Title: Summer Love

By: x0 cherry blossom xO

Disclaimer: I DO NOT own Cardcaptor Sakura. Luckily, Clamp does. I only own the plot.

Summary: Sakura doesn't know how to swim, and she's afraid of heights. The meanest girl in school dares her to go to the highest diving board and jump off in the town pool. She's up there in a pink Juicy bikini and she jumps off. THUMP! She finds herself on top of a guy with amber orbs.

"Talking" / 'Thinking'

A/N: Heyy, I like to thank all the reviewers. This chapter will have a surprise scene. So I just wanted you to know that. So, enjoy! 3 always!


All of a sudden, a guy came to her grabbed her wrists and covered her mouth with his hands. He pushed her to the wall, and before he could do anything, another guy punched him straight to the face.

The guy fell to the ground. The guy who punched him, glared at him with amber eyes. He seemed to be drunk. He just had a hangover. Sakura first changed and then Syaoran held Sakura's hand, and pulled her toward the exit room.

Outside of class

"Syaoran?" Sakura screamed.

Syaoran just ignored her.


Syaoran ignored her.

"Syaoran!" Sakura just screamed and pulled her hand out of Syaoran's.

Syaoran turned around and screamed, "Sakura, you could have been raped back there!"

"I know," she whispered.

"If I hadn't been there, you would have been screwed."

"Syaoran, let's just think that never happened."

"Okay, next time stand up for your self."

"I will, don't worry. Where are you talking me?"

"My place."

"First, bring me to my place. I have to get my stuff."


Sakura and Syaoran went into his green Jaguar. They didn't talk the whole time.

Sakura's dorm

She went into her room, and rolled her suitcase down to the lobby, and Syaoran put it in his car. They drove to Syaoran's condo and it was only 1:00 P.M.

"Do you want to eat lunch?" Syaoran asked.

"Not hungry at the moment," Sakura replied.


Syaoran's condo

"This is you room," Syaoran said pointing the room next to his.

"Okay, thanks."

"Here's your suitcase."

"Thanks. Can you excuse me for a second?"


Sakura closed the door, and lied on her bed. She noticed that the room was mostly green. She came out of the room after 10 minutes, and sat on the couch.

'I remember what happened the other day,' she thought while blushing.

"What are you thinking about?" Syaoran said as he was leaning against the wall looking at Sakura.

Sakura, surprised, replied a "nothing."

'He looks so hot,' Sakura thought.

"So what do you want to do?"

"Nothing really…"

"I have nothing in mind."

"Me too."

"I have an idea."

"What is it?"

"Okay, but you have to do it."

"Uhh, okay."

"In this hat we are to put 14 games in it. It could be any games. We are to play one game a day starting today."


"Here's the hat," he said pulling out a green Von Dutch hat.


"I write seven, you write seven."


10 minutes later

"Okay, all done!" said a really happy girl.

"Yeah," replied the boy.

"So, where are we going to play it?"

"Every night at 11: 00 P.M. we are to play the game."

"Okay. I have to go shopping, be back later."


Sakura left the condo, and went into her car. She drove to the Tokyo mall. She needed to buy her bathing suit for swimming today. Since, it was private lessons, and no one was going to be in there, she decided to buy a not really expensive bikini.

In Victoria's Secret

Sakura was looking at a cherry bikini. She thought it was cute, so she decided to wear it for her swimming lessons. She bought it, and it was only 100 dollars. She thought it was a pretty good price. She bought swimming goggles, and went back to the parking lot where she parked her car. She noticed it was 6 o'clock.

'6 o'clock!' she screamed in her head.

She went in her car, and she dialed the swimming teacher's number.

On the phone

"Hello?" the voice asked.

"Hello?" Sakura replied.


"I'm coming for swimming lessons today at 8:00."

"I know."

"Do I need anything other than my bathing suit and my goggles?"

"No. Bye."


He hung up on her… again. She was really pissed.

'Uhh, wait till I see him, he will be dead.'

Syaoran's house

"Hi!" Sakura screamed.

"Hi," Syaoran replied.

It was 6:45.

"Can you make dinner?"



Dinner 7:20



"Dinner's ready!"


Sakura ran to the table and sat on the opposite side of Syaoran.


"Hi, so we're eating curry today."

"Yeah, try it."


"So what do you think?"

"It's good."


"Oh my God, its 7:45, thanks! I got to go! Bye!" before Sakura left she went to Syaoran and kissed him on the cheek.

Syaoran blushed and Sakura ran out of the condo to her car. Sakura took out the swimming advertisement and looked at the address.

18 Haruna Ave.

Tokyo, Japan 12354

A/N: I just made up the address.

Sakura thought of where that would be. 'Isn't that where Syaoran lives? I go to go check.'

"What's the address of this dorm?"

"18 Haruna Street," the man replied.

"Thank you."

Sakura looked at the map, and it had a swimming pool at floor B2.

Sakura took the elevator there, and she went into the girl's changing room and changed into her bikini. She noticed that no one was here. She came out and sat on the chair.

"Did he chicken out, because he knew that I would kill him today."

"I don't think so."

When Sakura turned, she saw a guy with hard abs, messy chocolate hair, and playful amber eyes.

"Syaoran?" Sakura asked.

"Sakura, what are you doing here?"

"Swimming lessons."

"So, you're my student."

"So, you're my teacher?" Sakura asked.

"I guess so."

"I really want to kill you."


"You were so rude to me on the phone."

"I was?"

"Yeah. But I don't care anymore. How much is the lesson?"

"Its usually 50 bucks an hour, but, since I'm going to live with you for the next two weeks, it will be free."

"Okay. Thanks."

"Its 8:10, let's start our lesson."


In the pool

"Do you own the pool?"


" Cool."

"Sakura, you don't know how to swim?"


"I see."

"If I did know, I wouldn't be here."

"Okay, whatever."

"Please start the lesson."

"Okay. We'll start out with kicking. All you have to do is move your legs up and down. Hold my hand."

Sakura put her hand to his, and started kicking. Syaoran moved backwards while Sakura kicked. They did this for a couple of minutes. Then, when Syaoran thought she was good enough, she started teaching her the hands of free-style. He put his body right next to hers so that their bodies touched. He held her by the waist so he had a good grip on her, and then grabbed her hands. He moved her hands in a loop, which made Syaoran's hands move his hands on the contour of her body and arms.

'She's so irresistible.'

Sakura liked Syaoran moving his hands on her body. He made her feel safe. Syaoran moved his head and leaned on Sakura's bare shoulder.

'God, she smells good.'

Syaoran, not able to resist, turned Sakura around, pushed her to the side of the pool, and started kissing her.

A/N: Heyy, how was this chapter? I hope it was good. Please review! Ja! x0xO, x0 cherry blossom xO. 3