DISCLAIMER: All characters belong to the wonderful and darling, JK Rowling.


Hate me, no, Love me by Purebliss90

Chapter 1


"GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR ARSE POTTER" Lily Evans was breathing quite rapidly as she stalked away from the 17 year old boy leaving him stricken as he slowly caressed his left cheek which Lily had left her finger prints on.

"Too bad Prongs, I told you it wouldn't work. Seriously, you've been after the girl for 5 years now! " A grinning Sirius Black slapped him on the shoulder as he sauntered up behind him.

"It's not fair, the only girl I ever set eyes on has rejected me 537 times! I really don't understand what goes in her mind. I'm perfect in practically every way!" James ticked off all the qualities he possessed on his fingers. When he'd run out of fingers, he borrowed his best friends' which caused Sirius to burst out in amusement

"James, I love you, really…but sometimes it makes me wonder if there really is something in your brain! Look at Evans…it's clear she doesn't take all your 'good traits' well" Black said as he smiled seductively at a passing group of 4th years. "I think it's time for you to move on. It's our last year at Hogwarts, you can't seriously plan to waste it all on Evans!"

James considered his words and was at a loss of what he was going to do. They were on platform 9 and 3/4, preparing to board the Hogwarts Express for the last time in their lives. Sirius hi-fived both Remus and Peter in welcome and the infamous Marauders, comprised of Prongs, Padfoot, Moony and Wormtail were once again preparing for another year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, this time their last.

James Potter's expression was still glum as he boarded the steaming train, not only because Lily had rejected him, but also because he had been appointed Head Boy. He had endured Sirius' taunting for the whole of the summer holidays, and now his reputation for being rebellious and a prankster would go down the drain.

The only thing that cheered him up was the thought that Lily was most probably Head Girl. James knew it was his last chance to smooth things between him and Lily, and that he was sure he would accomplish winning her heart.

After laughing hysterically for about half an hour at the random jokes cracked with the guys, he announced that he had to go to the Heads Compartment. He received a grunt from Sirius, an excited squeal from Peter and an encouraging nod from Remus.

He ran his hand through his mop of black hair and prepared himself with an encounter that was probably not going to be pleasant with Lily Evans.

"Evans" he nodded as he entered the compartment.

Lily had been staring out of the carriage windows when James entered. She had been waiting for the Head Boy, and was expecting Remus Lupin, or some other respectable boy. However, the voice she heard behind her was irritatingly familiar, a voice that she didn't want to particularly hear. Whoever she was expecting, Lily Evans was not expecting James Potter.

As she slowly turned her head around, her eyes widened as she confirmed what her ears told. James Potter's arrogant smile plastered on his face as he leaned against the wall of the compartment…it was as if he was daring her to say something rude. She pushed opened the compartment doors, still in shock, and peeked behind him to see if Remus was following suit. She was disappointed and pretty worried to find the corridor deserted.

"What are you doing here Potter? Can't you read, it says Head Compartment" Lily gestured to the finely embellished words on the carriage door. It wasn't possible…James Potter, the reason of all her miseries had been appointed Head Boy. He gestured at his shining silver badge that had his name on it.

"Accept it Evans, I'm Head Boy" seeing her absolute shock horror, he sighed. "Look Evans, I know I've been somewhat…jerkish in your eyes, but we're going to have to learn to work together this year" James brushed past her and slumped into the carriage's seats waiting for the other prefects to arrive. He didn't know why, but seeing Lily's eyes blaze with emotions so strong made him feel depressed. Did she really hate him that much?

Lily's heart sank further as she heard James' words. There must be some mistake! Nobody in their right mind would make James Potter Head Boy. He'd probably caused enough mischief and mayhem in Hogwarts to last him a lifetime. Learn to work together with the Marauders' leader? To be honest, she didn't think she could manage that.

At a complete loss for words, Lily collapsed on to the seat opposite him.

"No. I refuse to believe it. This must be some j-joke or prank that you and Sirius have played! D-Dumbledore's a sensible man; he wouldn't make you Head Boy!" Lily was practically in hysterics, and she didn't even know why. It was just a shock to realize she was going to have to spend much of her time, even act civil with her arch nemesis!

James' expression turned hard, just as he was about reply; probably shout something in her direction, the other prefects piled in. James had been planning to not take the job seriously, but seeing Lily disregard him like this, he decided he was going to change. For the better or worse, he didn't know…but he would prove to Lily that he had changed; he had grown up.

Before Lily could utter a word, James welcomed the prefects, receiving many odd and disbelieving looks from them.

"Yes, I understand it might come as a shock to you that I, James Potter have been appointed Head Boy, but I want to make the best opportunities of my last year. As prefects, we are all role models for the younger students of the school and we have to live up to certain expectations. If even I can change into a better person, I'm sure we all can. We have to learn to work together as a team and take this job seriously. Let's enjoy our last year at school and make it truly magical."

Most of the prefects had their mouths wide-open and some of them were goggling their eyes at him. But none of them could beat Lily's expression. It was a mixture of confusion, admiration and dislike.

Finally, the silence was broken by the Head Girl's spluttering.

"Err…yeah, w-what Potter said" was all Lily could muster.

As all the prefects filed out after their timetables were handed to them, Lily was looking a little embarrassed as she met James' eyes.

"Yes, Evans?" James smirked and tilted his head in a knowing way, expecting some form of praise to be said to him.

Indeed, Lily had been about to tell him that she was surprised but pleased at his attitude, but when she saw his smirk, she realised that he was just the same guy she'd known for 6 years. The same arrogant, egotistical know-it-all, and he had no intention of changing it.

He had never worked hard to achieve anything in his life. It was all pranks, jokes and I'm-the-best all the way. He came from a respectable, pure-blood family, and he received all the admiration from everyone. He was a god to them. And her? She was 'filthy', she worked hard, but still not everybody would accept her…and most importantly, she had to put up with his attitude all the time. Thinking about it made her blood boil, and she was cringing with anger.

"Yeah, I did think you'd changed over the summer Potter, but now, I've realised I was wrong. Have a good long look at yourself in the mirror. Wipe the disgusting smirk off your face. You've never had to work for anything to achieve Potter…every ounce of my results I have poured my sweat and blood in. I deserve this bad" she gestured furiously to the badge on her robes. "YOU DO NOT! Maybe it's about time you grew up!" Lily spat and left the compartment disgusted, to join the rest of her friends.

James was left, for the second time that hour, stricken as he received another mouth of insults from the girl who would always be beautiful in his eyes. But now that he really thought about it, she was right. He was too carefree for his own good. But he could say that if everything in the world was fake, his love for her was not.

Honestly, what did he have to do to make her realize he truly loved her?


Author's Note: Hiii peeps! I've read soo many Lily and James' fan fictions and I totally adore the couple, I would have to say that in all Harry Potter, they're my favourite! It's really interesting to see how people have interpreted their relationship and how their hatred turned to love.

This is my first try at Harry Potter, and I would really like some feedback. Thanks everyone! All the fan fictions I've read are just absolutely incredible!