Chapter 27

Last Surprises

Over the last few days, Hermione had been hugging them all whenever she had been leaving the room, which Harry and Neville had found slightly awkward. During the last few minutes in the Gryffindor Common room, both Hermione and Ginny were quite tearful.

"I won't see you for ages if you're going on holiday!" sobbed Ginny, hugging Hermione. "A month is too long in France!"

"I didn't want to go for so long!" said Hermione, wiping her eyes.

Dumbledore's last day speech had been surprisingly short. More about sticking together, putting past rivalry behind them and reminding them that Hogwarts will still be open for students. A lot weren't coming back though. Since the news of Roxanne and Hermione's capture had been spread and grown, people were reluctant to return, no matter how safe it was. What if they were next? They had no idea why Hermione had been captured and had it in their heads that any pupil could be taken.

The Hogwarts Express arrived, its usual red gleam seemed to have been dulled, like it hadn't been cleaned since they last got on it. It didn't reflect the students in its shine, which seemed to affect the atmosphere.

They found a particularly big carriage to fit Harry, Ron, Roxanne, Hermione, Luna, Neville, Mark and Ginny along with Crookshanks, Ebony and Ivory (who had returned to Hogwarts safely, if not a little dazed.)

A group of Draco's friends past the carriage and sent glares inside. Zabini actually snarled at them, showing his front teeth. Pansy Parkinson was sobbing on his shoulder and did not even look up. A wave of guilt swept over Roxanne, which must have been noticeable.

"Don't feel guilty, Roxanne, it was not your fault," said Hermione, putting her hand on Roxanne's lap. No one except for Harry knew about Roxanne's visit to Azkaban, and since Hermione had seen a nicer part of Draco, she believed there was some good in him and he was indeed innocent.

"I've been such an idiot…Voldemort was right, I am easy to manipulate," she said miserably, looking at the carpeted ground.

"Don't listen to him, Roxanne-"

"No Harry, I am easy to control, it's a fault in me that I've realised and I will fix," she said, her voice still glum but determined. "No Dark Lord will abuse me and my friends…"

Harry smiled and kissed her brow. "That's what I like to hear."

The train journey was oddly subdued, conversations breaking out every now and then but they were stifled quickly. Even the prospect of food didn't lighten moods – not even Ron's. People eventually began to fall asleep, tired from waking up so early. Ginny was leaning on Mark's shoulder, much to his alarm, while Ron's face was up against the window, pressed there by Hermione who was squished up against his forearm. Luna was reading The Quibbler, though her eyes didn't seem to be taking anything in. Neville was snoring loudly but Roxanne and Harry were still awake. Harry was looking out of the window staring at the stars that had started to appear.

"It feels like yesterday that we were on this train last," said Roxanne, resting her cheek on his shoulder.

"I know…this year has gone by so quickly."

Roxanne's hand found Harry's hand and she squeezed it. "I'm worried, Harry…"

"About what?"

"When I get home…my aunty and uncle are going to…well I don't know, but they will just hate me. They already hated their name having a bad reputation but now it's going to be worse. Did you know when they were questioning my uncle, he was threatened to be put in Azkaban because he refused to let the Ministry search his house?"

Harry looked at her, his eyes wide. "Seriously? But your uncle was an Auror!"

"I know! My uncle was the man who helped put my parents in Azkaban- I bet you didn't know that," she added with a wry smile.

"Oh…is that a good thing?"

Roxanne nodded and laughed dryly. "Not much use now though. Allen is retired and not strong enough to help the Ministry. He's always going on about how they're going about this whole thing the wrong way."

"The Ministry have no idea," said Harry, leaning his head on Roxanne's.

Sobs and farewells filled the station when people piled out of the train. Ginny greeted her mother with a running jump and everyone ended up hugging everyone else.

"We have to see each other soon, ok?" Harry said to Roxanne, pushing her hair from her face as she sobbed uncontrollably.

"I don't want to go back home, Harry. I want to stay with you! I don't want to go back to a l-lonely house," she mumbled.

"Soon Roxanne, soon," he said, and kissed her forehead.

"No Harry! I hate it there! I can't bare being without you!" she said suddenly, glaring up at him.

He shook his head dolefully. "Neither can I Roxanne, but your uncle and aunty need to see you-"

"They wont let me go back," she whispered in a hiss.

"We'll come and get you if push comes to shove," he assured.

She wrapped her arms around him and sobbed on his neck.

"Don't worry, Roxanne…"

Harry was going back to the Dursley's for two weeks, Dumbledore had requested it. It was the safest place while they checked over Grimmauld Place. Its spells had to be updated and such. They had slightly worn off with the death of the last Black.

Roxanne lifted her head off his shoulder to see Hermione hugging Ron. Harry looked around.

"Four weeks, Hermione? Four weeks?" Ron was saying quietly, though they could hear.

"I didn't want to…"

"I dunno whether I could not see you for a whole month," said Ron. He bent down to Hermione's cheek.

"Don't, they'll see!"

"I don't care."

Harry quickly turned back to Roxanne so he wouldn't have to watch his two best friends kissing.

"I guess it was inevitable," he said, frowning slightly. He felt a little strange about it-

"In times like this, its best to have as much time as you can with the person you love," said Roxanne, catching on to what he felt. He smiled and kissed her.

Roxanne's aunty and uncle were late, which was highly unusually.

The Dursleys were getting impatient and the Weasleys had left ages ago.

"We're not waiting any longer – the turkey is in the oven and-"

"Alright alright!" snapped Harry, interrupting his uncle.

"I'll be fine, Harry, you go," said Roxanne, smiling weakly.

"I don't want you to be alone-"

"There's crowds and guards, I'll be fine," she said.

"Ok…well I'll see you soon then," he said, giving her a quick hug.

"Soon…" she echoed and he left. Left her standing on her own with her suitcase and two cats in a cage, meowing irritably.

She fiddled with the gold necklace around the neck, watching the crowd disperse increasingly fast. It was alarming. One minute she was having to move her suitcase closer to get out of people's way and then next the odd passenger was walking past her.

And then there were none.

She looked about nervously and was glad to hear footsteps behind her.

"Hello, Roxanne," said her aunty. Roxanne bent down to pick up her heavy suitcase and turned around, only to drop the suitcase back to the floor.

She gasped as she saw a woman who looked like a middle aged and wearier version of her, someone who was not her aunty.

"No escaping this time, Roxanne," said Marilee Winters, and with a flick of her wand, everything went black. . .

((And that's the end folks! The most annoying cliffhanger in the world! I will of course continue with a 7th one, but whether that will be any good is a different matter. Or perhaps you'd like to leave this to your imaginations? I'll see how many people are actually bothered to see what happens to Roxanne. Also a question, how rude would you mind it getting? Its 7th year and in real life, kissing is something 13 year olds do, especially in England. But I wouldn't make it common fanfiction smut, I'm more maturer than that! Thank you for all the comments and for reading!

