Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha! Or Microsoft.
Summary: She was a big time author now, going on her seventh book. Kagome Higurashi, 24, divorced woman tells the world what it was like when she was in high school when she was sucked into marring the hot most evil man alive. Nar/Kag
Warning: There is no warning… Wait…. OH right! Rape, abuse, child-birth, hatred towards beautiful Sesshomaru, then towards beautiful Naraku, then towards the author, -cries-, I can't go on! (There is none of this…) The real warning: willing sex, love, torture, hate, death, yaoi. (Mix the fake and real warning and you got it!)
A/N: Yep… now that we've got that settled. –cough- If you have read my other fic's (which suck by the way) you would know I suck at everything and have a weird sense of humor (really weird I mean major huge weirdo fest) and that the bubble things is the voice in my head which I named Evil Casey EC for short. (Voice in your head?) The world is coming to an end (I hope you get sucked up by a black hole) –smile-
Story Title: The Devils Red Eyes
Chapter Title: Freak Out
Click click click
I hear it in my head as I ran through the woods as it rained heavily on my already soaked body. I could feel blood running from my arm to the ground, his red eyes following me as I ran faster, hardly breathing. All my thoughts about getting away, death, and sex all things I needed to live.
I almost grinned as I ran off a small cliff into the pond below, I laid there in the water sinking into the depths of it. I was hearing music blast in my ears, my lungs burning for the need of air. I stared up into the water seeing his glowing red eyes watch me as I sink farther into the deep dark water. I smile and close my eyes mouthing "Freedom" up to him before I disappear.
I sat up in my computer chair taking my headphones off fast the heavy metal music bursting out of them reaching my ears. I gasped for some air my lungs still burning a bit from the small dream I just had. I sighed and glared at my laptop screen it showing that I had Microsoft up. Damnit I'm suppose to be writing not sleeping. I guess not having a full night sleep because hearing your best friend's having rough sex in the next room gives you nightmares.
And with your CD player not working and you can't find your portable CD player. You have to listen to them. I looked around the office me and one of my friends shared: Two desk, the latest computers on each both with laptops and office crap. My side of the office was black and his was blue. My other best friends idea to calm his soul. If Sesshomaru gets any calmer I think it is going to become a lazy couch potato like me.
Maybe I shouldn't have introduced Shippo to him. But they would have found each other, I know it. They know. God knows it. Damn them for finding their one true love, though it did take a while for Sesshomaru to get the fact, sleeping with a guy for a year and not ever touching a girl means your gay. Took him a whole month to tell him that because your gay doesn't mean you have to act like the girl. That's Shippo's job.
Though Shippo knew he was gay ever since first grade when he met Sesshomaru and me. I still remember it, he pulled me over to the side and whispered "Who's the hunk?" that's how it started. Shippo was Sesshomaru's first fan. And even though Sesshomaru would deny it, he loved the little red headed freak.
Enough about them I guess I should get back to work on my book. Even on the last page it gives me a headache that I have to end it with a happy ending. Blah. I finished it and sighed saving it the turning off my computer standing up walking out of the office to the living room where my lovey dovey roommates made out on the couch.
Sesshomaru noticed me first and tried to brake the kiss but Shippo kept him there. Sesshomaru managed to get free "There is some mail for you on the-" Shippo attacked him again with kisses. Sesshomaru poked towards our condos kitchen before being forced down on the couch by the small childish Shippo.
I walked into the kitchen ignoring the moans from the living room; I heard a crash in the living room and a yelp from Shippo a few hushed whispered then a slap after the slap a loud slam from their bedroom door. Sesshomaru came in the kitchen rubbing his cheek "Did you notice Shippo cut his hair?" I shook my hair no and looked through my mail, which were all stupid junk.
"No… but I never really pay attention to anything" I said in my lazy tone plopping down on the floor since I'm really not a chair person. I opened a letter from my family who was asking for money, what's new. Something about how my sister was 'sick' yeah sick from not being able to get those 200 dollar shoes. At least they only asked for a thousand dollars this time four thousand dollars lower then last time.
I continued to open my junk mail and a few letters from fans. Souta (my brother) wrote me using a friends address, afraid to use theirs cause he would be forced to act sick and ask for money. He told me his plan to come see me with out my mother knowing since all she ever wanted was money to keep her new husband and her bitchy daughter happy.
I sighed and got up from the floor putting my mail on the table, I looked at Sesshomaru who was looking at the letter my mother sent me. "Shocking isn't it?" I asked sitting a chair by him. "Yeah… did you finish it?" he asked. I never finish her letters all I do and see how much send her the money and I'm done she doesn't call me and I don't have to hear her annoying voice. It's a win, win thing.
"No" I answered laying my head on my arms looked at him through half closed eyes, as Sesshomaru read the part of the letter I needed to hear:
Oh and by the way my dearest, Naraku called and said he need to speak with you. You are his wife.
You are his wife. Those words echoed through my head all night it even blocked out my friends make up sex. Damn you Naraku.
A/N: That's all I'm doing for the first chapter. Review and tell me if I should even bother to write the second chapter.