If anyone knows the names of the two officers who help Ed out a lot (one blond hair, male; one female, black hair) I would appreciate it.

Disclaimer: I do not own FMA. Deal with it. I'm moved on…(breaks down)

Greed sat in a chair looking very smug.

'Know your stars, know your stars, know your stars…'

'Greed…he's a Special ED Homunculi…'

"Well, I agree that I am 'special'. If by special you mean hansom, talented, all kno-"

'Greed…Everyone hates him…'

"What? How can you hate me? I've got looks, money, talent, muscles, a gang, dangerous…Okay, yeah, I'm starting to hate me, too."

'…Right. Greed…He's really an X-Man…'

"X-Man? Like, a Christmas guy?"


"Well, I do love Christmas; I get, money, girls, fan letters, candy, weapons of mass destruction-"

'Who gives you this stuff?'

"Oh, y'know, fangirls, random people on the streets, the terrorists…"


"Well, yeah! Cuz, everyone loves me!"


'Greed…In a cave somewhere…O'Sama Bin Laden is kissing a picture of him…'

"And why wouldn't he? Because I'm soooooooo awesome!"

'Are you even Greed?'

"Hahahaha! Okay, I know there's tons of Greed wannabes out there, but you must recognize the real deal when you see it!"

'…I hate you. SO very much.'

"Aw, c'mon! You know you love me!" Greed batted his eyelashes.

O.O 'Well…Okay then…Greed…scares me…Better?'

"I love you, You love me, We're a happy Family!..."

'…Seriously, is that Greed? Greed fangirls are gonna be pissed if they read this…'

"Don't worry!" Wrath waved his hand around. "Dante used to get like this all the time since she's a kooky old fart. It'll wear off in a minute before he figures it out."

'Well, okay then.'

"But even if the Greed fangirls DID flame you, it wouldn't matter!"

'Hey, I have feelings, too…'

"But the story-if you even want to call this that-summary says 'Flames welcome'."

'Bah. Gotta take that part out. I got flamed last few chapters, too. A user called me stupid.'

"What happened?"

'Blocked 'em.'


"Rubber duckie, I looooove yoooouuuuu! Rubber duckie! Yes it's truuuueeeeee!" Ed was standing there taking digital pictures, while everyone was either laughing, or averting their eyes (excluding Al, who was happily singing along).

"…Wrath? How much longer. I actually like the other Greed better."

"I dunno…" he rolled his eyes around childishly.

"I swear, you're such a kid!"

"Well, duh!" he giggled.

-.- "I swear! If you weren't so adorable, I'd beat you up right now!"

He giggled again and began to twirl in circles.

"…It seems that all those who created Homunculi were very…unstable…"

Ed stopped taking pictures and stared up at where he thought I was. "Whaddya mean? I'm normal!" He stared for a minute. He also took one more quick picture.

"Not counting that whole metal arm thing?"



"There's a heeeeeeroooooo, in ev-ery bodies…..HEEEEEEEEAAAAARRRRRRTTTTTTTTTT!...What just happened?"


"Well, then…I'M OFF!" A hoard of fangirls busted through the studio wall, and carried Greed off.

"Random…But the easiest way to end a chapter I suppose…"

Wrath started giggling like a maniac, and lifted a flower to me. "Lookie, lookie I gots a flower!"

"Awwww…Well that's very-"

Wrath immediately bit the flower's head off and swallowed it, still grinning crazily.

o.O; "…Sweet."

"Tune in next time for Know Your Stars!"

Yaaaaaaah…I have finals tomorrow. WRITE ME REVIEWS! R&R.