Harry went down to breakfast the next morning still slightly angry at Sirius and Remus for not having told him that he had almost died in the past. Just before he stepped into the Great Hall after getting lost several times he could hear a quiet murmur from inside. He pushed a door open as quietly as he could and headed to the Hufflepuff table, thankful that no one bothered to look up at him yet. It was still probably too early for most of the school to be at breakfast anyway.

As he sat down Harry helped himself to some of the food on the table that was within his reach, which wasn't a lot whilst the hall slowly filled up. A fifth year prefect came along and handed out the timetables. Harry didn't know if this would be a good day or not. From what Sirius had told Harry of the professors that he had today and were still teaching at the school from when Sirius had been a student they gave out a lot of detentions. Sirius had pulled a lot of pranks, so that would explain them. It didn't give Harry too much of an insight as to what the professors would be like. Well other than Moony, who he ,incidentally had first.

"Excuse me?" asked a timid voice from next to Harry. It was another first year, a girl, who Harry hadn't noticed being sorted the previous night, not that that was saying much. "Can I sit here?"

Harry nodded, and she sat down. Girls weren't something Harry was used to. It was safe to say the only females Harry had ever come into contact with were when he had gone to Diagon Alley, and a couple on the train. They were definitely new to him.

"I'm Sally-Anne Perks," she said as she picked up her timetable.

"Harry Potter," Harry muttered as he picked up a small piece of toast. She nodded.

"What," she gulped. For some reason she seemed to be nervous. Harry wouldn't explain it in the slightest. "What happened to you last night?"

"I collapsed because I was away from my godfathers for too long," Harry said simply. He didn't want to talk about it.

"Your godfather?"

Harry tried not to roll his eyes. Either this girl paid no attention to the news or was muggleborn, because Harry knew that at some point, several times actually, the Daily Prophet had stated who Harry's godfathers was.

"Sirius Black and Remus Lupin."

And that was the end of any conversation, for the moment. Then a couple of forth years sat down across the table from Harry, chatting loudly for a few minutes. Harry ignored them as well as he could, until he noticed that they had stopped talking and were now staring at him. It was unnerving him no end.

"Yes?" he asked quietly. The forth years just continued to stare at him unblinkingly. Unable to stand it a moment longer, Harry got up and left for classes. They weren't due to start for another fifteen minutes, but he might need the time to find the classes, and besides, it was better than being stared at.

Harry got half way down the corridor before Sally-Anne Perks came running after him. Unfortunately she ran straight into another person. Harry just kept walking as Sally-Anne tried to dodge through the people in the crowd quickly, apologizing all the time. By the time Harry had found the classroom where the first class would be held Harry had easily lost Sally-Anne, and by the time she had found him again the lesson was just about to start.

The lesson with Moony was interesting. It started off with introductions, specifically who he and who his assistant, Sirius Black, who was still being guarded by two gruff looking aurors, were. Moony and Padfoot, or Professors Lupin and Black began the lesson. First they went over a bit of theory, with the students staring fearfully at Sirius the entire time to the point where he attempted to take over the lecture for a few minuets, and failed miserably, provoking a few scared giggles, to get them to pay attention. Then they were shown the disarming charm, as well as what the charm felt like by their two professors, though Sirius would get stunned by the trigger happy Aurors every time he caught a wand. This got irritating for our favorite puppy so he went up to Harry and quietly asked to borrow his wand, then turned around and shot two stunners at the aurors hitting them. This of course started the class screaming until Remus said "Really, Padfoot, was that necessary" this flippant attitude started to calm the panicking class but what Stunned them was the reply. "But, Moony, they were being mean and stunning me and it wasn't fair and….." ,this had the class laughing again, here was Sirius Black, the mass murderer, whining and giving their professor puppy dog eyes that mad several hearts melt. As they finished up the class, in which none of the students were afraid of Padfoot. Some of the Ravenclaws were promising to get his name cleared despite being only eleven, especially after watching him being beaten into submission for stunning the gaurds when he didn't do anything really wrong.

Hogwarts had many staircases, some which moved and some which had vanishing steps. There were suits of armour which Harry was sure could walk, and Filch and his cat Mrs Norris, who patrolled the halls searching for troublemakers, and Peeves, who was more than happy to pull pranks on whoever he came across whenever, along with Sally-Anne Perks who seemed to want nothing more than to be friends - something which Harry inexplicably didn't want to be with his fellow Hufflepuff. But the most annoying thing by far was the fact that wherever Harry went whispers followed him. On his way to classes Harry heard the same things every day.

"Can you believe he lives in Azkaban?"

"I heard he brought a murderer to school."

Although it was rather satisfying to hear some of the firsties from his class defending the three of them and even some of the older ones, especially Ravenclaws and Gryginddors when they found out that there was no trial for Sirius, as it went against their moral beliefs. And so the long first day finally ended but who knows what tomorrow will bring.

Well here is the next chapter, This is the last chapter from the previous author so after this I'm on my own, suggestions are welcome. Sorry It took so long, I've been waiting on my new lap top, my graduation present! Yay high school is over Cya- evil older sister