A/N: Yeah, yeah, it's me. Vampiegurl. Here I am, writing this thing while watching Spongebob ((gave me inspiration)) I'm cracking up and all that good stuff. But enough about that…I am soooo happy you guys liked the last chapter! I barely got to read it! I was like, out…:blinks: unfair. Anyway…I hope you guys enjoy MY chapter as much as you enjoyed Starling's :glares at Starling: They love you and hate me. :mutters: Evil…:clears throat: So, uh, please review. it'd be greatly appreciated.

Starling94: ((Cowers)) Umm.. Thanks guys. I'm sorry Vampie never got her input.. So this chapter I'll keep mine minimal.

I walked out of my 5th period class with a blurry vision and a nauseas feeling. Health had been utterly disgusting, I am honestly beginning to wonder why in the world things like that occur. It's sick and wrong. I mean, who wants some freaking guy doing…ugh…

I shivered and continued my unsteady walk to my locker. I had never been able to stomach such talk, when my mother had tried to speak with me I ended up staining her white rug. Of course when I look back at it now I kind of snicker because my mom deserved it at the time. But the fact that I threw-up makes me more of a nerd than I already am.

Which is why, my mother gave the nurse a note saying I couldn't stay in the room if I started feeling sick. Of course, I made the health teacher swear not to tell anyone. I mean, with my nose bleeds and weird personality, adding to my already low reputation would be torture.

I continued down the hallway until I spotted my locker. I walked over to it and leaned my head against the cool metal, "Damn health," I murmured, "Always have to explain unnecessary things. I mean why do us teens have to learn about sex? It's not like all of us are going to go out and screw someone. Teaches those who will do that crap. Like…Kairi for instance, teach her about where babies come from, not poor innocent souls like me…" I felt a light tap on my shoulder.

I turned, half expecting it to be Cloud. Or even worse Riku. Or even worse Reno. "Wha-?" I began to growl but stopped when I saw very familiar blue eyes, "Stevie?" I cried.

The light-browned haired girl gave a grin, "In the flesh." She said with her thick accented voice.

"Oh my gawd!" I exclaimed, "Where WERE you?"

Her grin faded a bit, "I was with my dad." I shut my mouth, I knew Stevie's issues with her father.

"Ohh," I said, looking down at my sneakers. There was awkward pause before I looked up grinning. "Anyway, it's great you're back. Sora and I were wondering where the hell you were and Sora has been doing nothing but going to the arcade and I've been doing nothing but having to deal with detention, my grades, homework, school work, my mom, my new neighbors…" I rushed.

She laughed, "Slow down Yuffie. Don't have a seizure."

I snorted and rolled my eyes, "Thank you for caring."

She stuck out her tongue, "No problem." She paused, "Wait, new neighbors?"

I snickered. I knew it wouldn't take too long she's a lot quicker than Sora…but of course, not as quick as me…heh…, "Yah. I got new neighbors. Cloud Strife. He's a new student here and like," She interrupted.

"Please no obsessions."

I glared, "Shut up."

She laughed again, "Continue."

"Okay, as I was saying, he's so…so…" I shuddered, "Not even a word."

"Riku?" She supplied.

I sighed, "Not even-" The bell signaling the end of the period sounding and flocks of kids invaded the once quiet hallway. I turned to my locker, spun the combination and started picking out my books for my next class. "Hey Steve could I borrow your history book, I can't seem to find mine…"

"Sure." She said.

"Move it." A female's voice hissed. Both Stevie and I glanced up and saw Kairi and her little minions standing there, every hair perfectly in place and their clothes creepily matching.

I narrowed my eyes, someone really needed to tell this girl to get a life. I was planning on it, but Stevie just shook her head at me.

"As much as we'd both love to Yuff, she's not even worth it.." She said. I nodded and with one last glare at Kairi made my way down the hall. As we approached my history classroom Stevie and I went our separate ways, and as I opened the door a figure across the hall caught my eye.

Seifer was standing there, staring directly at me. A devilish smirk scrawled across his face, I rolled my eyes. The way he was staring said he knew something, and since he was friends with Reno, it most likely had to do with Riku, but I wasn't in the mood to yell at him now. I mouthed 'What loser?' before opening my door and walking into my class. I'd deal with Red later.

"Caesar did what when in rein as king…?" The teacher questioned as my mind began to wander off. I knew I should be paying attention, but it's not like I was going to fail history. It was too easy of a subject; you learned the same things every year. "Miss Kisaragi, why don't you tell us?"

My wandering attention came back down and I blinked, "Huh?"

The teacher looked thoroughly annoyed, (it was easy to tell, he constantly ran his hands through his thin, greasy black hair when he was) "What did Caesar do when he was king?"

I swallowed and looked around, earlier when I had said that history was easy because you learned the same thing every year. It wasn't exactly a lie. I mean, I never paid attention, but history was easy to cram in before a test. And usually, I didn't get asked a question. No teacher liked to listen to me talk for more than two seconds. But this teacher was new, he hadn't yet learned.

"Um, well," I began, twirling a finger around in my short raven hair, "Caesar was one of the greatest dictators known to Rome."

"We already know that Miss Kisaragi," He said sharply, "What I asked was what he did as king."

I bit my lip and leaned forward a bit, "I know that Mr. Devery, I was getting to that." I replied just as sharply. He looked slightly taken aback, and narrowed his eyes.

"Miss Kisaragi, I didn't know you had the authority to speak to me like that." He said, stalking towards my desk. He placed his hands in front of me and raised his eyebrows.

"Well, maybe you should check the rules again." I said smugly. He looked highly amused and my grin faded a bit. He was going to be a toughie, he was young and quick. But of course, I could take him down. I could take all of them…except maybe the Creature…

"Are you stalling Miss Kisaragi?" He questioned.

I opened my mouth, but shut it and shook my head.

"Then answer the question." I nodded and glanced around the room as if someone there would give me the answer. But of course, I had no allies in this class, so they were all sniggering at me. I'd get them later.

"Well…he…he uh…" I stuttered, I honestly didn't know what to say.

"Just as I thought," He said, imitating my smug tone, "Miss Kisaragi, I want a ten page report on Caesar and what he did as king by tomorrow."

"What!" I screeched, standing up and knocking my chair over, "That's so totally NOT fair! I'm already swamped with stuff already!"

He smiled at me and raised his eyebrows, "Then next time, pay more attention." He gave a quick wink, and began to talk again.

I growled under my breath and mouth some indescribable (actually it wasn't too bad…at least for me…) words. Life just wasn't fair.

"And THEN he said I had to have a ten paged report by tomorrow! TOMORROW! I'll never get it done!" I whined, as I glanced around the table at my two friends.

Sora glanced up from his gameboy and made a sympathetic face, then went back to playing his game. I huffed and crossed my arms, "You don't really feel bad do you?" He glanced up again and grinned, "You know…? I think you just practice your faces in front of a mirror, and when I need comfort or something you search through your brain for the right face and just…make it."

Stevie cackled under her breath as she stared past me, "He's going to get it."

"And you!" I shrilled, pointing an accusing finger at her, "I don't even think you HEAR what I say." She smirked.

"Ah, but you'll never know for sure, right?" My face twisted and I stood up.

"I'm not hungry anymore, you two ruined my appetite with your poor attempts at being friends." I spun on my heel and began walking across the lunch room to the exit.

"Do you think she's really mad?"

"Nah, she's just going to do her homework."

I twitched, maybe the WERE good friends.

A/N: AHH. I AM SO SO SO SO SORRY! THAT TOOK FOREVER. I've been lazy since school started. Sorry people, and sorry its so short! Btw, couldn't get ahold of Starling. She's grounded. -.- But I hope you like it for the crap it is.