She Is Your Blood

Chapter 4

By Spitfire Maguire

Author's Note: IMPORTANT I just wanted to clarify that this story does NOT have incestuous overtones. I am exploring a possible sibling relationship between ChiChi and Vegeta and what kind of effect it would have on the DBZ Universe. They are in no way shape or form romantically linked in this story. In my personal opinion, it takes a great writer to successfully pull off a Vegeta/ChiChi romance and I would not place myself in that category. I do think that making them siblings is very plausible, and that's why I wrote a story about it. I've read several stories where they are siblings, but that is usually just a minor detail for background while the main plot is having them fall in love with Bulma and Goku. The sibling relationship is the focal point of this fic; the romantic links with Bulma and Goku will be there, but they will not be in the forefront of the main story.

Thank you.

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ChiChi fainted.

She had just sat down with her father, Master Roshi, Bulma, and the others to watch the ensuing fight between Goku and the Saiya-jins. As soon as the screen came up, she saw who her husband's opponents would be, and promptly passed out. Everyone thought she had fainted from fear. They were wrong

It was from shock. Total and utter shock.

There, emerging from the space pods, were her old guard Nappa, and her brother. Prince Vegeta. She recognized Nappa's bald head and Vegeta's unmistakable flame-like hair. And her husband was about to fight them. Her husband, who hadn't known until last year who or what he was. Yes, she had found him, like her father had instructed, but he was different. He had no recollection of his past due to a head injury he received shortly after arriving on Earth. ChiChi's Earth father knew what he was, and what she was, and had wisely arranged a marriage between them. But even in the six years that they had been married, she'd never had the heart to tell him the truth. He was too different. Too innocent and naïve. He loved the Earth too much, and she didn't want to shatter the precious world he lived in, or hers.

She had grown to love the Earth too. Her Earth father, Gyuu Mao, had immediately greeted the Saiya-jin princess as his own daughter. She had rebelled at first though, loyal to her planet and her family. But eventually, her two year old mind couldn't handle the stress of being all alone and she welcomed the comfort that the great man offered. He did as King Vegeta had asked, and raised her as his daughter and Princess of Mount Frypan. She was schooled in the ways of royalty. From the Saiya-jin computer in the pod, she had learned the history of her race and Saiya-jin customs and traditions, in case she ever returned. But she never did. She didn't know what had happened to her family or her planet. She would sometimes gaze at the stars and look for one in particular, a comforting bright dot against the vast night sky. When she was twelve, she finally found Kakarot. Or he found her, to be more exact. She recognized him right away by his tail. Her own had been removed upon her arrival on Earth, to prevent any questions from being asked. She was surprised to hear him introduce himself as Goku, knowing his Saiya-jin name was Kakarot. She thought maybe that he had adopted another name to hide his true identity. But his manner was so different; she knew something must have happened to make him forget his past. Thinking it was a lost cause, she didn't press the matter.

Over the next several years, she trained hard under the tutelage of Gyuu Mao. She flourished as a fighter and a princess under his care. She had trained for two purposes. She trained for Goku, so that she could prove herself as an able mate, according to Saiya-jin custom. But in the back of her mind, she also trained for Vegeta. She wanted to make her older brother proud, wherever he was, by being able to take care of herself. She never lost faith that her brother would come to find her.

And there he was. As her father propped her upright and placed a cool cloth over her forehead, she studied Vegeta on the television screen. He was about her height, maybe a few inches taller. His well-built frame bespoke years of training. He was almost an exact copy of their father, minus the goatee that she faintly remembered he'd always sported. He even had the same hairstyle. His face was haughty and cold. She wondered what he had gone through to make it so. She noticed a hardness about him, and slightly shivered at the look in his eyes as he surveyed the battlefield and his opponents.

She was glad to see Nappa was still with Vegeta, though he had the same hardened look about him. He was the only person outside the royal family who knew of ChiChi's true birthright. A trusted guard and unlikely playmate, he had brightened her days when her father was busy with royal duties and Vegeta was training. He had even started her own training himself, while Vegeta assisted.

And now both Goku and their son Gohan were going to fight her brother and her guard. She had to stop it. If she had only known! She had never gotten close to Goku's idiotic Earthling friends. They were all too ridiculous for her. At the time, she had been too shy when she met them to make any lasting bonds of friendship. After she had fought Goku at the Tournament, she'd immediately left with him to get married. After that, it was just the two of them. She never invited them over. In her opinion, they were his friends. If he wanted to see them, he could pick up the phone and do it. It made for a very lonely existence for ChiChi. But she had been content with Goku. She had even learned to love him. His gentle temperament and loving nature did a lot to ease the pain of a lonely childhood. He had given her a son, Gohan, named after his adopted Earth grandfather. She was so happy then. She had given birth to the next generation of Saiya-jins. As she had looked at her son for the first time, she wondered even then if Vegeta would be proud of her. But life continued. As Gohan started to grow, she made it clear she wanted him to study. Goku preferred that he fight, given how strong the child was. He always tried to hide it from ChiChi, knowing it would upset her. But she wasn't an idiot. Their child was a full-blooded Saiya-jin! Of course he could go straight through a tree without getting hurt! ChiChi knew that this disagreement of child-rearing was a result of their class differences. She knew that Kakarot was supposed to be a third-class Saiya-jin, incredibly strong, but only basically educated. They were the foot soldiers of the Saiya-jin race. Children of royalty were different. They were the leaders of the Saiya-jin race; they had to be smart. So while Goku maintained that ChiChi did not want her son to fight, but only be a scholar, ChiChi knew differently. Of course Gohan could fight, but he had to be prepared for a birthright of which he was not yet aware.

Goku's friends thought of her in the same light. Why couldn't she let him train? It's what his father did. But her reactions had always been swift and frightening. Her temper was a characteristic of the Saiya-jin royal family. Therefore they shied away from her, and avoided telling her as long as possible that a man named Radditz had arrived, claiming he was something called a Saiya-jin and Goku's brother. Goku had fought and killed him, but died in the process, and that Namek Piccolo had taken her son away to train for arrival of the other two Saiya-jins who were coming in a year.

No one could escape her wrath that day. Looking back, she supposed that this had distanced her relationship with Goku's friends even more, but she didn't care. There were so many things she wished she could go back and fix. If only she had gone with Goku to that stupid reunion. When Radditz had shown up, she could've proved her royal status by showing him the birthmark on her collarbone, the one that every direct descendant of the royal family had. Then maybe she could've found out about her brother. What had happened to him, where he was.

But they didn't tell her until it was too late.

Now, she watched in horror as her husband's friends were killed. She could have stopped it if she was able to get there, but no one would let her go. Not even her father. He had held her back. She turned to him, furious, for the first time feeling hate for the man who had taken her in and raised her. Seeing her eyes, he had taken a step back. But she had recovered from her temporary anger. It was too late.

She had to wait with the rest of them. She didn't even know who to root for. It shocked and frightened her to her very core when she watched Vegeta kill Nappa for failing to defeat Goku.

'Oh Vegeta,' she thought. 'What's happened to make you so evil?'

ChiChi felt a sense of dread when she watched Goku and Vegeta square off. She flinched when either of them took a particularly painful hit. It was worse when Gohan was fighting him. She had wanted to grab her brother then and shake him, to tell him it was his very nephew he was beating.

Finally, when Gohan, Goku, and Vegeta were all beaten masses upon the ground, still breathing, she gave a sigh of relief. No one had died. Then she watched in horror as Krillen held Yajirobe's sword over Vegeta. She had wanted to cry out, but her throat was too choked up. In that split second, she decided that if Krillen did kill her brother, she would go to all lengths to find the Dragon Balls and wish him back, so they could finally have their long-awaited reunion.

But Krillen didn't kill him. At Goku's request, he spared the Prince's life. At that moment, ChiChi had never loved her husband quite so much as she did then. She knew if he had retained the true Saiya-jin nature, she would be without a brother. But it was that odd, gentle nature he had assumed after acquiring that bump on his head that spared her brother his life.

Vegeta had crawled back in his spaceship and taken off. By this time, ChiChi and the others were in a spaceship on the way to pick up her beaten and bruised family. When they landed, she had run out, quickly scanning over her son and husband for fatal injuries, and upon finding none, continued searching the landscape for any sign of her brother. But he was already gone. At this, ChiChi let a few tears slip out. Everyone else thought it was because of the state of her family.

She cried wondering if she had lost the only chance of seeing her brother.