Disclaimer: I don't own Star Wars! Or anyone else except me (Jade)!
Alrighty, this chapter is dedicated to...Jarel Kortan! Thank you so much for reviewing my story. :) Enjoy!
My Reviewers:
Jarel Kortan: Suprise! (about the chapter dedication) Yes, another chapter. :) Oh, and thanks for clearing that up for me. May the Force be with you! And hope you enjoy the chapter.
Dragonjewel24: I'm glad you still like it:) And that's okay. (about not reviewing last chapter) Hope you enjoy this chapter!
Phantom666: Thanks, I'm glad you like it!
Stephanie C: lol! Yeah, if they'd have told Yoda about the pancakes, I bet he would have had a fit. OMG, I can just see it now: Yoda banging on the floor, having a tantrum. Now that would be a funny sight! Maybe I should put that in sometime…….oh, sorry, I'm rambling again! Moving on….yeah, they'll probably go to MGM and the Star Tours ride, and Space Mountain (or whatever that's called), and lots more. It will probably take a few chapters for the whole trip! And thank you for reviewing again. I love it when I have reviewers who keep coming back, and keep reviewing. :)
ThorongilFinweion: Thank you, so glad that you're liking my story! Hmm…you know, that's not a bad idea, about Anakin hijacking the plane and flying them to Disneyland….I think I'll use that, only have him hijack it when they're going back home. Thanks:)
Lea Nikkaya: You're welcome:) Here's the next chappy. Oh, and now that you've got an account, do you think you might start writing some fanfics? If you do, let me know, 'cuz I'd love to read them!
A/N: Oh, and people, please remember that if you have any suggestions whatsoever, please tell me! I love to hear everyone's ideas, and I also want some reader-interaction on this story. So just let me know:) Thank you. Now, on to the story!
Chapter 9: Flight
Forty-five minutes later, they arrived at the airport.
Anakin gazed up at the buildings and said, "What the heck is that?"
"That, my friend, is the airport. Not as sophisticated and as technologically advanced as your speeders and space-travel, but it's the best we have." Jade replied, as she drove around, trying to find two parking spaces right next to each other.
She finally found one, and parked. The guys got out, and took out the suitcases from the trunk. They met with the other group at an elevator, and then set off. When they finally got inside, Jade stopped them.
"Wait, what are we gonna do about you guys's lightsabers? The scanners will pick up on them right away." She said.
"That's what the Force is for." Anakin pointed out.
"True." Jade agreed.
Sure enough, everything went through without a hitch, though they got several strange looks from security and passers-by. Finally, everyone was on the plane, and settled. Fortunately, they all got seats in the same area.
Jade, Anakin, and Yoda were in one row (Jade didn't trust anyone else to handle Yoda). Across from them sat Cierra and Obi-wan. Cali, Joe and Frank sat behind them. "Now just follow all directions, and you should be just fine." Jade told Anakin and Yoda, who just nodded. Anakin just ignored her.
"Ani-er, Andrew, did you hear me?" Jade asked.
There was still no reply, as Anakin purposefully looked around at everywhere but her. Jade crossed her arms. "Come on Anakin, don't be jealous just 'cuz I got the window seat and you didn't."
"Fine. Yes, I heard you." Anakin grumbled.
"Good." Jade nodded her head in satisfaction, and sat back in her seat.
A few moments later, the plane took off. Anakin fell asleep, and leaned on Jade. For a while, she didn't mind. Then, Ani started snoring and drooling on her. "Oh, gross!" She exclaimed as she stared at him. She tried to push him off, but he was too heavy for her. She looked at Yoda for help, but he was asleep as well. (Surprisingly, 'cuz he had been the earliest to bed the night before, and the last to wake up that morning. Jade suspected it was old age that was catching up with him. After all, he was about nine hundred years old!) Finally, she gave up with a sigh, put her headphones on, and sat back to stare out the window and ignore her discomfort as best as she could.
Meanwhile, Cali and Joe were joking around, and Frank was staring at them with disgust. He had given up trying to stop them, so he got up and walked to the back of the plane, while mumbling something about, "Going to hit on that cute stewardess from earlier." Cierra had fallen asleep on Obi-Wan's lap.
Back to poor Jade; Yoda had woken up due to Anakin's snoring (that had by now attracted several strange looks). He looked at Jade and said, "Need a pillow, do you?"
"Uhhh, sure." She replied. Yoda threw one to her, and turned over and fell back asleep. Everything was fine….until Ani started talking in his sleep.
"Yeah, that's it. Closer, closer." Jade looked down at him in horror. He said some other….things, and then to her mortification, he made some kissing noises. Jade stared at him in disgust. "Ani, you have one sick little mind." She hit him on the head, and when that didn't work, she pulled his pillow out from under him. His head hit the armrest and he awoke with a start. "Ow!" He yelped.
'Why didn't I think of that before?' Jade thought to herself. Anakin glared at her. "What was that for?" He wanted to know. "Ani, you were making kissing noises, talking in your sleep, and drooling all over me. We also got many strange stares because of your loud snoring." She informed him.
"I don't snore! Or drool, or talk in my sleep, or anything else that you said!" Anakin protested in indignation. "Well, just ask anybody around you! They're all eyewitnesses." Jade suggested. "Ahh….no thanks. I'll take your word for it."
"Much better." Jade said. She put her headphones back on, and settled back in her chair for the remainder of the flight.
Meanwhile, Frank was going back to his seat, miffed at being turned down by 'that cute stewardess'. Cali had fallen asleep on Joe's lap, and he was just stroking her hair.
About ten minutes before landing, Cierra woke up on Obi-Wan's lap. Obi-Wan put down the magazine he'd been reading, Sports Illustrated, (thanks to Cierra's English reading lessons) and smiled at her. "Have a nice nap?" He asked. "Mhmm." She answered. She sat up, yawning and stretching.
As soon as the plane landed, the group waited until everyone else was off the plane. Then, they got up, gathered their things, and walked out together. When they were out, they rented a taxi. Actually, they rented two taxis, and just had one follow the other.
When they got to Disneyland, they bought tickets, and then made their way to a hotel. They were able to get two rooms right next to each other. "Alright, the guys get one room, the girls get the other. If you don't like it, get a room yourself." Jade told them.
"Once everything's settled in our rooms, why don't we get you guys and go to a restaurant? We can just hang out the rest of the day, and save the sightseeing and rides for tomorrow, after we're all rested." Cierra said. Everyone nodded, and split up to the different rooms.
Girls POV
"So, what was happening on your end, Jade? I heard quite a bit of commotion." Cali asked, as she unpacked her suitcase and put her belongings into one of the dresser drawers.
"Uh, Anakin kinda fell asleep leaning on me, and he drooled on me. He also snored loudly, said strange things in his sleep, and made kissing noises. All in all, it was a very interesting experience." Jade answered, as she finished unpacking her things.
Cierra and Cali then told what happened with them. After they had all finished talking, Cali went to the bathroom mirror to fix her makeup, Cierra lay down on the bed for a nap, and Jade stepped outside on the balcony for some fresh air, and alone time. She stayed there for a while, admiring the sunset and just enjoying the quietness. She hadn't had a moment's peace since before her parents left!
After a while, she walked back inside. Cierra had woken up, and was sitting on the bed and chatting with Cali. They looked up when she walked in. "Hey Jade!" Cierra said.
"Hey!" Jade replied. "Think we should go ahead and get the guys now?"
"Yeah, we'd probably better." Cali agreed. The three got their purses, checked their makeup and clothes, then walked next door to get the guys.
Guys POV
When they walked in, Yoda ran and jumped onto one of the beds. "Wheee!" He yelled. Frank went and joined him, while Obi-Wan sat down on the couch and turned on the TV. Meanwhile, Anakin and Joe were having an animated discussion about girls, computers, and the stupidity of speeding rules.
When they had finished, Joe went to the bathroom, and Anakin went out onto the balcony. He then noticed that Jade was out on the girls' balcony as well! She had her eyes closed and a smile on her face. She hadn't seemed to notice him yet, but Anakin made sure that it stayed that way by using the Force to project a different image in her mind when she looked over at his direction.
But when he extended his senses as he did so, he was startled to discover another force-presence. He checked the direction, and shook his head. No, it couldn't be…could it? He looked at Jade again, and extended his senses further towards her. Sure enough, that was the source. Jade was force-sensitive? He'd have to talk with Master Yoda about that.
After a while, Jade went back inside. As Anakin watched her go in, he was surprised to realize exactly how often he'd been thinking of her since he, Obi-Wan, and Yoda had come to Earth. He shook his head. He shouldn't be thinking these thoughts! It was wrong. And he didn't want to be hurt that way ever again.
He decided to go back inside and join the guys watching Earth's version of a holovision, as Joe had kindly explained to him earlier. After a little bit of watching a basketball game that Obi-Wan and Joe insisted on watching, there was a knock at the door. Frank went to answer, and then came back to tell them that it was time to go for food.
The guys quickly cleaned up, and walked outside. Anakin and Joe were the last ones out, because they put on some cologne. Joe had offered to let Anakin try some, but Ani accidentally almost sprayed too much. So Joe had to show him how.
Author POV
When they were all together, they took the elevator downstairs, and then walked to California Pizza Kitchen, a restaurant down the street. They had to wait about fifteen minutes for a table, and then were finally seated at a circular one. It went: Anakin, Jade, Yoda, Frank, Cierra, Obi-Wan, Cali, and Joe.
After they had ordered their drinks and meals, they talked for a while. Anakin blushed furiously when the details of the flight were discussed, much to everyone's, especially Jade's, amusement. Jade was surprised to realize though, that Anakin kept looking at her throughout the evening with a peculiar look on his face, but she decided to ignore it.
When they finished eating, they walked back to the hotel and said good night. The guys went into their room. Yoda and Frank went to bed immediately after changing into pajamas, but Anakin, Joe, and Obi-Wan stayed up a little later, playing some videogames that Joe had brought with him.
The girls took turns taking showers, and then climbed into their sleeping spots. Cali got one bed, Cierra got another, and Jade got the couch. Cali and Cierra fell asleep immediately, while Jade read a book.
Soon, all the lights in both rooms were turned off, and everyone was asleep.
Well, there ya go! It's fall break this week (yay!), so I thought I'd add another chapter. I'm going to try to get in about one-two chapters (usually it'll be one) per week. Thank you so much for sticking with me guys, (all my reviewers) Thank you so very, very much! Now, you see that little grey button in the corner? On your left? No, your other left! (lol) There, now click it and leave me a review. I love getting reviews! Okay, I'll shut up now. (I'm getting really hyper now, if you haven't noticed.)
Oh, one more thing: Please go check out my other story that I've started, Separated Sisters. Thank you very much, and have a good day! (night, evening, afternoon, whatever!) -Violet Jade Skywalker