "I'll see you later!" she added. She turned her face back and quickly took a sat on the dresser.

"Come on, princess. Let's head back to the castle, I'm afraid the Queen wouldn't found you in your room!" exclaimed Zoro. Then he and Robin go back and sit on the horse-ride.

"You know, Zoro…?" asked Robin. She bent her head with an awful face.

"Know what?" Zoro asked back. He turned his face from the horse to the cabin.

"That girl, I think we can give her more satisfaction life if we could." sighed Robin, then turned her face against Zoro.

"Well, I guess so! But we couldn't, the Queen will sure blame on us if we brought her at this time." exclaimed Zoro.

"Really!" convinced Robin, she seems to be happy. "So, next time… I'll take her to sing here." said Robin with a blasting desire. Flame's also blasting on the background scene.


-Back to the castle…-

Robin got herself out from the horse-ride, throw the hood away and arrange her hair straightly to put I'm-not-from-anywhere condition. She stepped to the front yard, not a single minutes, Vivi came out from the main front door.

"Robin, my dear!" yelled the Queen while she hugged her lovely daughter. "Listen, I've got news. First, a bad news, second, the good news." she added.

"Wha… what is it, mother?" asked Robin, startled to saw her mother doing unusual thing like hugging before.

"It's a…" Vivi's word cut off.


Author's note: Well, how was it? Do you think it's good, tell me with reviews, and if you want me to Up Date, tell me with reviews. But if you want to know me, find it yourself. Tell me if there's much cracking humors, or if you don't like the cast of each character with reviews to. Or maybe you want some fan service? Tell me with reviews. Enough talking about reviews! Just enjoy the story and review (again).