A/N: Well, chapter one of a new story. Please R&R.

Meet My Muggle

Chapter 1

Forced Accompaniment

Hermione Granger tucked her knees underneath her as she sat on her bed in her London flat. She was examining the shirt of her friend, Tom Nielsen.

Tom was a muggle. He had lived across the street from Hermione for years when they were children. Before Hermione had become a witch, she, as many young, magic folk did, had had strange abilities that had frightened her. She hadn't been able to tell her parents, so she had run to Tom. Tom had understood perfectly. He knew how it felt since he had begun having visions of the past, the future, and the present, proclaiming himself a psychic. When Hermione had received the letter of acceptance to Hogwarts, she had rushed to tell Tom. They hadn't communicated much during Hermione's years of magical training, but Hermione had come back and made a point to reestablish a relationship with her best friend of seven years and her parents.

Today was the second anniversary of her return, and Tom had celebrated it by falling asleep on her bed while they had been watching the news for any strange happenings. Though Hermione knew that Voldemort was long gone, she still made a point to watch for any events that might be significant.

The weather ended, and the news program was finished. Hermione clicked off the T.V. Tom stirred but didn't wake up. Hermione grinned and hopped off the bed to get snack. She walked down the hallway, wondering what food was in the fridge. She settled on an apple and pulled out her wand. "Accio apple," she muttered, and an apple came flying from the fridge and into her hand. She took a bite and headed back to her room.

When she returned, she found a pure white owl perched on Tom's chest. Tom was staring at it quite calmly, though looking mildly tense. "Hermione," he said, glancing at her, "there's an owl on my chest."

Hermione nodded, sticking the apple in her mouth. "Her name's Hedwig. She's Harry's owl," she explained, untying the letter from Hedwig's leg.

Hedwig hooted softly and ruffled her feathers.

Tom smiled and lifted a hand to stroke the owl's coat. Hedwig nipped his fingers softly, hooting again.

"She likes you," Hermione said, sitting on the bed, reading the letter.

"That's a relief. What does the letter say?"

"They want me to come stay with them at-" Hermione tried to say "Grimmauld Place", but she couldn't get the words out. "They must not have taken that part of the charm off," she muttered instead, "Anyway, it's Harry's house. He inherited it from his godfather. He and Ron are staying there. They want me to come and stay with them for a short while."

"You're going to leave me all alone?" Tom whined jokingly.

Hermione pondered this seriously. "Maybe you could come with me," she suggested.

"Oh, I wouldn't want to intrude-"

"No, really, it wouldn't be an issue, or an intrusion, and you have been talking about how you'd like to meet more people of the magical sort. I'll just send a reply telling Harry that I'm bringing you with me."

"Oh, you don't have to do that-"

"Nonsense!" Hermione interrupted, "Now, I'm compelled."

Tom watched in horror as the white owl flew away with Hermione's reply. What was in store for him? He was, after all, just a defenseless muggle.

A/N: Did you like it, and shall I continue? Please review telling me what you think.