Here's an extra short one for you all. It was gonna be longer, but my stupid little brother gave me a cold, so I don't feel like staying up all night and partying...or writting, whatever.

Chapter 14: Coming Home

" you see, Hope is not only a slayer, she's a whole new kind of slayer. Not to mention the fact that she's your daughter. The whole thing makes my head hurt." Willow frowned and rubbed her temple.

"Who would have thought things like this happened outside of Sunnyhell." Faith said with a shrug. Buffy was holding Hope at arms length, staring intently at her face, the baby looked back with a slobbery smile.

"I can see the resemblance. Faith, she has the same dimples as you." The brunette gathered the baby in her arms and stared quizzically.

"Yeah, she has your eyes too, and that horrible nose of yours." She grinned.

"Hey! You said my nose was cute." The blonde said with a pout.

"I know, I was joking, your nose is cute." Faith leaned over and placed a kiss on the tip of Buffy's nose. Willow looked back at them curiously while Giles cleared his throat.

"Giles, did you tell mom that we were coming?" The watcher glanced at her through the rear-view mirror before he returned his eyes to the road.

"Yes, I called your mother when we arrived at the airport in L.A."

"Good thinking G-man, it would have been wicked awkward if we just suddenly showed up with a kid. Not to mention the fact that I've turned her only daughter gay." Faith said, obviously relieved. The ex-librarian looked unconfortable all of the sudden, and his hands tightened on the steering wheel.

"Well, I...I can't say that I've explained the exact situation to Joyce. I figured that would be up to you."

"Oh, thanks Giles! Feed us to the wolfs why don't cha." The blonde crossed her arms over her chest.

"Buffy, she's your mother, she's just gonna be happy that you're home. Nothing bad will happen, you'll see." Willow tried to reason.

"Yeah, she'll be really happy B's home, we'll all sit down and have tea...then when nobody's looking, she's gonna pull out a stake and stab me right in the heart!" Faith says mimicking the action. Hope giggled and clapped her hands showing her appreciation. The car came to a stop, but no one made a move to leave the vehicle. Buffy looked out the window and looked towards the house in time to see the front door fly open. The brunette in the car let out a heavy sigh.

"Well, it was nice knowing ya B. We had some great times together, especially that one time we did it under the water- ow!" Buffy smacked her arm before she could finish.

"If you finish that sentence, I swear I'm gonna be the one staking you." The blonde said with a dangerous glare. She then opened the car door and stepped outside as her mother made her way accross the front lawn.

"Buffy! It's really you!" Joyce embraced her daughter as tears of joy came down her face.

"Mom..." Was all the blonde could muster in her ecstatic state. They stayed that way until Faith walked up to them holding Hope and cleared her throat.

"Oh, my...and who is this?" The older Summers asks with a warm smile while she wipes the tears away from her eyes.

"Uh...umm..." Buffy's eyes are wide as she tries to come up with a suitable way to explain.

"I think it would be best if we talked inside." Giles said while he cleaned his glasses.

"Yes, I'm sorry, let's all go inside. I made tea." She says as she leads the way into the house. Buffy turned to give Faith a reassuring smile, but glared instead when the brunette mimicked her own death again. Grinning at the exasperated blonde, Faith grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the house.


The end is coming soon. I'm thinking one...maybe two more chapters, but don't worry kiddies, I'll probably be writting a sequel...unless ya'll don't want me to.