"Your Joking Right?"

Chapter 23-Next Apparation Home.

After Hermione learns of some unexpected news she heads home, leaving behind her duties at Hogwarts

Hermione arrived at the gargoyle that led to Dumbledore's office. She quickly said the password, a favorite sweet of his as usual, and descended the moving staircase.

'Please let it be good news, Please' she silently prayed on the way up to the Headmaster's office.

The stairs came to a halt and Hermione hopped off. She gave the heavy wooden door a hollow knock and heard an old familiar voice beckoning her in.

"Ah. Ms. Damenzla, welcome, welcome. A cockroach cluster?" He offered her the candy.

Hermione took a look at the sickly looking candy and hid a grimace with a smile. "No thanks."

Dumbledore crossed to his desk and took a seat behind his desk he folded his hands upon them and looked her straight in the eye.

'Uh Oh' Hermione gulped. 'This cannot be good.'

"I have received a letter for you, it is of an urgent matter and I wanted to give it to you personally so we could discuss your options."

"Im sorry sir, but, may I ask of what letter are you speaking about?"

Dumbledore slid 2 letters out of his robes. He handed one to her and held up a second one. "I have received a letter of the similar nature, but before I continue, may I ask that you read your own."

Hermione nodded and reluctantly tore open the letter, as she read it a silent tear began to fall down her cheek.

Our Dearest Hermione,

Im sorry it has been a while since we been in contact with you, but after the crazy summer you had, we decided to give you your space, even if it was a few continents.

Hermione smiled.

But the reasoning I am writing you concerns your mother. She is sick sweetie. Very sick. Now the doctors say that she has a form of cancer in her upper thigh, which is beginning to cut off circulation to the lower parts, but, as you know she is physically weak. The surgery is not a very great option. She has about 2 months to live sweetie. I am so very sorry to tell you all this in a letter but I could not leave her. Please contact us. We love you so very much.

Your Father, no matter what.

Hermione was crying, she had tried her best not to, told herself she wouldn't cry in front of the most powerful wizard of all time, but she was. Dumbledore gave her some time before he began to speak to her.

"Now, Ms. Damenzla, I am aware of your circumstances and I also know that you know longer reside with the Grangers but they were, and still are, a very big part of your life. I am leaving it up to you to decide what you would like to do."

"I don't need time headmaster, I already know."


Hermione was gone by the following lunch period. She would be gone for a full week, leaving her a week and 3 days to prepare for graduation when she returned.

"How come I can't come to? In some way they are kind of my family to" Blaise had complained when she told him that she would be leaving. "Your just going to leave me to deal with all of these animals" He pointed out the first years, dashing around the entrance hall.

She was also excused from all finals.

"Aw. Now that isn't fair" Ron complained. "Maybe I'll owl Bill and have him pretend to get sick so I can go home for a week and be excused from Bloody exams"

Hermione hit him. "Not funny."

Luckily for her Draco was the very last person she saw before she left. She hugged Ginny goodbye then Draco walked her towards the main doors, her trunk floating magically behind them. Before they were in sight of Dumbledore, Draco grabbed Hermione's hand and pinned her lightly against the wall. He kissed her passionately, and she eagerly responded running her fingers through his silky hair. As they broke apart, Hermione smiled at him.

"What was that for?"

"Because, I won't see you for a week, and I kinda wanted to do that" He smirked.

She laughed. "You know what Draco Malfoy, I kinda like you."

"You know what Ms. Damenzla, I kinda like you to" He kissed her again.

She kissed him back then pulled away, shoving him back a bit. "Maybe not."

He smirked, and began to say his goodbye. "Take care, hope you mother, or whatever she is, feels better. I love you"

"I love you to" She turned to go, then turned back and kissed him again, "Something to remember me by"

"I couldn't forget you if I tried Hermione Jane Granger"

"Its Hermione Jane Granger Damenzla."

"If that's your story"

She smiled and waved at him. He turned the corner and was out of sight, just then a figure caught her eye and she noticed her other cousin, Emery McCain, sitting on the staircase,. The blonde promptly stood up, gave Hermione a tiny smile,

"Have a good trip"

and exited the way Draco had went.

"I hate her" Hermione breathed

"Ready to go Hermione" Dumbledore beckoned her out the doors.

"As I'll ever be"

As they walked out the doors Emery stepped back out of the shadows and smiled at the pair stepping into the carriages.

"Bye cousin dearest, really take all the time you need. This are going to be quite different when you return"


Okay, Hi again. I hope you kinda liked that chapter. It was just kind of a filler for me. Anyways, I need your help, let me know wheter you would like me to have the next chapter about what Emery is up to at Hogwarts while Hermione is away with a few tidbits of Hermione back home, or a whole chapter on Hermione's home crisis then the following chapter on Hogwarts. Review or Message and let me no. I'll probably update by Friday. If you're a High School Musical fan check out my story 'Feeling In The Heart'.
