A/N: I'm gonna just finish the fic in script style, does that work? I got a lot of people confused about who's talking. So stuff in (this) are actions k? And I didn't mean to leave you for that long with a cliffie, I just had school start, and all the stuff getting ready for it.
Reviewer Responses: I must say, this is the most feedback I've ever gotten for any of my fics, I luv you all so much! I'll mention everyone tho…
Alex Parker HeyyBabyySignature F
RomanceLover7: ya, I'm more of a H/G fan myself, but everyone always makes Draco so evil, and heartless, I thought that I'd cut him some slack…. but my other HP fic has small H/G stuff in it, even though it goes more with R/OC
PranksterPrefect: I know, I'm evil.
Ani the youkai princess: I'm not a wild animal…and you'll never catch me alive! Mwa ha ha ha.
xesha: you sound like my friend Sam…
CrypticNightmare: yes, evil me had to prolong the love making, and I'm glad I did, haven't you ever heard of 'unresolved sexual tension'? Not that there's gonna be any lemons…they're not allowed, maybe a small lime, but that's it.
Dragonz soul: you cried cuz I left you at a cliffie? O.o
sirriusndharryluvr: k, I'm trying script style, does it help?…and no, I can't blame you.
The Pendulam Swings: you must love romance things don't cha? Geeze, and since when am I being nasty?
jip91: here, have a s'more
Everyone is under the impression that I'm evil, well, I could just wait for a year to update, but I like my life, but if you people kill me, then you'll never get an update! Mwa ha ha ha, I win!
Draco: (Leans foreword and kisses Ginny)
Ginny: (eyes widen)
Draco: what the hell?
Ginny: what the hell was that!
Draco: oh, right.
Ginny: (mumbles) fucker
Draco: are you mad?
Ginny: (looks at Draco like he's crazy) am I mad, hmmm, (stands up) I wonder! OF COURSE I'M MAD YOU ASS! I HAVE FULL REASON TO BE MAD! (holds up hand)
Draco: (grabs Ginny's wrist) I know, I know, but please stop slapping me, I'm developing a bruise.
Ginny: you deserve it
Draco: What happened to getting along?
Ginny: (snatches away wrist) it stopped when you kissed me without permission.
Draco: …
Ginny: why'd you do that?
Draco: …because I wanted to.
Ginny: (taken aback) y-you wanted to?
Draco: yes, Ginny, I wanted to, is that a problem?
Ginny: well…no, it's just that-
Draco: it's just that a stuck up snob pureblood like me wouldn't be interested in a muggle-lover like you?
Ginny: I didn't say that, don't put words in my mouth Draco.
Draco: sorry, what were you going to say?
Ginny: it's just that I never thought that the Draco Malfoy would ever show any interest in plain Jane Ginny Weasly.
Draco: one, since when am I the Draco Malfoy, and two, you're not a plane Jane, Ginny, you have inner as well as outer beauty.
Ginny: (blush) er, thank you.
Draco: I told you I can be nice if I want to.
Ginny: who's side are you on anyways?
Draco: I don't know, but I do know that the Dark Lord isn't where I want to be.
Ginny: so then you do have the dark mark on your arm!
Draco: (softly) yes, but not by choice.
Ginny: (brings hand up)
Draco: (flinches)
Ginny: (touches Draco's cheek softly) you were forced against your will weren't you (soft, gentle look)
Draco: (grabs Ginny's hand) yeah,
Ginny: I never knew
Draco: I hadn't intended to tell anyone.
Ginny: but I found out all on my own,
Draco: and you're taking it better than I thought you were.
Ginny: were you- were you-
Draco: if you want to ask me something, then ask it, please.
Ginny: were you punished? For, you know, not killing Dumbledor?
Draco: well, not as bad as I thought I would be. All the Dark Lord cared about was the fact that he died.
Ginny: oh, (realizes that Draco still has her hand) um, hand?
Draco: (looks at hand) oh, sorry. (releases Ginny's hand)
Ginny: thanks. (looks at the ground)
Draco: no problem
Ginny: Draco?
Draco: hm?
Ginny: I-I liked it.
Draco: it?
Ginny: you kissing me
Draco: would you like it to be more…gentle?
Ginny: what d'you mean?
Draco: (puts hands around Ginny's waist) this. (gently kisses Ginny)
Ginny: mmmmm(puts her hands around Draco's neck and returns the kiss)
The two very much start to enjoy the kiss, even so far that clothes have started to climb off.
From outside the door: Ron, she's over here
Draco&Ginny: (stop kissing)
Another voice: really Harry, what would she be doing over here by the great hall? Her class is on the other side of the building.
Draco&Ginny: (spring apart)
First voice: it says on the ma-…never mind 'Mione, you're right, I must've misread the map. Let's just go check where her class was.
New voice: We already checked her class,
Second voice: Ron, come on, let's go check at the Quittich pitch, maybe she's practicing.
Third voice: fine, let us know if you find her Harry
First voice: right-O…
Door: (click)
Ginny: (frantically trying to re-adjust bra)
Draco: (swings robes around front to cover the state of his shirt, which is un-tucked and tieless)
Harry: Ginny, I got rid of your brother because he'd kill Malfoy without a second thought, but I'll give you time to explain. You have till Ron and 'Mione get back, start explaining.
Draco: (walks around Harry and picks wand up from in front of the flower pot) well, now we know where it went.
Ginny: uh, Harry, could you just not tell Ron about this? We got locked into the closet, it's soundproofed, my wand got chucked out the window, and I'm guessing that Draco dropped his.
Harry: that doesn't explain why Malfoy's tie's missing, or that you look like you're not wearing a bra.
Ginny: (swings robes around herself) er…about that…
Draco: (turns and walks quickly away)
Ginny: (look of dissapointment)
Harry: (whispers) would you want your brother to see his state, along with yours?
Ginny: (whispers back) do I really look that bad
Harry: your hairs a mess, your shirt is crooked, your skirt is nearly backwards, and you have Malfoy's tie around your neck.
Ginny: (rips Draco's tie off and hands it to Harry)
Harry: (stuffs tie in pocket)
Ron: (stops running) er…what happened to you Ginny? And where were you?
Ginny: locked in the cupboard.
Ron: I thought that you said that she wasn't in there.
Harry: (shrug) it must be sorta like the room of requirements, but the person fades in and out.
Ron: (hands Ginny wand) here, let's get you back to the common room
Ginny: (sarcastically) yes master.
All: (go to Gryffindor common room)
Don't worry! It's not over!
Did this make it easier to read? I hope so
R&R please, don't make me send my killer cookies after you,
Any flames will be used to make s'mores