Breakfast Club




Basket Case…Haley


6:55 am on a cold spring morning in March 1984.

Blond hair glinted in the early morning sun as it crept over the trees to burnish the world with its light. Tattered blue jeans, with holes in the knees, black high tops, one with a red bandanna wrapped around the ankle walked across the dew kissed grass of the field. A blue jean jacket hung on solid shoulders, over a black shirt. A hard face with feral angled cheeks grimaced as he looked at the grey institution where he spent almost every Saturday.

Running his hand through his shaggy golden locks, he pulled a lighter out of his pocket and lit a cigarette. Inhaling deeply, he felt the burn of the tar in his throat, blowing out the smoke, he watched it fade into the crisp morning air.

Coming up to the door which would lead him to his haven from hell, he ran his fingers lingeringly over the smooth asphalt cement that structured the holy educational institution.

A dark blue pick up truck pulled up to the entrance of Tree Hill High, clad in his blue and white Ravens jacket, Nathan sat in the passenger seat and looked out the window.

"Is this gonna happen again, son?" his dad asked.

"No Dad, I promise." Nathan looked at his father, at the cruelty and anger etched in his face from the sadistic lines marking his mouth in its permanent downwards scowl.

I don't want to become this man, he thought to himself.

"Look at me son, when I talk to you," his dad grabbed his chin in his hands and forced Nathan to look at him.

"Yeah Dad, I get it, see you at 5," Nathan wrenched his face out of his father's cold thick fingers. Slamming the door, he shouldered his backpack full of food and stuff.

A gray Mercedes Benz pulled up in front of the school, Brooke looked out at the school. "Daddy, couldn't you have gotten me out of this?" she pleaded with her big brown eyes.

"Sorry sugar, but Daddy tried, the principal just wouldn't budge, sorry," he patted her on the head.

"Thanks," a hint of sarcasm coated her tone, as she grabbed her coat and got out of the car.

"Wait sweetie, don't forget your lunch," he handed her a black case.

"Thanks," her lips curved in a fake smile and she shut the door, waving at her dad as he drove away. Rolling her eyes, she looked up at the school, resigned to her fate. Ascending the stairs, she sighed and opened the door, heading to the library.

A green truck pulled up to the front of the school steps. "Is this the first and last time, we're gonna go through this, Peyton Sawyer?" her mother demanded.

"Yes Mom," Peyton said.

"Well don't let it happen again, god your father-"

Peyton cut her off, "I get it ok, god just because they found a gun in my locker, doesn't mean the world ends," getting out of the truck, she went to slam the door. Her mother's hand stopped her.

"Peyton Elizabeth Sawyer, listen to me, if you get detention again, you'll be grounded for a month," her mother threatened.

"Like I care, the only thing I do is spend time in my room, doing homework anyways and I take Drama and get an F, cause I can't act and if I don't get straight A's, then you and Dad have a shitfit." Walking away from the door, she ignored her mother yelling her name.

Turning at the top of the stairs, she yelled, "I don't care, leave me alone." She ran to the front door and swept inside, carrying her satchel over her shoulder.

A burgundy oldsmobile creaked up to corner of the stairs leading up to the school, a mouse of a girl got out of the backseat on the passenger side. She moved forward to the passenger side of the car to talk to the person sitting in it.

The car roared away from her. The girl shrugged her shoulders, looked up at the school and walked inside. Pulling her brown hood over her head, she walked with slumped shoulders, her brown messenger bag twisted messily around her hips as she moved.

7:04 am

Corkscrew curls framed a face of beauty, but insignificant in this time, because she was labeled the geek in this reality. Belonging to the physics, latin and math club, she was an academic leader. Sitting down at a table on the right in the middle, she buried her head in her hands, going over the conversation, she'd had with her mother only minutes before.

A scuffle of feet brought her eyes out of her buried hands.

Golden locks, tattered clothes and a vacant look in the eyes. Blue like the ocean, they looked at her briefly, before dismissing her from their view. He moved to the table behind her, she heard the scrape of the chair leg as he pulled the chair. The soft poof of the chair as he sat and the subtle scouring of the wood as he flung his sneakered feet on the tabletop.

A soft swish of movement caught her attention.

Dark silky locks swept onto slender shoulders, a motion of indescribable perfection. Her chocolate eyes caught her eyes, dismissing her, they looked at the vagrant behind her. A gentle shrug of the shoulders tilted her hair slightly. Turning, she took a seat across the aisle and up at a table. Setting her black case on the chafed wood top of the table, she inhaled and settled back into the hard rubber of the chair.

A blur of motion swept into the room.

A hood covered the hair, dark brown eyes looked over the occupants of the room, going back into her shell, she settled at a table across the aisle to the vagrant but as far away as possible. Pulling her hood down, she pulled off her huge poofy jacket and stuck it in the chair next to her.

Quick light steps announced his arrival…the captain of the basketball team.

Dark spiky hair, blue and white covered his sculpted physique, soft cornflower eyes assessed the room darkening to midnight in a dark field as they alit on the vagrant in the back of the room. Nodding to his half brother, he settled himself at the same table as the designer clad, mathematically challenged prom queen.

7:08 am

"Good, you're all here," the voice of the principal broke the silence of the room.

Brooke put down her nail filer and gave her attention to him, Nathan stopped rifling through his bag and looked forward. Haley put down her bulky bag and looked at him, her eyes a glaze with distant memory sweeps. Peyton straightened her back and gave her full attention to him. Lucas closed his eyes, tipped his chair back and pretended to snore.

More soon….p.s. this is the OTH version of the Breakfast Club Movie.