Disclaimer: Star Wars isn't mine.

Summary: Leia was had a daughter before Han was rescued from carbonite and had to give her up. He never met her. After the Battle of Endor, Han and Leia tried to find their daughter, but to no avail. Years later, during the war with the Yuuzhang Vong, Jag Fel goes on a mission and ends up meeting Han and Leia's lost daughter. Ten Months after Bespin

Princess Leia Organa stared down at the bundle in her arms one last time. Leia had given birth just a month ago to a baby girl, Han's little girl. He had no idea. Leia didn't know if she would ever see him again or if he even loved her. His only response was "I know." She thought he loved her back, but she wasn't sure.

"It's time, Leia," Lando Calrissian said.

"I know," Leia nodded. She kissed the baby one last time on the forehead and handed the bundle to Lando, "She will be safe?"

"Yes, I'll take her there myself."

"Thank you," Leia responded, then rushed away. It was too dangerous and she couldn't raise a baby on the base. They were moving around too much. Leia had decided, with the help of Lando, Chewbacca, and Luke Skywalker, that it would be best to give the baby up for adoption. When Leia had found out that she was pregnant, she couldn't terminate it. The child was her only link to Han. She had named their daughter Aeria Solo. She hoped that the adoptive parents at least kept her first name.

Leia arrived at her quarters and went inside. She sank down on the floor, tearing rolling down her cheeks.

Oh Han, I need you!

28 Years Later

Aeria Solo wiped the sweat from her brow as she ran down the city streets. It was early morning. She always ran for several kilometers every day. She had been on Selonia for five years. She didn't have much of a job. At the moment, she was trying to come up with enough money for a ship. She needed to get off this mudball. For years, Aeria had been trying to find her parents. She knew who they were. She had known since she was ten years old. Her adoptive parents had been killed in a fire three days after her tenth birthday. Her aunt told her the truth. Aeria had lived with her aunt until she was nineteen. Then she left, hoping to some how contact the Solos. It was next to impossible. Everyone was claiming to be related to them. Aeria had ended up out here and was now stuck. She had next to no money. At the moment, she was working in a cantina.

Aeria arrived at her destination. She stepped inside her small apartment and went into the refresher. Someday, she would get enough money to leave and this time, she would contact her parents.

"Selonia?" Colonel Jagged Fel repeated after his uncle had told him his next destination, "Why Selonia?"

"There are rumors of the Peace Brigade there," Wedge Antilles explained.

"Oh," Jag responded. Wedge finished briefing him on all the details, then he left. Jag was hoping to find his girlfriend, Jaina Solo.

It didn't take long. He found her in the Twin Suns hanger bay, working on her X-Wing. Actually, at the moment, it was more like she was screaming at her X-Wing.

Jag stopped next to her. He waited for her to finish her rant, "Need some help?"

"Not from a clawcraft pilot," Jaina grinned at him.

"Har har," Jag shook his head, "Anyways, I'm leaving in the morning."

"Where are you going?" Jaina asked, wiping grease off her hands with a rag.

"Selonia. Uncle Wedge says there have been rumors of Peace Bridagers," he explained.

"Shouldn't Intelligence handle that?"

Jag shook his head, "Not this time. I think he wants to warn them too."

"Oh," Jaina nodded, then asked, "How long do you think you'll be gone?"

Jag shrugged, "Not long, I hope."

Jaina put her tools away, then grinned at him, "Come on, let's get out of here."

Colonel Jagged Fel entered a cantina on Selonia with his second in command, Welk Maye. His squadron was spread out over the city.

"Hey, I'm going to hit the sabacc tables, you in?" Welk asked.

"No, go ahead," Jag waved him off and went to the bar. He sat on one of the stools were he had the perfect view of the game and more importantly, the exit.

"What can I get for you, stranger?"

Jag turned around and did a double take. The woman who had asked him the question looked almost exactly like Jaina! She even sounded kind of like her!

"What? You look like you've see a ghost or something," the woman said.

"I'm fine. Correlian Brandy, please," he answered.

"You're not from around here, are you?" she asked as she filled a glass.

Jag raised an eyebrow, "How do you figure that?"

"I just know," she shrugged, then handed him his drink, "What's your name?"

"You could probably guess if I was lying," he stated.

"Yeah. I can almost always tell when I'm being lied to," she shrugged, then nodded to a small table in the back corner, "See that guy over there? He's got a skifter. He has one every night. His brother's the boss, so he gets away with it. I figured out his was lying after two seconds. My name is Aeria, by the way."

"Jag," he shook her hand.

"So tell me, Jag, what are you doing here?"

He shrugged. He couldn't tell her about the mission and even if he could, he wouldn't, "My job."

She nodded, "I figured."

"Solo! Get those drinks out!" a gruff male voice called.

Aeria rolled her eyes, "Back to work."

Jag frowned. Aeria Solo. She looked and sounded too much like Jaina for Jag just to dismiss her. Sure, he was in the Corrilian Sector, but this girl's resemblence was uncanny.

"Deep in thought?"

Jag glanced up, "Done already?"

"Yeah," she nodded, "I want to talk to you. Alone."


"I saw your reaction to my name," she said in a low voice, "I'm off work in ten minutes. Meet me outside?"

Jag nodded, "Sure thing."

Jag slid off the stool and walked over to Welk, "I'm out of here."

Welk nodded, "Too bad. I'm making a killing."

Jag chuckled as he left. Ten minutes later, Aeria appeared.

"Come on," Aeria led him to a small building. Part of him was saying he shouldn't follow a strange woman into her home, but the other part knew that he had to find out if she was related to Jaina. He followed Aeria inside and upstairs. She stopped in front of a faded green door and opened it, "We can talk inside."

Jag followed her in, one hand lightly resting on his blaster.

Aeria closed the door, then asked, "Do you know the Solos?"


"How well?"

"Pretty well," Jag responded, biting back a grin.

"Have you ever heard of me?" she asked, eyes hopeful.

"No," Jag shook his head, "Who are you?"

"I know who you are, Colonel Fel. I knew the instant you walked in. I know you know the Solos. That's why I wanted to talk to you," Aeria told him. She took a deep breath, "I'm Han and Leia's oldest daughter."

Jag's eyes grew wide, "How?"

"You know how, Colonel," she grinned, "I hope so, anyways."

Jag glared at her. She was definitly Jaina's sister, "Fine. When?"

"During the war. I was put up for adoption. My adopted parents died in a fire when I was nine. I learned who my real parents were then. I've been trying to get to the Solos, but galaxy knows how hard that is," she explained. She went to a storage locker and pulled out some papers. She handed them to Jag, "Here. Proof."

Jag read over the birth certificate and adoption papers. They appeared real. Jag believed her.

"So can you take me with you?"

"Yes," Jag answered. He hoped his hunch was right. If not, this could be a disaster.

Jag sat nervously in front of the holo comm. He was calling Leia Organa Solo about her lost daughter. He hoped it was Leia who answered. Aeria had told him that she didn't think her father knew she existed.

"Colonel Fel! Is there something I can do for you?" Leia appeared.

"Um, yes. I found your daughter." Leia dropped the datapad she was holding. She stared at the image Jag had uploaded to her, "Aeria?"

Jag nodded, "She says her name is Aeria Solo. She looks a lot like Jaina. She even has an authentic birth certificate and everything. Should I bring her back with me?"

Leia barely nodded. Her baby was coming home! She hadn't seen her in 28 years! She had lost three children; Anakin was dead, Jacen was missing, but had come home, and now her oldest was finally coming back to her! Now if only her baby boy could come back, everything would be perfect!

"She is your daughter, Leia?" Jag asked, "Are you sure?"

Leia nodded, "Yes, Jag. I haven't seen her since she was an infant, but I know it's her."

He nodded, "We'll be there soon."

"Thank you," Leia responded, then adding, "Oh and Jag? Don't say anything to Jaina yet. I don't know how I am going to break this to her." Han entered him and his wife's quarters. He saw Leia sitting on the couch, a look of pure shock on her face.

"What is it, sweetheart?" he asked.

"Han, Jag found Aeria," she told him.

Han's jaw dropped. His daughter. His little girl he had never met. Han's mind drifted back to when Leia first told him.

It was after the Battle of Endor. Leia had just told Han that Luke was her brother and about Darth Vader. She still looked nervous.

"What is it?" Han asked.

"Han, um," Leia twisted her hands, "after I left Cloud City... I found out I was pregnant. We had a little girl, Han. I had to give her up for adoption. I'm so sorry!"

Han stared dumbfounded at the woman in front of him, "A-a baby."

Leia nodded, "I named her Aeria."

Han hugged her tightly, "I like it. What does she look like?"

Leia showed Han the only holo she had of their child. They had tried to find her after the war. They had looked everywhere, but to no avail.

"How are we going to break it to Jaina and Jacen?" Han asked quietly.

"Force, I don't know," Leia responded, hugging him tightly. They hadn't told their children about Aeria. They were afraid to get their hopes up and then never find her.

"How did Jag find her?" Han asked.

"I don't know, but she will be here tomorrow," Leia answered. She smiled at Han, "Our baby is finally coming home!"