A/N: Hey, guys! OMG GUESS WHAT!

Link: Chicken butt?

Nope! I've got myself a NEW LACKEY! 8D

Link: O.O Who?

(drags in Eliwood) Say hi, dear old dad of Roy! 8D

Eliwood: -.-; Hi.

Link: O.o Alrighty then.

XD Anyways, since Scene Two is so small, I'm combining Act 4 into one chapter, comprende? Alright!

A Nintendian Dream: Ch 7: Act 4 Scenes 1 and 2

(Scene 1)

Meanwhile, Roy and Krystal lay in her flowery bed, with Roy being pampered like crazy by the four Fairies/Yoshis and Krystal staring at him dreamily.

Roy yawns tiredly and motions to one of the Fairies. "Yoshiku, could you scratch my head?"

"Yes, o heavenly mortal." The orange Fairy/Yoshi scratches his head.

"Yoshinora, Yoshimoran?" He motions to a light blue and a red Fairy/Yoshi. "Go fetch some honey, please."

"Certainly, o heavenly mortal." They fly away.

"Yoshio? Where are you?"

"Here, o heavenly mortal," a green Fairy/Yoshi stood. "What is your will?"

"Help Yoshiku with the scratching." He rubs his furry chin. "Man, do I need a shave..."

Krystal sighs in content, wrapping an arm around him. "Are you hungry, my sweet?"

"Yeah, you know what I'm hankering for? Some hay."

"Hay, you say?"

"Yes, hay."


"But... I'm more tired than hungry."

"Then you shall sleep peacefully with me," Krystal drawls, shooing away her Fairies and curling up with him, and both fall asleep.

When they are asleep, guess who pops out of the bushes? If you guessed Banjo, than you're right! He had been watching them the whole time, the sly dog. In behind him comes Crash, and both look at the two sweetly.

"Aw, how cute..." Crash sighs dreamily.

"Poor Krystal..." Banjo sighs. "Poor, beautiful Krystal, loving such a freak as him... I do pity her..."

Crash looks up at his king oddly. "My lord, are you... feeling alright...?"

"At least I have her boy, so I can release the spell on her." He kneels down and applies the nectar to Krystal's eyes, then shakes her awake. "Awaken, my sweet queen!"

Krystal yawns and awakens elegantly. "...Oh, my Banjo, you will simply not believe the dream I had. I dreamed I was in love with an ass!"

Banjo grins, gesturing to a sleeping Roy. "There lies your love."

"EWW!" Krystal jumps to her feet and into Banjo's arms. "Disgusting!"

"Calm down. Puck, you can take off his ass-head now, whilst we charm these five Athenians into deep sleep."

"It's Crash, you idiot..." Crash grumbles under his breath, then removes the ass-head, and Roy transforms back into the handsome swordsman we all know and love! 8D

"Now, let us dance!"

The music starts, and Banjo and Krystal dance in a mad tango session. When it's morning, they all leave to prepare for the Duke's Wedding.

And speaking of the Duke, here he comes, riding atop his horse with Peach and Ganondorf behind him.

"Ah..." Mario sighs in content, lifting up a shotgun. "Today is the perfect day for hunting!"

"Um... Mario..." Peach whispers.


"This is the 16th century. We use dogs instead of guns."

"...Oh, yeah!" he giggles stupidly, putting the gun away. "My bad!... Huh? Who's that?" He leans over the horse too see the four lovers sleeping.

"Why, it's my daughter!" Ganondorf exclaims, to which Mario retches a little. "And Link, Falcon, and Samus! What are they all doing here?"

"Dunno. Let's wake them up and find out!" He gestures to his servants. "Blow the wind horns and wake them up!"

Mario's Toad servants run up to the four and blow the horns in their faces.

"HOLY CRAP!" They all wake with a shout.

"Hey, guys, what's up?" Mario greets cheerfully. "Hey, I thought you all hated each other! What's with the sudden change? Why are you all sleeping here?"

"Well... I dunno, really..." Link yawns, a little confused. "All I remember is running away with Zelda to marry outside Athenian law..."

"Enough!" Ganondorf spat, turning to Mario. "My lord, you've heard enough! They would've stolen away!" He then turned to Falcon. "And you'd lose a life and I'd lose my control of her!"

"Pff, I don't care," Falco scoffs, holding Samus by the hand. "For my love for Zelda has waned, and I now dote my life upon fair Samus."

"Hubba-WHA?" says Ganondorf.

"Oh, Falcon!"

"Samus!" They both hug, and everyone goes, "Aww..."

"Now, isn't that just sweet?" Peach drawls dreamily.

"You bet it is!" Mario says cheerfully. "And since I'm in such a good mood, I'm gonna let you marry Samus! And Zelda, I'll let you go ahead and marry Link, 'cause that's just the kinda guy I am!"

"Yayness!" the four lovers cheer.

Ganondorf is in shock. "B-but my lord..."

"Shaddap! I'm not gonna let your complaints spoil anything, Ganondorf!" He turns back to the lovers, grinning. "So today there shall be not one, but three weddings!"

"HA!" In your face, Ganondorf!" Link taunts, getting a grumble in return.

"Man, I am so STOKED! Let's go prepare!" Mario rides away giddily with a happy Peach and a not-a-happy Ganondorf following. Don't worry, this'll be the last time we see him (scattered applause).

The four lovers stand there for a minute in confusion and deep thought.

"This is so weird..." Link mutters.

"What is it?" Samus asks.

"I mean, all that bickering we did during the night... Was it all a dream...?"

"Hmm..." they all think.

"But if it was real, then are we awake now, or just in a dream...?"

"Let's check," says Falcon, pinching Link hard on the arm.


"Did that hurt?"


"Then we're awake."

"I guess all that happened last night was all just a dream..." Zelda muses.

"So that means the Duke Mario really did summon us to his palace..." says Samus.

They all exchange glances, then Link says, "...Well, then let's go!" And with that, they all rush away.

Meanwhile, Roy is still sleeping. "Snore... Most fair Pyramus... cue is up... Snore..."

Giggling sleepily, he rolls over, falling out of the tree. "Ouch!" He wakes up, holding his head dizzily. "Ooh, my head... Hey, where did everyone go...? Hmmp, they left while I slept! Oh, well..." He stands up, rubbing his smooth face curiously. "Hmm, what a strange dream... I dreamed I had an ass-head, and that a blue fox fell in love with me... How strange... Oh, well, better find the others!" And with that, he rushes out of the forest.

(Scene 2)

It's morning. The workers' performance is this afternoon, But since Roy won't show up yet, they may not perform at all in front of the Duke. Heavy-hearted, they meet in the alleyway outside Marth's shop.

Marth speaks first. "Has anyone seen Roy yet?"

"Nope," Falco scowls unemotionally.

"If he doesn't show up, all our work goes down the drain!" Luigi cries. "So what can we do?"

"We can't find a replacement," Marth sighs. "Only Roy can be good enough to play Pyramus..."

"Who says?" Luigi protests.

"I say. Now be quiet."

DK walks up, looking scared. "We have to get ready! There's now three marriages going on!"

"Dang, three? That's a lot!" Fox exclaims.

"ARGH! DAMN ROY!" Marth shouts in anger. "HE JUST HAD TO SCREW IT ALL UP FOR US!"

"Meep...!" All the others cower in fear.

And that's when Roy rides up on a bicycle. "Hey, guys!"

"ROY!" They all cheer, hugging him.

"Come on, guys! Let's get to practicing, 'cause our play has been chosen to perform!"

They all cheer again and enter Marth's shop for a final rehearsal.

A/N: Yay! Only two chappies left! (snuggles Eliwood)

Eliwood: Gack! Can't...breathe...!

Link: Don't worry, once you get past the suffocations and crazy randomness, you'll grow onto her.

XD Shows you how much I'm obsessing over Fire Emblem at the moment! Since FullMetalEdward took little Roy, I took his daddy! 8D Well, review, people!