A/N:It's holidays again and I thought I'd celebrate by writing another fic. BTW the bits in bold itallic are thoughts. Calleigh and Eric are the only ones who this applies to.

Setting: mid season 3

Disclaimer: I own nothing.. oh wait except Krystal, I do get that credit.

"I can't believe you!" Krystal shouted as she threw a lamp in Eric's direction.

"Whoa, calm down," Eric replied, frantically ducking.

"I can't believe you're ending it just like this!" She growled, throwing a pillow at Eric's head.

Ok owww, God this is not going good.

"Please, can we talk later? I'm running late enough as it is can we just-"

"You come to MY apartment, BREAK up with me, then expect me to be okay with it?" Krystal screamed and stormed into her bedroom, slamming the door behind her.

Eric sighed.

I knew I should have done this over the phone, but no, I had to be considerate because of my damn morals.

"Krystal please," Eric pleaded through the door, "We've only been seeing each other for 3 weeks."

"I-it was the best 3 weeks of my life," Krystal sobbed, tears streaming down her face.

Eric rubbed his forehead in frustration.

Great, now she was crying.

"I'm really-really gonna be late for-"

"JUST GO!" Krystal screamed through the tears.

Eric stared at the door, contemplating what to do.

Stuff it.

Eric got up, ran for the door and didn't look back.

That's the last time I date a librarian.

Eric sighed, glancing at his watchas he sped to work.

It's the loneliness. Librarians are so lonely that the find comfort in endless love stories and-


Eric's thoughts were interrupted by his phone going off.

I got a message, someone loves me.

He glanced at it.

"Were r u? Cal is getting pissed off, meet us at lab. Wolfe"

Arrgh great, now Calleigh's mad at me.

That seemed to be happening a lot lately. Every time Eric talked to her she either shrugged him off or got mad. Eric figured it was just PMS, or something like that which lasted 3 weeks.

Eric glanced at his watch again.

Crap 2 hours late.

Luckily he wasn't working with Horatio today, unluckily he was working with a mad Calleigh.

Eric pulled up in the car-park and prepared for the wrath of Calleigh Duquesne.

Calleigh focused the lens on the blue fibre under the microscope and took in a deep breath.

Oh I am gonna kill Eric when he finally gets here.

"What do you think?" Ryan asked from across the table.

"I bet he's with Krystal," Calleigh replied,envy obvious in her voice.

"And I bet you're jealous, but I was actually talking about the evidence," Ryan replied nonchalantly.

Calleigh sighed.

Stupid Krystal.

"It's nylon- and hey, I am not jealous," Calleigh said, glaring at Ryan.

"Whatever, I'm gonna go analyse those blood spatters," Ryan replied and walked out.

Calleigh growled.

Jealous? Why the hell would I be jealous? Jealous that Eric's going out with a bimbo slut? Uh, no! Jealous that he's getting some from a-

"Calleigh," Eric called as he practically ran through the door, causing Calleigh to jump, "I am so sorry about running late I just had some trouble with Krystal and when-"

Eric tried to explain but was cut off by Calleigh.

"Just don't let it happen again. Go over my case notes and then go see Alexx," Calleigh ordered, returning her attention to the microscope.


"Um ok," Eric replied nervously. He took a step back but decided to press the issue.

"Cal, are you mad at me for being late or is this about something else that I'm oblivious to?"

"Just drop it Eric," Calleigh said quietly as she took the slide out from under the microscope.

"Is it about Speed?" Eric asked, unsure of what would come next.

Calleigh straightened up and looked at him in disbelief.

"Wow, I can not believe you asked that"

Idiot, this has nothing to do with Tim.

Calleigh walked to the other side of the desk.

"Look Calleigh it helps to talk," Eric said following her, "Krystal said that when her sister's boyfriend's brother died she-"

Oh God, If I hear that name one more time…

"Eric," Calleigh growled, "It's got nothing to do with Tim and frankly, it's none of your business. I don't need your advice and I DEFINITELY don't need hers!"

Whoops, that was a little stronger than intended.

Eric stood still for a second, looking more than a little hurt.

"Fine," Eric mumbled and took off.

Calleigh moaned and rested her face in her hands.

As Eric made his way to morgue he thought about the scene that just played out.

Okay, so Calleigh's pissed off, Krystal's upset, Alexx is waiting, and I'm just confused. Not to mention just a little hurt by Calleigh's outburst.

"Alexx?" Eric asked glumly as he walked into the morgue, "Is there some sort of female conspiracy against me or am I just imagining it?"

"Having lady troubles?" Alexx asked sympathetically.

"Calleigh's just… never mind. What can you tell me about Claudia Carney?"

"No signs of struggle, bullet to the head, scars on her wrist… I'd say the killer of this girl is right here," Alexx replied stroking the girls face.

"Thanks Alexx," Eric said before leaving.

15 minutes later

Calleigh walked into the morgue with a frown on her face.

"Hey Alexx, how's my vic?" She asked looking around for Claudia's body.

"I've finished with her and I'm about to start onHoratio's victim. Didn't Eric talk to you?" Alexx asked preparing the body.

"I think he's avoiding me," Calleigh replied innocently, "I kinda lashed out at him."

Cough, know he's avoiding me.

"Oh," Alexx nodded, "I haven't done the paperwork but my educated guess is suicide."

"Thanks Alexx," Calleigh said. She turned to leave but was stopped by Alexx.

"Calleigh, go easy on Eric sweetie"

Calleigh frowned.

"I'm just saying," Alexx continued, "he's not trying to make you mad. He can't help that he's clueless when it comes to women. Just give him a chance and he'll come around."

Calleigh smiled and walked out, thinking about Alexx's wisdom.

Ryan sat down in the break room as the Miami sun set, pleased that the case was over. Eric was sitting across from him, reading the newspaper.

"Got any plans for tonight Wolfe?" Eric asked casually.

"Um, I was just gonna see if Valera wanted to, grab a drink or something when she's done," Ryan answered nervously.

"Ooooo," Eric replied smiling mischievously.

"There's no Ooooo to it," Ryan replied, "It's just a friend asking a friend out for a drink.

Ha, yeah right.

"If you insist," Eric replied knowingly, "But if you ask me, Valera's got one hell of a-"

"One hell of a what Delko?" Valera asked as she walked into the Break room for a snack.

"Nothing," Ericanswered with a smile, getting up from his seat, "I think I'm gonna go…somewhere else."

Oh yay, home time. Krystal's probably bombed my apartment already. It's not my fault she's not my type. Now Calleigh, she's someone I wouldn't mind coming home to, given that she's not angry. An angry Calleigh a dangerous Calleigh. An angry Calleigh with a wide assortment of guns a dead Eric. Then again, Cal can be pretty sexy when she's all mad and-

Eric's thoughts were interrupted by a short blonde crashing into him.

"Whoa," Calleigh exclaimed as she stepped back from Eric.


"Sorry Calleigh," Eric apologised a little scared.

"Hey I wanna talk," Calleigh announced grabbing Eric by the arm and pulling him out of the hallway.


Grabbing is good, grabbing is positive.

"Um, ok ,this is gonna sound a little weird," Calleigh chuckled, "I'm sorry for, ya know earlier. And I'm sorry I've been a bit standoffish the last couple of weeks. I'm happy for you Eric and I'd really like to meet Krystal some time. I was just being stupid because, well, because I was jealous to tell you the truth"

Ok, this is…weird.

"Jealous?" Eric asked confused.

"Well I guess I kinda felt like I was losing a friend because we've been spending less time together and I didn't want things to change between us," Calleigh explained.

"Oh," Eric replied, slightly disappointed.

"So when can we get together?" Calleigh asked chirpily ,"maybe we could set up a double date or something?"

Hey that's not such a bad idea. Calleigh would meet Krystal and I would meet, wait, Calleigh has a boyfriend?

"So how bout it?"

"Sure how about…tomorrow"

Crap that's too early.

"Sure," Calleigh smiled, "Cya."

Calleigh gave Eric's arm a quick squeeze before leaving. Eric sighed as he watched the southern beauty walk away.

Calleigh has a boyfriend? Since when? Who? Can't say I'm too surprised, who wouldn't date Calleigh Duquesne. I guess I'll have to wait til tomorrow. Calleigh, her boyfriend, me and… oh crap, Krystal!

A/N: Well that's the first chapter. Tell me what you think. effective critisism is appreciated. And don't forget, more reviews more motivation to get the next chapter up as quickly as possible. Thanks