Disclaimer I do not own Z 101 just anything unfamiliar to the show.
Chapter 7: Club Fright
X Breakfast x
Chase walked into the cafeteria yawning. He walked to their normal table and sat next to Michael.
"Why didn't you come home last night? What was wrong? Is Ax ok?" Logan blurted out.
"She's fine." Chase replied rubbing his eyes. The twins had been up all night making plans and Axelle told him about escapes in the club. They'd be ready form him next time.
"Is that all you're gonna say?!" Logan exclaimed.
"I promised her Logan. I'm not gonna say a damn word because I'm not losing her trust when I just got it. So if you wanna know so bad go find her and ask her yourself." Chase said grumpily.
Logan got up and left the table. He was headed toward the cafeteria door when Axelle walked in. She was dressed in light blue and black plaid pants and a white tank tip. She walked up and bought Apple Jacks and milk. Then she went to the very back booth and sat next to the window. Logan followed.
"Hey Ax." He said leaning against the booth.
"Hey Logan." She said still looking out the window at the sunrise. He sat down across from her.
"Hey what's wrong? Why was Chase worried out of his brains last night?" He asked
"Nothing." She simply replied.
"There's something wrong. Chase almost paced a hole in the floor! I saw you two walk in together last night! What's going on?!" He asked frustrated.
"Logan, I can't tell you alright! It's bad enough Chase knows. So stop asking!" She spat back. He growled in frustration. "Don't expect to see me anytime soon Logan. Screw this I'm goin to bed." She said storming out. She didn't need that. If he found out about Logan, her father wouldn't hesitate to kill him too. She was already worried enough about Chase and Pierce. She walked quickly through the girls' lounge and took the stairs two at a time. She threw opened the door then dove, closing it behind her, into her bed. Then she groaned remembering she had to work later. She set her alarm for six and went to sleep.
Six came too soon, she got up, showered, dressed, and left. She walked across campus in her Carolina blue Tarheels tank top and dark blue jean Capri's. She walked into the club not even thinking, She stood by the bar, it was thirty minutes before it opened and Pierce walked in. They started talking then Chase came in and joined the conversation and it hit her. Her eyes went wide.
"Chase it's tonight!" She blurted out. He looked confused at her. "Don't you see, all of us are here and he thinks we had no time to plan. It has to be tonight!" Chase's face grew pale. She was right.
"That means all the guys need to be on high alert." Chase said.
"What's going on?" Pierce asked. There were about twenty people in the club and more coming in.
"I'm going on, eldest." Said the very creepy voice of their father.
"Killer no more in!" Axelle yelled and then her dad pulled a gun on her. Pierce put himself between the gun and her. She grabbed Chase's wrist signaling him to go get people out. He quickly disappeared.
"So here we are my perfect son protecting my rebel whore of a daughter, how pleasant."
"Get the gun away from her." Pierce said angrily.
"No, I don't want to." He replied. Axelle reached around the bar and pressed the silent panic button. They heard the rustling of people and their father sent a warning shot into the roof. "No one leaves!" He screamed.
"But dad you know if you keep them here they could identify you if you go to court. Might as well let them go." Axelle said thinking quickly. He thought a minute and saw the logic.
"Okay they can all go." He said finally. The crowded poured out, Dana and the body guards included. She made it clear that if anything like this happened they were to leave. She moved out from behind Pierce. "Why are you protecting her?! This is not what I taught you! You're supposed to hate her! You betrayed me and this family!"
"No you did. She's way better than you'll ever be. Just cause mom left and she reminds you of her doesn't make Ax evil, it makes you weak-" That's when the shot sounded. that's when she saw Pierce fall. That's when she saw her hero bleed. Chase ran over and started pressure.
"Get him out now! Ambulance!" She screamed at the top of her lungs.
"No leave him!" Her father yelled.
"But dad this could mean life in prison if he dies. You don't want that." She said quick thinking was her strong point. Again her father thought a while.
"Alright Chase take him." Her father said. Chase looked up at Axelle. She nodded. He shook his head.
"Chase, go! I'll be fine! Get Pierce out now!" She said angrily. He nodded and he dragged Pierce's bleeding body out the door. "Well dad it'd just us now." She said making him realize he couldn't torture her anymore and he got pissed.
X Outside x
Chase dragged Pierce out and was immediately met by paramedics who loaded him in an ambulance and whisked him away. Then Chase stood outside looking at the building and waiting. Logan ran up.
"Chase! Where's Axelle? What's going on in there?!" He asked frantically.
"She's in there and doing great. She had him right where she wants him. Sure he still has the gun but she manipulated him this far." Chase said still worried but confident.
"GUN?! Why the hell did you leave her in there alone with him?!" Logan screamed.
"She can handle her own and she'll be okay." He replied just after that shots rang out. On right after another. His father was unloading on his sister.
X Inside x
Axelle ducked and jumped quickly avoiding her father's bullets until she was sure he was out , then she did back hand springs to him, knocked him down and hit his head against the florr, knocking him out. She was breathing heavily. A bullet had grazed her forehead and her ear. She had also cut her hands flipping on the shards of broken mirror. She picked up her father and carried him out, leaving the gun inside.
The police rushed to her as well as the second paramedics team who loaded her in an ambulance and sped off. All she could think about was Chase and Pierce. The paramedics fussed over her, wiping the blood off her face and hands.