Chapter 5- Beautiful Picture
By: Ochako107
Standard Disclaimer
Kyo and Yuki made their way up the stairs and stopped before Tohru's room. Would she be asleep? No, she was probably still up.
Kyo turned to Yuki. "You knock."
"No, you knock."
"Damnit, I was the one carrying around this stupid pink thing and you won't even knock the door?" Kyo almost yelled at Yuki.
The other male sighed and raised his hand to knock on the door when small whisperings could be heard in Tohru's room. They stood silent and tried to listen. Was there someone in there with her? Maybe someone had crawled into her window!
Within the room, Tohru finished brushing her long soft hair and sat at her desk to stare at her mother's picture.
"Oh mom, today was so nice. Everyone came to see me for my birthday! We hade cake, presents, they even went out of there way and took me to a fancy restaurant. I'm so happy right now." She picked up the frame and hugged it to her chest. "I just wish sometimes… I could hold you again, mom. I really miss you. I miss your hugs and kisses… sometimes I still can't believe that you're gone." She opened her eyes and turned when a yellow package caught her eye. "Hua?"
She picked it up and read a small note reading 'you're friends stopped by but you were out. They told me to give this to you.' It was Shigure's handwriting. She opened the package to find a silver necklace with a heart pendant on it. Tohru's eyes widened and she picked it up. It was a locket. She opened the petite clasp and inside was a small photograph of her mother and her embracing one another with Hana and Uo on either side. On the left of the locket was a blank spot that shone with every movement in the light.
She looked in the box and opened the card that went along with the beautiful ornament.
"Dear Tohru,
We didn't know what to give to you, since you already have so much. But we know that you have tried so hard to make it this far without your beautiful mother by your side. We both love you so much. This locket is for you. We wanted to put another picture inside of it besides the one of your mother and yourself but couldn't decide. We hope that one day you will be able to fill that in when you find that special someone you would like the carry with you where ever you go.
Yeah, it would be a little weird to just put any random guy we choose isn't it? But anyway, we hope your birthday totally rocked! And remember, we're always here for you, Tohru. We promised to take care of one another and that's what we'll do! Besides, with Hana's electric waves I don't think she'll ever let any guy steal you're heart without her knowing!
Hana- chan & Uo-chan
Tohru's eyes filled with tears. "Thank you both so much." She whispered. She placed the jewelry into its velvet box again and smiled to herself. "I better get to bed now…"
Startled, she looked up from her desk. She could hear noises from outside her door. She walked over and opened it to see Kyo holding Yuki's wrist while Yuki was pushing Kyo's face away.
"Kyo, Yuki!" Tohru exclaimed. "What are you doing here?"
Both boys broke apart and didn't say anything. They just watched the floor. "We hua… wanted to say good night to you." Yuki said.
"Oh, good night!" She bowed before them. "And thank you for a wonderful day."
"I dunno, I don't think we really made it so wonderful." Kyo added. "We were ruining it for you, so…"
"No, no don't apologize…!" Suddenly Kyo handed Tohru the beautifully wrapped present. It was a pink wrapper with a white bow streaming from one end to the other in elegant swirls. She took it into her hands feeling the soft paper on her finger tips. "Oh, this is too much; I've already received so much from all of you!"
Yuki patted her hand, "Please Miss Honda, open it." She blinked for a moment and looked onto the present.
"…Okay." She slid the ribbons off and opened the package to find a picture of herself, Kyo and Yuki framed in a lemon yellow casing. It was a marvelous picture of Yuki, herself and Kyo sitting so closely together. It almost looked… like they were holding her. And they were smiling at her. It must have been a split second before the cameraman pushed Yuki.
Her fingers traced the silky frame as she stared at it intently. It was simplistic but elegant. It held more value than all the riches in the world. Tohru couldn't help but feel her heart burst. She collapsed under her knees and fell to the floor, both Yuk and Kyo gasping in surprise.
"Miss Honda!"
"I'm alright… I'm okay." She muttered before either boy could lay a finger on her. "I'm just… so happy!"
"Gez, could you stop crying?" Kyo muttered while rubbing the back of his head.
"I'm sorry." She held the picture to her chest as if she were really hugging Kyo and Yuki. "I am a fool. I'm so sorry for making you transform at the restaurant… I didn't want any of that to happen."
"It wasn't your fault, take it easy." Yuki tried to calm her. Both boys found themselves sitting on the floor with her. The fat tear drops blemished the floors of her room.
Tohru held the picture close. "I wish… mom could hug me right now. I miss her so much. Did you know on my birthdays… she would always hug me and kiss me? It was like I would wake up expecting it." Both Kyo and Yuki could feel her sadness wash throughout the room. They hated to see her in tears. Torhu tried to push the stray tears from her eyes. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't say things like that, it just makes everything harder on you."
'But still. This is one birthday I've gone through without a single hug from my mother. My family… she was taken away forever…'
Tohru was lost in thought as Kyo and Yuki looked away thinking to themselves. They made eye contact as Tohru began standing up.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to…"
Suddenly, she felt both of her wrists be pulled downward and she was in the arms of not one but two young men. She could feel their body heat mixing with hers, the smell of their hair and beating of their hearts. It seemed as if they wouldn't transform and their hug would go on without end. She felt them press themselves securely as if afraid she'd wane into nothingness.
"Miss Honda…"
"We're sorry…"
Tohru waited for the smoke of dissipate and she found a small rat and cat lying in her lap staring up at with full eyes.
The miniature rat stared down at her yellow fleece pants. "If we weren't cursed, you would not have to suffer like you do. The greatest gift I could give you, if I had any power in the world is to bring your mother back. Just for you, on your birthday to make you happy, Miss Honda."
"Just stop crying… please." Kyo's small voice pleaded while still hugging onto her leg.
"We care for you like a family, Miss Honda. We promise to always be with you. We thought a picture might make you happy, but we can see it's just making you miss your mother more."
Tohru's eyes widened and she vigilantly placed her hands on both of their heads. They were hugging her. To make her happy to try and cheer her up. She could feel the core of her soul tighten and fill with bliss. She hadn't lost her family… she had only come to adopt another. They took care of her. Here Yuki and Kyo were, in their animal forms, their most vulnerable state, hugging her to make her feel content.
She placed the picture to the side and pulled both animals up on her lap. Kyo and Yuki felt themselves lift up into the air and Tohru held them close. She held each of them to her chest, cuddling them while kissing the top of both their heads.
"The greatest gift you've given me is showing that I had a family all along. Even though I'll always miss my mom… you two are here with me. You take such good care of me I don't know how to return the favor. Thank you… thank you so much." She whispered. "I love your gift, thank you so much."
Kyo and Yuki hugged Tohru back, thinking about how much they loved the girl in their arms… wondering if they'd ever be able to give her, her dearest longing and make it come true. They wondered if they would ever be able to hug Tohru and make her smile more becoming. To just wake up like she said and expect to have a normal hug from family.
As the moments flew by, Tohru looked down to see Kyo and Yuki had fallen asleep in her arms. She beamed and cautiously picked them up, carrying them to their rooms. She placed Yuki on his pillow and rubbed the small rat's stomach. He hugged her finger with his small paws before Tohru kissed his head and slipped away from him and out of his room.
Next, she went into Kyo's room and placed the cat onto his blue mattress. The small orange ball shivered at the cool sheets on his skin and he curled up into a tighter ball. Tohru scratched his ears and Kyo purred blissfully. She kissed the top of his head once again before quietly escaping his room.
Tired, she finally climbed into her own bed. For a moment she stared at the dark ceiling thinking about her birthday, reminiscing on everything that had happened. She ran her fingers on the cool metal of the locket Hana and Uo had given her around her neck. Tohru's mind began to run around in circles as she thought about the proceedings of the day and she slowly began to fall asleep. She closed her eyes finally a smile playing her she delicate lips.
"Good night…" She whispered to the dark as her mind fell into a deep and blissful slumber.
Next to her on her night stand sat two pictures:
Her mother watching her darling Tohru from the heavens. And her newest picture of Yuki and Kyo loving her everyday on earth.
Awww, I'm a sucker for sap. I hope you liked my story and please review! Thank you all so much for reading! I'm working on another Fruba story but I don't know when that one will be making its debute. Anyway, until next time, reviews and readers, keep reading! Peace.