Your joking...RIGHT?

Chapter 1 The Long Story

It was the summer between Hermione's sixth and seventh year at Hogwarts School of Withcraft and Wizardry and she had been through some...Serious changes.

First off, Hermione was now every guys ideal girl, witty, intelligent, beautiful, rich, and powerful. Her best Muggle friend ,Charidy, had given her the ultimate make-over. Hermione now had pernamently straight brown hair with blonde highlights, and she had also gotten a pair of dark-blue colored contacts, seeing as she had been needing glasses for quite some time now anyways. They had also gone shopping in muggle London and had bought her a new wardrobe and make-up and hair care products.

Next, Hermione had received some very exciting news over the summer, she was actually a Damenzla, which was a very wealthy pure-blood family, which made Hermione a pure-blood. Her new-found family ,which included her little sister Dakota, was a well respected, non-dark arts family which made her even happier. Her mother was a journalist and her father worked in the Department of Magical Games and Sports at the Ministry. Her muggle adoptive parents had told her the story before giving her the choice of living with them and moving to America, or living with the Damenzla's, her parents by birth, and remaining in London. Of course she chose her biological parents ,whom she had gotten to spend little time with due to Lord Voldemort., and was now living in a huge mansion on Collidge Hills along with other rich, pure-blood, families Lucky for Hermione, the only pure-blood she had recognized from her years at Hogwarts was Blaise Zabini, who had turned out to be a great friend, he had taught her a lot about the game of Quidditch, which turned out to be not soo bad, and was now dating Hermione's best wizard friend, Ginny Weasley.

Hermione, Ginny, Blaise, Cody(Hermione's muggle boyfriend), Charidy, and her boyfriend Shawn, were often found at the latest teen dance club "Revenue", or at the local muggle movie theater. When they had gone to see the muggle movie "The Longest Yard", Ginny, Blaise, and Hermione had a very close call to exposing their world when Hermione jumped up at one point in the movie and shouted "My God, use, magic, hullo ALOHAMORA people!" Let's just say they received some very rude faces and words.

Hermione was now sitting in her spacious bedroom in the Damenzla mansion staring out of the window at the vast grounds below when a large brown tawny owl swooped into the open window and landed on her bed post, holding his leg out where a scroll of parchment was tied. She scrambled off her stool by the window and jumped on her bed to untie the parchment on the owls leg and relieve him of his burden. She then tossed him a treat and watched as he flew back out the window. She took out of the envelope, unfolded the letter, and read:

Dear Miss Hermione Granger,

I am pleased to inform you that you have been selected as the Head Girl of your graduating class this year. Please report to the Head Girl/Boy carriage on the Hogwarts Express on the First of September at promptly 11:30am. Attached is your 7th year booklist.

Thank you and Good Luck,

Deputy Headmistress, Minerva McGonagall

Hermione jumped off her bed and ran down 2 flights of steps and into the family room to tell her new parents the good news. "Wow that's great" said her father, as her mother started weeping and enclosed her in a bone-crushing hug. When her mum released her she beamed at everyone until she felt a bow to her knees that felt quite like when Dobby the house-elf hugged you when you gave him a pair of socks, but it was actually her little sister Dakota who was squealing and crying. She stepped back and looked up into her sisters face with tears in her startling blue eyes and a grin on her face "Sissy, Sissy, Im going to be starting at Hogwarts this year!" She dashed into the dining room and came back moments later, Hogwarts letter in hand, and waved it in front of Hermione's face. "See!" she said beaming and showing off her perfectly white teeth. "Well this calls for a celebration" said their mother, she snapped her fingers and called "April" seconds later a tiny house-elf draped in a small sun dress (which was Hermione's doing, if she was gonna have a house-elf I was gonna be treated fairly) appeared at her side "Yes Mistress?" squeaked the tiny elf. "We are going out for a bit" said their mother. The elf bowed her head and dissaparated again. Then one by one, besides Dakota who went with their father, they stepped into the fire and called out "Diagon Ally".

(A/N Well that was my first ever fan fic. lol! How'd I do? Pleez Review! Flamers are accpeted but not wanted, lol)