"I guess she's just scared that I'm taking Anna away from her and Anna was getting closer with Calleigh and thought she was being replaced. Calleigh loves Anna but knows that Michelle is her mother." Tim said. Half the court was asleep after Tim's long explanation from Cecilia's question.
"I have no more questions." Cecilia said. Wayans nodded.
"Then that concludes today. Tomorrow I will have reached my decision."
Tim rubbed his face as he took a break from analyzing the swabs. It was close to ten o'clock at night and everyone was practically gone.
Tim looked up and saw Calleigh there.
"I'm going home."
"Are ya coming?"
"Later. I want to finish this."
Calleigh smiled and walked over to Tim.
"All that's left is tomorrow."
"How do we know we'll get her?" Tim asked.
"Because there is no way in hell after all that we've said that Anna is going with Michelle. I'll see you when you get home." Calleigh kissed his cheek. "Don't stay too late."
"I won't."
"Bye." Tim continued to work. He got so divulged in his work that he didn't notice how fast the time flew by and he only paused when he heard the elevator ding. Tim glanced up and saw it was 11:52. He shook his head and went back to work. As he waited for his results to print out Tim heard the door open but didn't turn around. "Hey, Sam can you go get the Lombard case out of the vault?"
No one answered him.
"Sam," Tim turned around and dropped the results. "Anna..."
He rushed over and picked her up, holding her tightly against him.
"Are you okay? How did you get here?"
"Mr. Wayans." she mumbled, burying her face in Tim's neck. Tim looked up and saw Wayans standing in the hallway, a smile on his face. "Daddy, I want to go home."
"We are baby. Oh Anna... I love you. I promise nothing bad is gonna happen anymore."
"I love you too Daddy."
Tim didn't want to let her go but set her down on the stool he had been sitting on for the past few hours.
"I got to go talk to Mr. Wayans. Stay here. And can you do me a favor?"
"Can you pick those papers up and put them on the table?"
Anna nodded and Tim kissed her forehead, then walked out into the hallway.
"She's mine?" he asked. Wayans nodded. "I thought you said tomorrow you'd know."
"Your ex-wife was pulled over for a DUI. Not only was she drunk but she was high and Patrol found a bag of cocaine in the front seat of her sedan." he replied. "She's going away on DUI, taking drugs, child abuse, yadda, yadda, yadda. When I heard I figured there was no point until waiting till tomorrow to let you see her."
"How did you know I was here?"
"I heard you were a workaholic." Wayans smirked. "Have a nice night Tim."
"See you in the morning Judge."
few weeks later...
Anna shrieked with laugher as Tim chased her down the beach. In a few quick strides he caught up to her and lifted her over his shoulder.
"I got you." he laughed. "We have to go home now."
"But I don't wanna." Anna whined.
"But we have to." Tim whined, walking back towards where Calleigh sat. "Mommy's getting tired."
"I'm actually not." Calleigh said.
"See!" Anna took off towards the water again.
"Thanks a lot Calleigh." Tim moaned. "You can go get her this time."
"I'm quite comfortable here. Go get her before she drowns."
"Anna, wait!" Tim yelled, taking off after her. Calleigh giggled and watched as Anna splashed water up at Tim. "Okay that's it. Now you're not gonna get to hear the secret."
"What secret?" Anna asked, allowing Tim to pick her up.
"Well I'm not gonna tell you. You don't want to go home."
"Noooo! I wanna know! Please Daddy?"
"Mommy, Daddy's not being fair!" Anna pouted. "He won't tell me the secret!"
"Well you weren't being fair when Daddy told you it's time to go." Calleigh said.
"But I'm having fun." Anna said quietly. Calleigh laughed and ran her hand through Anna's raven locks.
"I know you are baby but we have to go home and eat dinner and someone needs a bath because you're covered in sand."
"That makes two of us." Tim complained, trying to wipe the sand off him.
"And Daddy needs a bath too." Calleigh added with a smile.
"Do I still get to know the secret?" Anna asked.
"When we get home."
"How about now?" Anna asked, climbing onto the couch. She looked from Tim to Calleigh and they exchanged a smile. "Please?"
"Fine." Calleigh said. "Tim?"
"Oh I have to tell her?" he sighed. "Fine. Anna, we need something new around the house."
"A bigger TV." she giggled. Tim laughed and stared at the 61 inch big screen TV.
"Mmm... not really." he said. "Cal..."
"You can't do anything can you?" she teased. "Honey, remember how you were bugging me that you wanted a little sister or brother?"
"Well you are. We're gonna have a baby in a few months."
"Really?" Anna's eyes lit up. "Really? I'm gonna be a big sister?"
"Mhmm." Calleigh smiled.
"When is she coming?"
"Sometime in March."
"That's not a few months!" Anna cried. "That's like... next year!"
"Impatient, impatient." Tim chuckled. "Come on. I'll put a movie on."
At the end of the movie, Calleigh was asleep and Tim went to take Anna to bed.
"Night angel." he kissed her forehead and stood up.
"What?" Tim asked.
"Where does the baby come from?"
Tim groaned and shut the light off.
"Good night Anna."
"But... you can't just leave me hanging like that!" she called as Tim disappeared down the hallway. "Daddy!"
"It's a complicated procedure that you'll learn about in a few years."
"But I want to know now!"
"You're not old enough!"
"Daddy I'm seven!"
"You're just a baby Anna. Now go to sleep!" Tim called from downstairs. Calleigh laughed quietly and Tim shook his head as he sat down next to her. "I can barely take care of that one and you expect me to be able to take care of another?"
"Mhmm." Calleigh leaned up and kissed him softly. There was a creak on the stairs and Tim turned to see a furious Anna standing in the doorway.
"I want an answer." she said stubbornly. "And I'm not going to bed until I get one."
"What's wrong honey?" Calleigh asked.
"I asked Daddy were babies come from and he wouldn't answer me."
"Tim, she asked you a question. She deserves an answer. I'm going to bed." Calleigh gave a horrified Tim a kiss and then kissed Anna on the head. "Good night."
How could she just leave him like this?
"Well? I'm waiting." Anna crossed her arms over her chest and Tim sighed. This was gonna be a long night.
the end
since I love writing about Anna so much there will be a sequel up soon.