"Calleigh I need you to push." stated Doctor Miller.

"I can't it hurts!" cried out Calleigh resting her head back onto the pillows.

"Calleigh you have no choice you have to! Now come on one more good push."

"I, I can't."

"Calleigh sweetheart." said Tim stroking Calleigh forehead. "Listen to me come on, we've been through so much. We'll get through this to now just come on one more push."

"Oh yeah I'm sure you think its so easy." said Calleigh through clenched teeth.


"I'd like to see you do this!" screamed Calleigh.

"I can see the head." stated Doctor Miller. "Come on Cal, one good push."

Calleigh nodded and gripped Tim's hand tighthly.

"5, 6, 7,8..." said the nurse. "Come on honey your doing great."

"There's the shoulder...torso...knees...and the feet." said Doctor Miller. "Congradualtions you have a beautiful little girl."

"Ten fingers ten toes?" asked Tim.

"Ten fingers ten toes." said doctor Miller. "I'm just gonna need you to cut the cord and i'll take her to get her cleaned up.

Tim nodded and cut the cord. Then looked over at Calleigh. "We did it."

"Yeah... we did." sighed Calleigh as she layed down in the pillows.

"God your beautiful." said Tim brushing some of Calleigh's hair out of her face.

"Oh yeah...I think i've looked better."

Tim laughed slightly. "I love you."

"I love you too." said Calleigh as she kissed Tim's lips lightly.

"Here you go you guys." said the nurse. "If you just give us her name well put it on the birth certificate."

Calleigh looked at Tim. "Well we haven't actually decided yet. Tim..."

"How about Holly Marie Speedle." Tim suggested. "Holly after your grandmother and Marie as in your middle name."

"I like it." said Calleigh looking from Tim to Holly.

"Alright Holly Marie Speedle it is." said the nurse.



"Holly sweetheart don't get to close to the pool." said Tim.

"But daddy I wanna swim...Uncle Eric taught me and I wanna show you how good of swimmer I can be." said Holly.

"I know honey but you just ate ok. So you have to wait a little bit." Calleigh defended.

"Okay..." said Holly regreatfully.

"She is just the cutest thing I have ever seen." piped up Alexx.

"Well thank you." said Calleigh pulling Holly into her lap.

"No." stated Holly. "I wanna sit in daddy's lap."

"Oh fine." said Calleigh. Tim smiled brightly. "That's ok she can be yours now. But when she turns 13 she'll be mine til the day she dies."

"Well that's not gonna happen is it?" asked Tim.

"No. I'll always be daddy's little girl." said Holly.

"I never thought i'd see the day." said Eric.

"Yeah, yeah I now you never thought you'd see the day I became a father."

"No actually I meant Calleigh."


"Well i just thought you'd never have room for kids because your guns were your babies."

Calleigh smiled. "Well there will always be room for this little girl."

Horatio smiled looking at the family. "So Holly what do you wanna be when you grow up?"

"I wanna be just like Anut Alexx." said Holly.

"No you don't." said Eric. "Your gonna be a swimmer."

"She's gonna be a lawyer." defended Calleigh.

"A lawyer please." started Alexx. "She's gonna be a dancer."

"A dancer." said Horatio. "That's so cliche."

"Holly why don't we let them argue about this and then go in and get some ice cream." whispered Tim into Holly's ear.

"Ok daddy."

"Alright let's go."

"Ballet dancer."


"Olympic swimmer."



"Yes Holly?"

"I don't have to be any of those things do I?"

"Honey you can be whatever you want to be."