Someone PLEASE Give Just Cause

By Taitoboy

Disclaimer: I don't own anything about Digimon except the four episodes I recorded off TV

Warning: TAITO. Tiny bit of Taikeru

STATS: My first Multi chapter fic.

Please read and Review

July 19th, 2005 -Unwelcome News

Tai simply sat on the couch, scratching his cat Cosmo's ears affectionately as he watched TV in his apartment. He was pretty much alone these days as everyone was busy with their lives may it be jobs, games, hobbies, or computer. Even Kari spent more time with her boyfriend Wallis more than her brother. At least they call or email or MSN him. Even Matt seemed to have deserted him as he's busy with his now internationally famous band and his girlfriend, Sora. So now he sits in the apartment he shares with no one but Cosmo.

Tai flipped through channels simply bored. He saw nothing but bowflex, cars, lawyer commercials and 'paid programs'. He finally settled on this celebrity show where they find out celerity gossip and show it world wide. Tai sunk back into his plush couch with Cosmo, purring lightly as he climbed into his owners lap. "Oh Cosmo, you're the one here for me. I love you buddy" The little kitten seemed to understand Tai because then he started nuzzling his furry head against Tai's stomach affectionately.

Tai continued to play with the cat until he heard something of interest on TV…..

'Announced today by his managers, Matt Ishida, world renowned rock star announced that he will be marring his girlfriend of 4 years Sora Takenouchi. The multi-million dollar rock star's wedding is expected to be the social event of the season. Mr. Ishida was reported commenting ………" the report was interrupted by Tai turning off the TV. It was no secret that Tai had feelings for Matt and now hated Sora the most for taking Matt away, next to TK that is. The digi-destined all felt that Sora was dating him for the money but chose not to voice their opinions.

This was news that Tai didn't take to kindly. He knew Matt was ruining his own life as well as Tai's by marring that ……..whore. Forgetting that his cat was in his lap, he stood up causing the cat to spit loudly from the floor. Tai slowly walked to his office where he kept his papers for work, a digi-port, and well all his pictures. He walked over to a lone table with a single picture resting in a silver frame. It was of him and Matt when they had just returned from the digital world the first time around. They had their arms around each other waists, looking extremely happy and content. He slowly slunk into a daze as he remembered that day. How Matt came over to chill at Tai's and ended up spending the day just the two of them all over town. Kari insisted on taking the picture as proof that Tai and Matt were actually best friends. He was pulled out of his happy thoughts by an angry and impatient pounding on his apartment door.

'Who the hell is crazy enough to be banging on my door like that' Tai thought as he slowly walked to his door. He gripped the golden door knob cautiously prepared to yell at the ever so rude person and swung the door open to see an infuriated, tear stricken TK at his door. "TK, are you alright. Why are you here?"

"Tai, don't. I'm too pissed off right now" he sobbed as he immediately walked in to cling onto Tai's shirt. He slowly walked TK over to the sofa and gently sat the younger blonde down and let him continue to cry on his shoulder.

"Um…..TK, not that I'm not happy to see you but ohhh…….why aren't you talking to Matt about whatever your little problem is?" he asked soothingly.

"Tai, I can't talk to Matt when he IS the problem"

"Oh…I take it you saw on TV about him getting married huh?"

TK slowly nodded then looked up at Tai. "I'm sorry about crying all over you but you're the only one I can talk to"

Tai looked puzzled about the younger boy's statement. "Why is that Teeks? There are plenty of people to talk to."

Tk just laid back onto Tai's shoulder and started crying again. "Tai, you're the only one I know who hates Sora as much as I do. Guess what she's done now?"

Tai simply shrugged at TK as he started to calm down. TK looked up at Tai with watery blue eyes. "She convinced Matt to get me to move oooouuuutttttt" he broke back into tears once more. "I have no where to llllliiiiiiivvvvvveeeeeeee"

Tai completely was shocked and angry with Matt. He always thought nothing could come between the two blonde brothers but he figured Sora found a way. He gently patted TK's back in the brotherly manor TK so desperately needed right now. "TK, you know I'm all alone here. You can stay here with me if you like."

TK glanced up at Tai with a sliver of hope in his eyes. "Really Tai? I'd really appreciate it."

"Of course. It'd be great to have company here besides Cosmo" Tai smiled down at TK who simply latched onto Tai's neck.

"Tai, you know sometimes I think of you as a second brother. Now more than ever. I never expected to need you more than Matt"

"You have your stuff with you or you have to go get it?" Tai said, startled at TK's view of him as a second brother

TK looked at Tai with sudden murderous eyes. "As soon as that back-stabbing ex-brother asked me to move out, I packed my stuff and left at once."

"Tk, you'll have to sleep on the sofa bed until I can move the office and stuff"

"Oh that's ok; I can sleep on the sofa. I just need a place to put my stuff." TK said somewhat better, as he walked out of the apartment leaving Tai to his thoughts. 'Ishida, you abandoned your own brother. I can not believe this'

That night after making sure TK was sleeping soundly in the living room; Tai sat at his office computer on MSN with Kari and Davis. They were just as surprised and angry as Tai was.

DigitalTai:…..I mean he just kicked his brother out because Sora asked

him to.

Goggleboyjr: I know what you mean Tai, that's so unlike Matt. I never figured

Matt would do that to the brother he protects so much

Puppysandkittens4you: Yeah. It's that bitch Sora's fault. I bet she asked him to

do it. He's like her slave now.

Goggleboyjr: I heard on TV that he at least had her sign a 'prepup'

DigitalTai: Prenup idiot head. Damn and they said blondes are dumb

Puppysandkittens4you: Tai that was mean

DigitalTai: Well it's true

Puppysandkittens4you: I never said it wasn't big bro. It was still mean though.

Goggleboyjr: Excuse me, can we get back on track……So where's TK?

DigitalTai: He's asleep. After Matt threw him out, I had to let him stay with me.

After all, he'll be great company.

Puppysandkittens4you: That was sweet of you Tai

Goggleboyjr: Yeah dude. Just don't confuse him with Matt and kiss him. He's

Been through enough already

DigitalTai: Davis, you are so fuckin' lucky you said that over the internet.

ProdigiousIzz: Hey guys what's up?

Goggleboyjr: You just butt in our conversation……

Puppysandkittens4you: ANYWAY, Hi Izzy, guess what Tai's just told us?

ProdigiousIzz: About Matt making a big mistake about his life?

Goggleboyjr: Something along those lines. Matt threw TK out cause Sora asked

Him to.

ProdigiousIzz: HAHA very funny. What really happened?

DigitalTai: It's true. TK showed up on my doorstep crying because Matt

Practically kicked him to the curve. I'll tell you though, Cosmo really

Likes TK. He's curled up next to TK right now

Goggleboyjr: I'm surprised you haven't killed that cat already. HA

DigitalTai: You know what. I'm going to bed. Night 'everyone but Davis who

Better watch his back over the next few days.' Call me tomorrow Kar?

Puppysandkittens4you: You know it. I'll probably stop by to check up on

TK tomorrow.

ProdigiousIzz: Ditto. Night

DigitalTai: Night guys.

Tai signed off with a little comfort knowing that his friends thought along the same lines as he did in terms of Matt. 'I just hope things get better soon. Especially for TK'