Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or Golden Sun. I wish I did, but we can't always get what we want.
Full summary: IY/GS crossover. Kagome is taken from her world by a floating eye and put into Weyard. She befriends the Valeans, but is taken back when the threat the eye foresaw passes. Three years later she is called back, this time to stay. Can she forget about her past life and move on? Rating is on the safe side.
"Bye, Mom, I'm leaving," Kagome Higurashi yelled over her shoulder.
"Bye, dear," Mrs. Higurashi called. "Stay safe."
"I will," Kagome promised before closing the door and running to her family's well house. The others need these medicines, she thought to herself. They had barely made it out of another one of Naraku's traps, and this time it'll take a while longer for them to recover. Miroku was the most badly injured; he'd sucked up the Saimyoushou, Naraku's poisonous insects, and now needed antidote or he would die. Everyone else was hurt to some degree, but not quite as badly as the monk.
The familiar blue light surrounded her, signaling the change from her time to the Feudal Era. Hauling her backpack onto her back, she scaled the wall with practiced steps and set off running towards Kaede's village. Reaching her destination, she pushed back the door to Kaede's hut and hurried to the sickroom. Miroku was on the futon, sweating profusely. She knelt by him and readied the medicine.
"Don't worry, Miroku," she told him, even though in his delirium he wouldn't be able to hear her, "you'll be fine soon." She forced him to swallow the bitter antidote and turned to the rest of her companions. Sango and Kirara were sitting against the back wall, watching her work on Miroku, Shippo was sleeping in one of the corners, and Inuyasha was conversing with Myoga the flea, who happened to be on Inuyasha's knee.
"Sango, let's do you and Kirara next," Kagome said, moving her stuff over to her friend's side. Sango sighed and nodded. The demon slayer wasn't very familiar with Kagome's remedies, but she was well enough acquainted with them to know that they either tasted bad or stung like a wasp sting. She visibly braced herself when Kagome brought the alcohol swab up to her arm. Working her way down the rest of her, Kagome asked Sango questions, like how old was she when she first started learning to become a demon slayer, to get her mind off the pain. Surprisingly, it worked. When Kagome informed her that she was done, she looked surprised.
"I didn't even feel most of it," the taijiya exclaimed.
"I know," Kagome said cheerfully. "When you were talking, your mind wasn't on what I was doing, so it went by faster, and you didn't feel the sting. Now it's Kirara's turn."
"That's interesting," Sango commented as she watched Kirara get treated. "Your healers are very smart to think of such a thing."
"All done," Kagome announced to Kirara, who promptly leapt off her lap and curled up in Sango's. Shippo, who had woken up while she was working on Kirara, went and crawled onto Kagome's lap.
"I'll go," he volunteered.
"Okay, this'll sting a bit, but it'll be over quickly, I promise," Kagome said as she sprayed his cuts with the infection-killing spray. The young fox demon didn't even whimper as the stinging spray touched the cuts, and when she was done, he got what he was expectantly waiting forcandy.
Turning to the hanyou and flea demon, she said, "Okay, Inuyasha, it's your turn."
"Feh, I don't need ningen medicine to heal," he said, waving his had at her as if to shoo her away.
"Inuyasha," she warned, "you may not need it to heal, but it'll make it go faster."
He snorted. "I repeat, I don't need you medicine."
She humphed. "Sit, boy," she commanded, and obediently he kissed the ground. Once the spell wore off, he jerked his head off the floor and glared at her as she tended his wounds.
"I know you think you don't need it, but do it to indulge me," she said. When she was done, he sat with his back against the wall and proceeded to glare at her some more.
This was the scene when Kaede joined them. The wizened miko took one look at the group and sighed. "I take it ye aren't going to be leaving for some time," she stated.
Kagome shook her head. "No, I think we're stuck here for some time."
Kaede smiled. "Well, then, it looks like I'll have reliable help for a while."
Sadly Kagome shook her head. "I don't know about that. I'm sure Sango is willing to help, but Inuyasha might have to be forced. I'm taking my finals in school, so I have to go back right now and study." She sighed. "This is my first year in high-school, and I've missed so much school I don't know how I'll pass my exams."
The old woman smiled. "Ye will do fine. Worrying about something won't make it go away. Go and do your best." She stepped out of the younger girl's way and started bandaging Sango's wounds with some of Kagome's gauze.
"Thank you," Kagome said and, waving good-bye to everyone, started the trek back to Inuyasha's Forest, where the well resided. I hope they all rest, especially Inuyasha. He hates sitting around doing nothing, but I know his wounds won't heal unless he gets enough rest. Unfortunately, I don't have time to make sure they all do stay still enough to recover; I have exams I need to pass!
The bell rang, and everyone in the class leaped out of their seats cheering. "School's out for the summer!" shouted Kagome to her friends.
"Yeah, now we can sleep in and not do homework," her friend Yuki joyfully exclaimed.
Kagome smiled at that but inwardly thought, The homework part might be true, but not the sleeping in part. Out loud she said, "Well, I'm headed home. I'll see you guys later."
She joined the stream of classmates pushing through the door and started home. Feeling no particular urgency to get home, she meandered along, enjoying the fresh air and reveling in the knowledge that there would be no more school until next year. It's amazing how much I appreciate days when there's peace, she thought idly. I get so few of them, but that's only to be expected as long as Naraku lives.
A pulse of energy caused her to stop. What was that? Praying that it wasn't a demon, she cautiously crept forward towards the source of the pulse. It led into a park and into the trees surrounding it. As she came closer, she felt the energy increasing until it was almost blowing her over. Fighting against the push of the energy, she took two steps forward and came face-to-face with…a floating, rocky eye. It looked like a demon, except it had no demon aura. It was just a giant floating rock with a single eye.
It spotted her just as she spotted it.
"You are the one I need," it said. It didn't have a mouth, so it couldn't speak, but the source of the voice was definitely from the eye.
"Wh-what?" Kagome was confused. Why is there a floating, rocky eye in Tokyo? It's not a demon, so what is it?
It ignored her question. Instead, blue bands surrounded it and the area around them started shifting and melding together.
"What are you doing?" demanded the confused girl. The eye glowed for one brief moment, and Kagome was thrown into a world of darkness.