Title: Summer Love

By: x0 cherry blossom xO

Disclaimer: I DO NOT own Cardcaptor Sakura. Luckily, Clamp does. I only own the plot.

Summary: Sakura doesn't know how to swim, and she's afraid of heights. The meanest girl in school dares her to go to the highest diving board and jump off in the town pool. She's up there in a pink Juicy bikini and she jumps off. THUMP! She finds herself on top of a guy with amber orbs.

"Talking" / 'Thinking'

This is my first fanfiction, so please review and enjoy.

At Tokyo University, there was a girl with glimmering emerald eyes with mid-waist urban hair. She had her curves at the right place and she was slender and slim. She was one of the most popular and richest girl in the university. She was talking to her best friends, Tomoyo and Meiling. Tomoyo had pure amethyst eyes and long sleek grayish/violet hair. She was also rich and beautiful like Sakura. Meiling had long raven hair with fiery red eyes.

Sakura was wearing a pink halter with a white mini skirt; Tomoyo was wearing a light violet halter with a dark purple mini skirt; and Meiling was wearing a red halter with a black skirt.

They were walking to modeling class until they all stopped. On the other side of them was the Troublesome Triplet: Allie, Carol, and Mary. They were the 3 meanest, one of the richest, and the most desperate girls in school. There was a dramatic silence. They were arch-enemies.

Sakura and Allie

Tomoyo and Carol

Meiling and Mary

They just passed each other, until Mary grabbed Meiling's strings and pulled it down. Before, her halter-top could fall, Meiling grabbed it and held it up. She quickly tied it up, and punched Mary in the nose. Mary had a nosebleed. She started to scream and she head down to the bathroom. Carol and Allie followed her to the bathroom.

"That little female dog," Meiling muttered under her breath.

"Are you okay?" asked Sakura and Tomoyo.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Let's go to class, I don't want to be late."

"Good idea."

Modeling Class

There were three boys sitting in they spots. In Sakura's seat, there was a guy with amber orbs and messy chestnut hair. The one next to him, who was sitting in Tomoyo's seat, had sapphire eyes and navy blue hair with glasses. In Meiling's seat was a guy with light brown eyes and black hair.

"Syaoran Li?" questioned Meiling.

"Oh! Hi, Meiling. You go here?" asked the guy with amber eyes,

"Yeah, why are you here?"

"Modeling class, NO DUH!"

"Oops, my bad."

Just then Sakura and Tomoyo started to fake cough.

"Cough cough!"

"Cough cough!"

"Oh, sorry Sakura and Tomoyo."

"So, would you like to introduce me to the people who are apparently sitting in our seats?" asked Sakura and Tomoyo.

"Yeah, sure… ummm… Syaoran is my cousin," she said as she pointed to the guy in front of her.

"And who are the other people?" Tomoyo asked while glancing at the sapphire-eyed guy.

"I don't know who they are."

The guy with the navy blue hair stood up. "I'm Eriol Hiriigizawa. (A/N: I don't know how to spell his last name, so bear with me.) You may call me Eriol. Nice to meet you," As he said bowing down and kissing Tomoyo's hand. Tomoyo blushed at the fact that he kissed her hand, not Meiling's or Sakura's.

The guy next to him stood up and said, "I'm Ryuo Hota. You may call me Ryuo." As he said that he gave Meiling a playful glare, and Meiling just glared at him.

"Anyway, ummm… can we get our seats back?" Sakura asked looking a Syaoran.

"These are your seats, and what is your name?" asked Syaoran.

"Yes, these are our seats, and my name is Sakura Kinomoto. You may call me Sakura.

"Okay, Sakura, you may call me Syaoran.

"Umm, can we get our seats back?"

"Uhh, yeah," as he said that he got off his seat and Eriol and Ryuo.


"No problem."

"Where do you want us to sit now?" asked Ryuo.

"Somewhere in the back, far away from us," replied Meiling.

"Hey! That's not nice!"

"Get over it!"

"Your mean!"

Sakura, Syaoran, Tomoyo, and Eriol just sweat dropped.

They continued their argument until the teacher came in.

"Hi, my wonderful models!" the teacher exclaimed. "Today, we are going to go into the fashion show room, and do some poses. Everybody, line up!"

As everyone lined up, they headed down to the room. It was big and sparkly.

Sakura, Tomoyo, and Meiling went to the Women's changing room, while Syaoran, Eriol, and Ryuo went into the Men's changing room.

In the Women's changing room

"Oh my God!" exclaimed Sakura.

"What!" replied her best friends.

"They want me to wear a halter short dress!"

"How short is it?"

"It lines up with my wrists!"

"Oh my God, that's short!"

"No DUH!"

Tomoyo had to wear a tube top with a knee length white skirt; Meiling had to wear a red spaghetti strap with tight faded blue jeans.

Sakura came out, and it looked gorgeous on her. She was wearing pink high heels, and her hair was wavy at the bottom. She barely had any make-up on, and she looked beautiful. She went down to wear Meiling and Tomoyo was, and she found them talking to Syaoran, Eriol, and Ryuo.

She went down there and said, "Hey."

Syaoran just gaped at her, while the rest of them noticed the expression on his face; they all just started to have a hint of smile on their faces.

"Is there something wrong, Syaoran?" asked Sakura.

"Uhh… ohhh.. ahhhhh… Nnnno."

"Then why are you staring at me?"



"Everybody get over here!" screamed the teacher.

Everybody got there, and she started to give instructions.

"Sakura, you first; then Tomoyo; then Meiling; then so on and so on. Then the boys, Syaoran, Eriol, and Ryou."

Sakura was behind the curtains, and the song Yeah by Usher came out. As soon as the song started, the curtains opened.

'Here goes nothing.'

Sakura started cat walking and she stopped at the near edge of the stage. She started giving out sexy poses, and the boys started whistling. It really bothered Syaoran for some reason, but he at the moment didn't really care. He noticed that Sakura had a nice body and that she was beautiful.

'God, she's hot. Oh my God, what am I thinking? Do not think like that. Do not think like that. Do not think like that.'

Sakura stopped her poses and she was about to catwalk back to the back of the stage until she slipped on some sort of fabric on the groundand fell on top of…

A/N: Heyy, how do you like it? Well, its my like first fanfic, that I actually created with my own plot. If you wanna know what happens next, I think you should press on this certain button. LOL. Okay, please R&R.