Untitled 3

Disclaimer: I have never own Gundam Wing if I did than I have change one or to things.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"Heero were are we going to stay?" Wufei asked. They were on the train heading towards Texas. The girls had fallen a sleep. Catherine was asleep in Wufei lap. "I'm not sure first couple of nights we just may have to sleep on the ground but I'm worry about Cathy. She may not agree to it," Heero answer Wufei. "Well someone may let us stay with them for a little while," Wufei said trying to lighten up the subject. "Maybe," Heero said.

"Excuse me, but I couldn't help but over hear that you need a place to stay," said a somewhat cold voice. Heero turn to see who had said that. When he turn he saw a girl who had long, blonde hair that would end at her knees if she wasn't sitting down. She had ice blue eyes and eyebrows that were very distinctive. They were double and it gave her somewhat an air of elegance.

"Who are you?" Heero asked. "Dorothy Catalonia Winner. I'm visiting my Uncle Treize while my husband goes to Spain for a business trip," the girl said. "What do you want?" asked Wufei. "I'm just proposing a place to stay," said Dorothy. "How do we know we can trust you," Heero said little less harsher than he would have like. Something about this girl gave him the feel he should watch his back when he was around her. Yet something else told him that she looked familiar and he could trust her. Heero could tell that she could backstab you if she wanted to and that she could be one of the most trusting people. Heero could always sense this stuff about people. He just thought of it as a gift and used it if he had to.

"You can't now can you?" her voice more colder than ever. "We won't trust you but we except your offer whatever it is," Heero said. "Well my uncle needs some help on his farm and my Aunt Lady needs help taking care of the house and two year old Mariemaya. She's my cousin. I'm sure they won't mind the little one," Dorothy said her voice was softer than it had been on the whole time they had been talking.

"If you don't mind I'd like to get some sleep," Heero said. "Me too," Wufei said. "No a course not," Dorothy said her voice returning to it's cold pitch. Heero leaned back and fell to sleep in a matter of minutes. Wufei fell a sleep shortly after Heero. While Heero was sleeping he had a dream that he would soon not forget.

: Heero Dream:

Heero was in a field. There were wildflowers all around. Heero felt as if he had been here before. He turned and saw a boy with chocolate brown hair and combat blue eyes. Heero soon realize that the boy was he. There was an older looking girl there to she had soft brown hair and eyes. Little Heero spoke to the girl. (AN: I'll be calling the boy Heero Little Heero from now on. I just want to put this here so no one gets confuse.) "Do you have to go sister?" Little Heero asked. "I'm afraid so, little one," the girl said. "Why?" Little Heero asked on the brink of tears. "Oh I wish I didn't have to but I want to help mama and papa and this is the only way I know how," the girl said on the verge of tears herself. She knelt down and hugged Little Heero and kissed his for head and left. Soon the field vanished and so did Little Heero and soon Heero was left in darkness. "Heero," a voice called out to him. "Who's there?" Heero asked looking around but he saw only darkness. "Heero wake up Heero,"

: End of Dream:

Heero woke up to see Relena leaning over him. "We're at the stop Heero," Relena said. "Oh thank you," Heero said getting up. "Your welcome," Relena said smiling. She may not know it but Heero had a secret crush on her. In truth Heero and Wufei had a crush on both sisters. But the girls didn't know it and both Heero and Wufei wanted to stay that way.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I think I'll end it here. Please I'm on by knees begging you to review.

Ja ne
