A/N: Hey ya'll school has finally given me a break and I have decided to write in my free time...feel honored normally this goes to running or more football. Awesome huh? ok here we go.

Chapter 7:Humans vs. Nappa

"What is all of this human trash doing here? I specifically said to get only Kakarrot. You had better have a good reason for it." Vegeta glared at his luitenent.

"Well, your highness, they are about as powerful as I was when I went down there. And you never know who has the potential to beat Frieza." Raditz looked at the ground in shame. This was exactly what he had tried to avoid.

"I know who has the potential to beat Frieza, I do. I sent you to get Kakarrot to give me a three-on-one type challenge and so that you could have a training partener. Human bodies however similar to ours are not cut out for combat."

"How do you know about earthlings?" Raditz looked up in suprise at his prince.

"Are you forgetting that my father was a highly respected king, I have trained with many dead humans and even "The Lord of Worlds" King Kai himself. Now you would be wise to remember that my father was no fool. He knew he was raising the end of Frieza. Now then earthlings tell me...no show me why I shouldn't just kill you right now. If all three of you can render Nappa unconscious i'll spare you. If not he will kill you."

Krillin, Tien, and Yamcha all looked into Vegeta's eyes and saw no lie. Nappa dropped his chin and raised his hands. "I'll give you and advantage, go ahead and surround me." Before giving Nappa a chance to finish speaking they surrounded him. Krillin got behind Nappa and began to charge up a kamehameha wave. Tien and Yamcha jumped forward and threw kicks and punches and more kicks and punches. Nappa stood there for several seconds and threw his head back. "HAHAHAAHAHAHA, Raditz do you mean to tell me that you were only this powerful when we sent you down to earth. I'm suprised that we trusted you with this kind of strength." Krillin shot Nappa in the back of the head with the kame wave. The giant put a foot forward to keep his balance he turned to look at Krillin. He was met with a knee to the nose. Krillin slowly backed down to the ground. Could he really be this much more powerful than me? Is he even mortal. Krillin caught a furry flash of brown in the corner in his eye. He saw Raditz waving his tail around very animatedly. This made Krillin confused, he noticed that is was very un-Raditz like to wave your tail about. He normally was very formal and had it tucked around his waist. Is Raditz trying to tell me something. He backflipped away from a haymaker at his head. Three Tiens jumped into the air and unleashed a triple dodompa ray at Raditz. "Hey Tien give me a Taiyoken! Now." Krillin closed his eyes as a blinding flash of light exploded over the area.

Vegeta was amazed at hearing the word "Taiyoken". Hmmm, The Fist of the Sun. I didn't think that move had travelled to a third world planet like earth yet. I really should have warned Nappa, they might just win now.

Krillin flew low to the ground and grasped at a flailing Nappas tail. Nappa doubled over, Krillin could feel power slipping out through Nappa's tail. Three Tiens instantly became one and proclaimed "I thought that elite warriors worked out that weakness."

"Apperently his is not an elite warrior." Yamcha raised his hands above his head and clubbed the defenseless Nappa in the back of the head. Nappa unconscious body fell to Vegeta's feet.

Vegeta stepped forward and clapped his hands several times before saying "Very well then, you all, including the namek and the child are allowed to stay in my house and train with me. Oh, and Raditz you have just recieved a promotion. Make sure to pick up your new first-in-command battle gear from the armory later. It's late lets get to sleep and starting tomorrow you all will live to train, if you are inadequate I will kill you."

Several Months Later

Krillin dodged left, he dodged right, he jumed backward and then "Nappa you need to learn to feel me with your ki, i'm serious, Raditz learned this almost over night. We've been here more than three months and you still can't charge up ki or feel ki with your mind." He jumped back, left, back, he jumped over Nappa's head and dropped both of fists into Nappa's face. The giant oaf grunted and stumbled backwards. He angrily swung at where Krillin had been and met nothing but air, a half second later Nappa felt a sting behing his right ear and fell.

"I'll show you, nobody makes a fool of Nappa." Nappa began to flail around and swing blindly.

Raditz spoke from the side of the room "Nappa concentrate, you won't learn if you are so unwilling to learn from a human. It's a trade off, they teach us techniques and in turn we teach them how to train and give them the use of our high gravity rooms.

"Thats it i'm done with this blindfold i'm going to fight this puny human the way a true warrior would." He removed his blindfold and charged at Krillin. Krillin jumped over Nappa and twisted in mid air to aviod a ki blast from his opponent.

"Now you are angry and I won't even have to take off my blindfold to beat you. How about we call it quits for the day so you can think about." He dodged a huge fist aimed for his head. "So that you can think about what you still have to learn."

"Yeah Nappa just go medidtate for a while Goku and I wanna spar for a while."

"Aaargh fine but tomorrow midget you are mine."

Right after Goku and Raditz have finished battling

Who'd have thought that after only a couple of months they have more than tripled their previous powers. I might just have some form of competition to try out my newest powers on.

A/N: My god i am so freaking sorry that that dang story took so long to put up...i promise that updates will start coming in much more quickly from now on. I'd also like to apologize for the shortness. TTFN




Goku(w/o weighted clothing)-9000


Raditz(w/o weighted clothing)-9000


Piccolo(w/o weighted clothing)-8300





Gohan(w/o weighted clothing)-4000


Nappa(blindfolded)-5(this is not a typo...hasn't learned to see without his eyes yet.)

prepare for suprise in the next chapter it might even suprise me...i'm Rick Jaymes Bitch