NC Ace: A very nice reviewer of my other FMA romance fic told me to do RoyXRiza, so here it is. The other one is based on Colors, but this one is Numbers. I am not really sure, but Elizabeth Riza Hawkeye is Liuetenant Hawkeye's first name, right?



How often that number came up.

Riza Hawkeye sat in her home, looking through scrap books. On the third page, she found a few of her college pictures. In one, there was a grinning man, with a cocky smile, somewhat familiar. He had raven black hair, a little bit too long, and obsidian eyes. 'What was his name again? Ray? Yes, I think that was it...'

10 or so years ago...

((This is NOT a flashback! It's just going back to the past for a short while. And it is made up. It is when Riza would be in college or so.))

A blonde girl with hair barely ending at her shoulders sat in the third row from the front. She pushed the bridge of her glasses higher up the bridge of her nose, yet, even without them, she'd have 20/20 vision. She rose her hand to answer the third question. No one else did...

"Yes, Elizabeth."

She answered perfectly, for the third time...

The bell rang, dismissing the class for their next subject, and she gathered up her things. Walking out into the hallway, a small group of three girls squeeled, "Ahhh! It's Roy!" Running up to a boy with obsidian eyes.

How they disgusted her.

With a sigh, she made her way to her next class, books in hand. "Whoa." She gasped, as her books flew out of her grasp, as someone dashed past her. Falling to her knees, she dropped three books, along with her bag. With a glare at the figure dashing down the hall, another sigh reached her lips. Her hand reached for two of her books, and as she was about to pick up the third, someone bent down and got it for her.

"Thank you." she spoke with a quiet voice. She stood up and dusted herself off, before seeing who had helped her. It was the boy with obsidian eyes.

"You're welcome." He replied with a cocky grin before going to his next class.

Staring at the man, run off, she sighed, shook her head, and opened the door to her next class. Room 3.

"Yes...I do believe his name was Ray..." She grumbled.

The next day, she threatened the colonel three times, and shot at him three times.