Disclaimer-I do not own fruits basket...

Chapter 22- A New Beginning

The rain fell harder on the roof top. The whole house had gone silent. No one had said a word in the past months. Not to each other that was. The horrible memory still lingered in all of them. Specially Kyo. It was as if the memory wouldn't go away. Like it picked at him little by little telling him to give up on life. But he wouldn't. Not even if he couldn't see Tohru anymore. He was going to find out a way.

"Goodbye grandpa!" Tohru yelled cheerfully as she left with Uo-chan and Hana-chan. Both Tohru's best friends couldn't see why Tohru didn't live with the Sohma's anymore. And every time they were to mention the Sohma's name Tohru would just tell them she had no idea what they were talking about. And it wasn't like she had been lying or anything. She honestly didn't know. So Hana and Uo just came to the conclusion that she didn't wanted to remember them anymore. Not that she did. So now her life was back to normal, and she would be starting college soon.

That was it, Tohru's life was back to normal. But for the Sohma's, that was something different. After Tohru had practically forced Hatori to erase her memory, and Kyo went…berserk on Akito…he has killed him. He said he didn't mean to, but deep down he knew that he really did mean to. He had always wanted to get Akito out of his life, but not the way he had done. Either way he didn't care. The curse had amazingly been broken. Though everyone thought that they were going to have a new god some time or later that never happened. Which made everyone somewhat happy.

But with the lost of Tohru no one cared. Nothing was worth losing her. And Kyo had defiantly not healed from this. He was about to start college soon as well as Yuki. It made him happy to know that he wasn't going to be locked away, but then sad at the same time to know that the price for this was something he never wanted to happen.

Kyo entered his room and looked around. He let out a deep and mournful sigh. He missed her and wanted her back so badly. Lying down on his bed, Kyo closed his eyes and let all the memory's of Tohru poor into his head. Before he knew it, tears had been stinging his eyes and begging him to let them fall. At first he had hesitated, but then he just let them fall. Nothing could keep him from crying when he remembered her.


Tohru picked up her bag and smiled as she walked out of her class. She was almost done, only two more months to go and everything would be over. She was finally going to get out of college. It had been almost four years now since she had entered college. She had decided to become a kindergarten teacher.

Kyo had picked up his books and tossed them into his backpack. As he did so a girl walked up to him and stopped in front of his desk. She placed a hand on his desk, and when he looked up she smiled brightly at him. Kyo slightly smiled back as he stood to his feet.

"Do you want to do something today?" the girl asked Kyo, still smiling.

"No," Kyo answered quickly. "I have a lot of homework. And I have to study as well…" He exclaimed now leaving the classroom.

The girl followed behind him with every step he would take. Kyo turned around to look at the girl, and when he did this he saw something that made his heart a skip at least 3 beats, if not 4. He mouth had slightly opened, and his eyes went wide. The girl waved her hand in front of Kyo, blocking his view from what he had just been staring at. And when he hand moved away from his eyes, what ever he had been looking at was gone.

"MEA!" Kyo shouted grabbing her hand. "Stop it, that's annoying. Now go away!" He said turning once again and walking to the door that lead out of the huge school.

Mea didn't listen. Just kept following him with a smile on her face. Kyo knowing this, rolled his eyes and stopped yet again.

"I don't like you Mea, now please leave me alone," What Kyo had seen earlier had just changed the mood he was in. he did actually like Mea. He liked her a lot. She had always been so kind and caring to him. Just like Tohru had. But now, at this very moment, he couldn't help but want to be alone.

He had been going to this college for almost four years now. How could he have not seen her any where else? He didn't understand. Maybe it was because he never had gone that way down the hallway. Or maybe it was just because he thought that after that day, that horrible memory that still lingered in him, made him actually believe that he would never be able to see her again. Tohru, her. It truly was her. She was so happy as she walked down the hall with who Kyo could have sworn was Uo-chan. He let out a deep sigh of frustration. He couldn't go back and look for her now. It would seem way to funny. Tomorrow, he would go and look for her tomorrow.

"NO!" Kyo shouted, forgetting completely about Mea standing behind him. She looked at him funny and Kyo couldn't help but run off. Mea didn't follow him this time. She had to get home. She had a lot of homework to do, and right now she was thinking it would be better if she didn't follow him.

"WHY?" He shouted to himself. "Why of all times do I have to see you again?" Kyo was now walking calmly down the road to his apartment. He had moved out of Shigure's place right when he had gotten the chance to. And since then, he would only hear Shigure like once every few months. Never did he hear from Yuki. Not that he had cared very much for that.

He stopped as he came up to a decent look place. He walked up to it and entered. He moved his way to the front desk, mumbled something to the lady there, and then went up to his room. He tossed his books down at the bed and dropped to the floor. He sat down Indian style and turned on the television. Homework can wait till later, right now I want to- Something had cut Kyo off. A short, but happy little memory of him and Tohru. He shook his head quickly as if the memory were going to fly out of the other side of his ear.

Tears, that's what he felt. Tears had slowly escaped his eyes without him even knowing. He had missed her so much. More then even he thought could be possible until he felt the pain of not being able to see her anymore. He didn't wipe the tears away. Just let them keep falling. He didn't care. Not now. Not even since Tohru had left his life. He wanted her back. No, he needed her back. His heart ached from the pain he was feeling now.

Standing to his feet, his hand made its way over the small nightstand he had, and knocked every thing off of it. This was it, he had seen her after almost four years. And now he was able to tell how much he truly missed her.

Before he knew it, he was on his knees and his hands were covering his face. He had been crying harder then ever. His tears were making there way threw his hands and falling onto the floor, seeping away into the carpet.

He had to get her back, he needed her. But he knew that he couldn't just go barging into her new life now. She doesn't even remember who he is. Let alone her old past.

It was all to much for Kyo. He couldn't stand it anymore. Just when he thought his life would be getting back to normal, and he would be able to get over her, he sees her face. She was more beautiful then he could ever imagine. She still had that smile of healing on her face. Always showing you that nothing was wrong, and that she was always going to be there for who ever needed her.

And right now, Kyo needed her. He needed her warming smile. To be able to hear her voice that could melt Kyo's heart. Most of all, he just wanted to be able to hold Tohru's hand like he used to.

"I need you Tohru. I need you so bad! You don't know what its like, I…" Kyo couldn't even finish. He was being drowned out by his own tears.

"I cant…I cant get you back. Its to much for you." Kyo had been talking like Tohru was right there. But she wasn't, and he knew this. "Not a day goes by when I cant stop thinking about you. Your every where in my mind. And you wont go away!" Kyo had said that like it was a bad thing. But it wasn't. Every memory, every little thought of Tohru was good. This was something Kyo didn't deny. Or would for that matter. But now what was he supposed to do. After seeing her today everything had became a blur. He didn't want to chase her around and try to get her to remember him. But then, he really did want her back. He was so confused right now. What should he do? Nothing made sense at this point and seemed to be aggravating him.

OK! i apolgize for not updating as fast as i usually do. But my computer had to get fixed. Then when it did(which i got it back last friday...) i was to hooked to the game Kingdom Hearts. Because that game is awsome. Then i got sick...and to tell you the truth...i still am sick. So i had to force myself to finish this up. So it isnt that good, and i know it was a very ODD ending. But i had to end it like this so i can make the sequal. And im pretty sure u all know what that is going to be about. Yes, well...i also want to thank all my new reveiewers...and of course my old reviewers who have stuck with me this whole time. So thanks to every one, and i hope u all enjoyed this story. And if your all wondering, no i am not going off the main story line of Fruits Basket. So when the sequal comes out you will see what i mean. Ok, now i really feel so sick so im going to go. Please review! thanks so much to everyone!
