Title: Complicated
Author: Morbid Romantic
Genre: Romance/Humor
Pairing: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Disclaimer: -mumbles- I don't own Harry Potter, or any of the related characters...-rolls eyes-
I haven't felt like continuing this fic, just because I find it
utterly ridiculous. But I hate leaving things unfinished (even though
I'm rather good at it), so therefore I will attempt to finish it.
Nothing is going to be up to date, so don't yell at me if you
notice something amiss. I started this story before the 6th
book came out, so all the content will remain the way I planned
Anyways. I also have this story posted on the death-curse
storyboard (wherever it may be), so if you have read this on there,
don't be shocked that the chapter six here is somewhat different
then the chapter six there. I completely loathed that thing when I
did it all those months ago, so I decided to rewrite it for here.
Now...I'll shut up.
you strike a pose,
your preppy clothes..."
(Avril Lavigne)
Six: Why, I Like You.
I shove the vial of truth serum closer to Malfoy. I watch his gray eyes take it in, before his head of silver hair is shaking to and fro frantically.
"Come, now." I say in a low tone, grinning at him. "I brewed most of the damn thing, it's only fair that you be the one who tests it." I pick the vial back up and shake it in front of him. He lets out a whimper.
"I don't..." He starts, then takes a deep breath. "I don't feel comfortable doing so...I think you ought to do it."
"No. You do it." I set it down in front of him.
"No." He slides it towards me.
"Do it!" I slide it back.
"Damnit, Potter! NO!" He picks it up and sets it forcefully in front of me.
"For God's sake!" I suddenly hear a disgruntled Snape say from across the room. I look up just in time to see him stomp across to us. "Draco! Quit being such a Gryffindor! Take it!"
I watch Malfoy stare at Snape with watery eyes, then he tentivly picks up the vial and downs it in one gulp. He quickly claps his hands to his head, long fingers intertwining with silvery hair. I watch him rock back and forth, emitting low moans. Half the class turns to stair, as I grin wickedly.
I slowly look up and into the green eyes of Potter. I wince and look back down. I hear him laugh in a low, dangerous manner.
"Whats your middle name?" He asks. I raise an eyebrow to the floor, and let out a snort.
"That's the best you have?" I look back into his eyes. "Lucius. Honestly. What did you think it was?"
"Okay." He grins. "Is Snape a greasy git?"
I quickly clap a hand over my mouth, my eyes resting on Snape who is pretending to grade papers. His eyebrows are raised, and I can tell he is listening to every word I say.
"Well?" Potter jabs me hard in the ribs with his wand.
"Yes!" I say, lowering my hands to run over my torso. He grins even wider.
"Good. I know the potion is working, then." He quirks an eyebrow at me. "Why did you do what you did last night?"
I smirk. Has balls, this one. "Whatever do you mean, Potter?"
His eyes dart around nervously. "You know exactly what I mean...don't play dumb."
I lean back in my chair. "Au contraire, Potter. I don't know what you mean. You could be asking me why I ate dinner, or..."
"What you did up in the Astronamy Tower." He finishes for me. His eyes darting from student to student. Each one alert, and staring at the both of us.
I struggle to keep the words in the back of my throat, but even before I try and reason with my drugged up mind, I know its of no use. Instead, I quirk an eyebrow and fake calmness.
"Why, I like you, Potter. Like you quite a lot, in fact..."