Our Destiny Saturday

Bulma smiled and curled her hair. She was getting ready for her little coffee date with Broly. She really didn't consider it a date; he was just her friend. She went to her closet and just put on a pair of cute jeans and a cute top. She put her hair in a bun. She knew Chi-Chi was getting ready for her concert even though it wasn't till six, but Goku was going to take her to a late lunch but early dinner.

Bulma walked out of her room and looked at Luna who was waiting downstairs. "Morning Luna," she said smiling.

"Morning…um Bulma…about this date…who is it with?" Luna asked.

Bulma looked down at her cat. "Why? It's not really a date…it's coffee," Bulma said sitting down on a chair and tying her shoes.

"Well I'm curious really," Luna stated.

Bulma petted Luna. "It's with a friend of mine. His name is Broly. Nothing to worry about," Bulma stated.

"Is that the boy you like?" Luna asked.

"What? No…he's just a friend," Bulma stated. "Why are you asking?"

"So he's not the one who gave you a ride here the other day?" Luna questioned.

"No that was Vegeta. What's wrong?" Bulma asked kneeling.

Luna smiled. "Nothing…I just wanted to know…so you like this Vegeta?"

Bulma smiled. "He's my friend…well he says he isn't which means he is," she stated.

"Come again?" Luna asked confused.

Bulma stood up. "I'll talk about it later," she stated grabbing her purse. She walked out of the front door and got into her car and pulled away.

18's house

Beep! Beep!

18 growled and slammed her alarm clock. It was almost nine in the morning. She usually didn't get up till eleven on weekends, but since the monsters were coming more often she needed to train.

18 got out of her bed and put on sweatpants and a white tank top. She put her hair in a ponytail and smiled at herself in the mirror. "Morning beautiful." She walked out of her room. Artemis was waiting outside her door. "Yes?"

"Morning. So what do you have plan today?" Artemis asked.

"Training," 18 stated. She stopped and looked at her cat. "Where's 17?"

Artemis looked up at her. "He's out shopping with some girl name Kiwi," Artemis stated. "He told your mother to tell you to watch the news and he'll be home later. Your mother told me to tell you. She's out too."

'Kiwi? He's still with that chick?' 18 thought. "So it's just you and me?"

Artemis nodded. "I'd like to watch to see how you've improved…may I watch?" Artemis asked.

"Knock yourself out," 18 responded. "I don't care."

"Oh some guy called too," Artemis stated.

18 smiled. "Really did he say his name?"

"Yeah Krillin…he thought I was your father…I shouldn't answer the phone," Artemis stated. "I could only imagine what people would do if they found out a cat answered your phone."

18 laughed. "Oh it's the end of the world…something like that?"

Artemis nodded. "Bulma called…she said she'll call back later," he stated.

"Does everything happen when I'm sleeping?" 18 asked.

Bulma's P.O.V

Bulma walked into the coffee shop. She looked around and smiled once she spotted Broly sitting by himself by the window. She walked by him and sat down. "Hey."

Broly looked up. "Hey," he said grinning. "I hope you don't mind, but I already ordered your coffee."

She smiled. "French vanilla and caramel?"

Broly nodded. "It's what I drink…but it needs some cherry flavor," he stated.

"Mine too…that's weird we like the same kind of coffee…did you put cherry in mine too?" she asked.

Broly nodded. "I'm glad I got something you like," he said looking at her. "You look cute."

She blushed. "Stop," she said looking away. She giggled. "I don't like blushing."

"I'm sure you get it a lot," he stated. He smirked. "Who wouldn't think so?"

She smiled. "Alright Mr. that's enough about me…as mush I like being told I'm cute and what not…it's too much," she stated.

"Do you want a bagel or something?" Broly asked.

Bulma nodded. "A bagel sounds great…I like blueberry," she stated.

He raised a finger. "Waitress," he said. A woman walked over. "A blueberry and strawberry bagels please." She nodded and walked off.

Bulma looked at the waitress then Broly. "This is really…sweet," she stated.

Broly smiled. "Glad you think about it that way."

The waitress came back with two bagels and handed the two bagels to them.

Marron's P.O.V

Marron stood up and walked into the apartment's kitchen. Her little sister Emily walked in. "Marron can you make me pancakes?" Emily asked.

Marron went to the fridge and took out the milk. "Yeah sure," Marron mumbled. She put the pancake mix and put it in bowl and battered it with a beater.

Emily sat in a stole. "So who's Yamcha?" she asked.

"Huh?" Marron asked. "What? Don't tell me you've been reading my diary," Marron snapped.

Emily shook her head. "Nope…he called," Emily stated.

Marron looked at her sister. "When?"

"When you were in the shower," Emily answered.

"What did you say?" Marron asked walking towards her sister. "What did you tell him?"

Emily smirked. "That you were in the shower…….with a boy," Emily stated.

Marron fell anime style. She wanted to cry. What if he never talked to her again? What if he ignored her? She sniffed and stood up. "YOU WHAT! HOW COULD YOU DO THAT!" Marron shouted. Tears formed in her eyes. "He was the best guy I KNOW!" She ran into her room and locked her door.

Emily looked at the pancakes that were burning. 'There goes my breakfast,' she thought.

Marron ran back into the room smelling smoke. "Shit…shit…shit," she cursed. Emily shook her head. Marron put the pancakes in the trash and looked at her sister. "Did you really?"

Emily smiled. "Nope…I told him you were in the shower…cleaning off your smelly body and you needed to brush your yellow teeth," Emily stated.

Marron sighed. She knew Yamcha wouldn't believe that. She kissed her sister on the forehead. "I'm so glad you're a girl…because a brother would have done that."

Emily smiled. "That's sweet…now make my breakfast," Emily demanded.

Coffee shop

Bulma was having a good time. Broly was a really sweet guy and he was so like her in some ways. She smiled and nodded. "I know exactly how that goes," she stated.

"I didn't know we had so much in common," Broly stated. "Some girls never get the stuff I talk about."

"Guys don't get me either…well some," Bulma stated. "It's real cool how we are interested in the same stuff…it's great that we're friends, huh?"

Broly nodded.

Bulma looked at him. "Not to be snoopy or anything, but are you and Vegeta fighting?" she asked.

Broly nearly spilled his coffee. "Kind of…but it took back awhile ago…it's just getting worse," Broly stated. "His mother and mine want us to make things better…like that will ever happen…that bastard and I won't get along ever…again."

Bulma sighed. "No need to call him names,"

"He calls me stuff behind my back…I should too," Broly stated. He sighed. "I'm really sorry…I didn't mean to be so crude."

Bulma smiled. "At least you have manners," she said standing up. "This was great…we should do it again."

Broly nodded and stood up. "I agree," he said. They walked out of the coffee shop.

Bulma looked up at the sky. It was cloudy. She sighed and took a deep breath. "Smells like rain," Broly stated. Bulma nodded.

Bulma walked to her car and Broly followed her. Bulma opened her door and turn to Broly. She smiled. "Thanks again," she said smiling.

Broly nodded and leaned to her kissing her quick on the lips. Bulma's eyes widened. Broly waved and walked away. Bulma watched him and touched her lips. 'What did he do that for?' she thought. She got into her car and started it up. She drove away.

Two pair of eyes watching her car drive off.

Chi-Chi's house

Chi-Chi ate her breakfast watching her mother closely. She smiled. "So Mom how was your day yesterday?" she asked.

Raye looked at her daughter. "Fine sweetie…I have this vibe though," Raye stated.

Diana jumped up onto the table. "Me too…it's like a six sense," Diana stated. "So are you going to that concert?"

Chi-Chi nodded. "Yeah and I'm so excited," Chi-Chi squealed. "I'm going to Usher with Goku the hottest guy ever…come on this is a day to remember."

Raye smiled. "I'm happy for you Chi-Chi," she stated.

"Me too," Diana stated smiling as well.

"We all should be because I am doing my part in protecting Earth and at the same time keeping it on the down low and dating the greatest guy ever," Chi-Chi stated. "I don't see too many girls doing that."

Diana shook her head and jumped off the table. "Humans," she mumbled.

"Cats," Chi-Chi whispered smiling at her mother.

Raye leaned against the counter. "I want you to be careful Chi-Chi when you're fighting. I don't want to see any of you girls hurt. Especially when you told me about this Ace, Joker, and King of Hearts. I don't want to be worried…but it's just a mother thing," Raye stated.

Chi-Chi stood up and hugged her mother. "You should worry, but there is no need to Mom, I promise. Plus we already have an ally. It's alright we're the best I've seen Mom," Chi-Chi said backing away from her mother.

Raye smiled. "I know you are, but you're nothing like your mom," she stated.

Chi-Chi laughed. "Whatever Mom, believe what you want," Chi-Chi said walking upstairs. "I have a date to prepare for."

Chi-Chi walked into her room and sat on her bed. She opened an old photo album of her and the girls. It was full of pictures of them together and self-pictures. She smiled they definitely weren't those same girls. She had a picture of Piccolo and Krillin. She also had a small picture of Goku in first grade; ok she had one of him every year.

She got off of her bed and went to her bathroom to play with her hair. She tied it into a braid. "I'll leave it like that for awhile," she stated to herself. She walked out of the bathroom and plopped down on her bed.

She picked up her cell phone and looked through old text messages. She kept her smile on her face. She was going to have a beautiful day and could not wait for her date to pick her up.

Ring! Ring!

She looked down at her cell phone and confusion struck her.

Launch's P.O.V

Launch (blue) walked down the old side of town hand in hand with Tien. She smiled. They were going to go to brunch later at Tyler's buffet and couldn't wait to be alone with him. All right she was alone with him now, but she couldn't wait for their first date. She smiled and rested her head on his shoulder.

"Having fun?" Tien asked.

"Uh-huh," she answered. She looked at him. "So what are we going to do next?"

"We could stop at Mikey's," Tien suggested.

"That cute little pet shop?" Launch asked. "I would like that."

Tien smiled. "Great we can go there for…about twenty minutes or so…what do you say?" he asked.

"I think that would be perfect," she stated resting her head on his shoulder once more. "Anywhere will do."

"Fine by me…let's go," he said looking down at her. She nodded and they walked away.

Bulma's P.O.V

Bulma walked into the front of her house and through the back yard. She walked through the slide door. Luna was sitting on the counter and Bulma could hear talking coming from the living room. She looked at Luna. "What's up?" she asked.

Luna smiled. "Nothing," Luna answered.

Bulma walked by her cat and started upstairs.

"Bulma is that you?" she heard her mother.

"Yes Mom it's me," Bulma stated. "What do you want?"

"Come here," Bunny ordered.

Bulma sighed and headed downstairs and went into the living room. She stopped and her eyes widened.

Chi-Chi' P.O.V

Chi-Chu hung up her cell phone smiling. 'That was weird, but this is going to be good,' she thought. She went to her little desk and brought out a sheet of paper and pencil. She wrote something down and smiled. "Oh glory," she said giggling.

18's house

18 kicked a kicking bag the punched it. She stopped and wiped the sweat of her brow. She smiled and looked at Artemis.

"Very impressive," Artemis stated walking out of the room. 18 followed him.

"Thank you…I do know that I kick major ass," 18 stated smirking.

"Well you might want to get clean up…I forgot to tell you Krillin was coming over and was going to take you out this evening," Artemis stated.

18 frowned. "Okay…I have time," 18 stated.

Bulma's house

"Wh…what? What are you doing here?" Bulma asked looking at 'her house guest'.

Bunny looked at her daughter and giggled. "Bulma that wasn't very nice," Bunny stated.

Bulma looked at a woman with long black hair. "But…but," Bulma stuttered.

Bunny looked at the woman. "I'm so sorry Teresa," Bunny apologized.

"It's alright," Teresa stated.

Bulma looked away from the woman. She didn't care why she was here, but her son was another story. Bulma looked to the wall next to the couch. There leaning against the wall was Vegeta.

"What is he doing here?" Bulma asked.

"That's not nice," Vegeta stated smirking.

Bulma looked at him. "Excuse me Mother and Vegeta's mother, but I need to talk to him," Bulma stated grabbing Vegeta by his collar and dragging him upstairs and into her room. She shut her door. "What is going on?"

"My mother brought me here," Vegeta stated. He looked around her room. "Why did you bring me here?"

"I had to bring you somewhere my Mom wouldn't be able to hear," Bulma stated. She walked over to her bed and threw her purse.

"Did you like your little date with my cousin?" Vegeta asked.

Bulma looked at him. "Yes I liked it very much," she stated. She sat on her bed. "Until the end."

Vegeta chuckled. "He's such an idiot,"

Bulma glared at him. "That's rude. How would you like it if I called you a jackass behind your back?" Bulma asked.

"Wouldn't care," Vegeta stated. He looked around the room and sat down on a chair. "Can I leave now?"

Bulma looked at him. "No," she answered.

Ring! Ring!

Bulma looked at her cell phone and picked it up. "Hello?" Nothing. She turned to Vegeta who was on his.

"I'm on it. Stop calling me!" Vegeta ordered hanging up his phone.

"Who was that?" Bulma asked.

"Your friend," Vegeta answered.

"Why'd she call you?" Bulma asked.

"I asked her something," Vegeta stated.

"What was that?" she asked.

"I'm bored you want to get out of here?" he asked.

Bulma raised an eyebrow. "And go where?"

"I don't know," Vegeta stated. He leaned against the wall. "Don't care…just don't want to be stuck in here."

Bulma smirked. "I know a cool place," she stated grabbing onto his hand and dragging him downstairs. "Bye Mom and Vegeta's mom," she said exiting the house.

18's P.O.V

18 stepped out of the shower and walked into her room walking up to her closet. She looked over her clothes and sighed. Chi-Chi was gonna go to an Usher concert, but SHE (18) was going to be with Krillin. She smiled and grabbed a very sexy dress. Maybe they would go dancing.

She put the dress down on her bed and looked for another outfit just in case they were gonna go to the bowling alley or go-cart races or something. She looked at her clock. It would have been nice to talk to Krillin and find out what they were doing and what time and stuff.

She walked back to her bed and sat down. She looked out her window. The leaves of the tree outside her window moved and a dark shadow jumped to the ground and started running.

She stood up and looked out her window holding her towel close to her. She blinked and looked back at the tree. How come she didn't stop him? Or was it a she? She tightened her towel and ran out of her room. "Artemis!" she shouted.

She turned a sharp corner of her house and stopped. "Where are you stupid cat?" she asked shouting.

"Jeez what's with the loud noise?" Artemis asked walking up the stairs.

18 turned to him and growled. "Something was just outside MY window watching me and I have NO idea what it was and what it was doing? I would like to know what the hell it was doing and why it was here," she hissed. "Could that thing possible work for that 'Ace' character?"

Artemis sat down. "Did you get a look at this 'thing'? It's very possible, but how it knows that you live here and that your one of the Scouts I have no idea how that would be," he stated.

18 growled once more and stormed off to her room. "Forget it, if I see that thing again I'll kill it….for sure," she spat as she slammed her bedroom door.

Chi-Chi's P.O.V


Chi-Chi ran down her stairs while looking at the clock. It wasn't gonna be Goku unless he really wanted to be early. She stopped in front of the door and opened it.

There stood a guy with sandy blonde hair that went almost went over his chilling blue eyes. He smiled and moved his hair. "Paper bill," he stated.

She gave him a confused look and leaned against the railing of the door. "Aren't you too old to be a paper boy?" she asked.

"I'm helping my brother," he answered. He grabbed a piece of paper. "Well you only owe $2.50, don't like the paper?" He chuckled.

"Uh well some mornings we don't need it," she stated. She turned around and grabbed her purse and handed him the amount. "Here."

He looked at the paper. "Chi-Chi?" he questioned. He looked at her. "Cool name, I'm Adam, I've seen you around, at school."

She looked at him. "I haven't seen you."

He shook his head and chuckled. "I'm new, I just started Monday."

"Oh," she replied. "Well thanks for letting us know, see you later." She closed the door and headed up stairs and that's when she noticed she was still in her gym clothes. She growled and stormed up to her room to call her boyfriend, which would probably take hours. She giggled and ran the rest of the way.

Bulma's P.O.V (Penny's)

Bulma slurped on her slushy and giggled. She looked at Vegeta. "So? Like this place? It's the best to hang out, even to study, well…never mind," she looked away and started slurping.

Vegeta shook his head and looked around. "It's boring," he picked up one of his many fries from his plate.

'You know you like it,' Bulma thought smiling. "Too bad, I love it here."

He leaned into his chair and picked up his burger. "You like stupid things," he took a big bite.

'Well at least I have manners buddy-boy,' she thought to herself glaring at him. "The things I like are not stupid Vegeta."

He looked at her glaring back. "Are you saying that I am wrong?"

She shrugged. "I'm not saying, I know," she stated.

"Excuse me."

There was a crash of glass smashing on the floor.

Bulma turned around and saw a guy their age with dark brown hair and green eyes. He stood up and helped the waitress then looked at Bulma with a smile.

Bulma blinked confused and turned to Vegeta who was eating away his burger. "Did you see that?"

He glared at her. "See what?"

"NM," she looked back at the boy.

"NM?" Vegeta questioned. "What the hell is that?"

"Never mind," Bulma stared at the guy.

"What does it mean?" he repeated.

She looked at him. "It means never mind," she hissed. "Jeez I just tried it out for notes and stuff…never mind." She looked back at the guy who was walking over to her. "Uh yeah he's walking over here."

"Who's walking over here?" Vegeta asked taking another bite out of his burger.

Bulma turned and looked back at him. "That guy, you know the one that…."


Vegeta looked up while Bulma turned around. There was the boy that Bulma was staring at.

"Hey," Bulma said blushing in embarrassment. 'He must have seen me staring or great. I didn't mean anything by it.'

"I've seen you before, uh this sounds stupid, but what school to you go to? Orange Star High?"

"Yeah Orange Star High School," Bulma answered.

"The that's where I've seen you. I'm Zack I just started Monday. Maybe I'll see you around…uh.."

"Bulma, my name is Bulma."

Zack smiled. "See you around Bulma." He walked off.

Bulma looked at Vegeta. "Why didn't you say anything?" she asked to an empty chair. She blinked. "Vegeta? Hey where'd he go?" She stood up and started looking for him.

Launch's P.O.V

Launch was linked still with Tien. "This has been so much fun Tien," she squealed.

"I'm glad," Tien said smiling.

They turned a corner where a bunch of people started running and screaming passed them. Launch looked at Tien. "Um I have to go REAL quick!" she started running toward the cause.

Tien shouted after her, but she had already turned the corner. "Damn. What are you doing Launch?"

Chi-Chi's P.O.V

"Thanks Goku," as she got into his car and kissed his cheek. "This is going to be so much fun."

Goku looked at her. "Yep just the two of us," he stated.

"Yeah just us two," she agreed. 'And hopefully no monsters, zombies, or anything from outer space to ruin it, and of course no phone calls from the girls checking up on me.' A vain popped out on the side of her forehead remembering how Marron had called her in a middle of a date when she was just about to kiss you just to say she lost her brush and thought there was a brush monster.

"Ready?" Goku asked.

Chi-Chi looked at him and smiled. "Ready."

Goku started the engine and drove off.

"Chi-Chi! Chi-Chi!" Diana shouted running out of the house. "Great just great."

That's it for chapter twelve! Sorry it took so long it's a LONG story, but I'll make it short. SCHOOL! I told you it could get in the way and I'M VERY SORRY! I got in some trouble too so, yeah. Hoped you enjoy. Thanks Kami that's it's Fall Break. Thinking about doing other fics, don't know yet.

Thanks to:

Killov: Thanks so much for the review and I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Anime-rules-lauren: Thanks for the compliment! I'm glad to know you liked it.

beautiful-kamiya: Here's an update. Thank you thank, please review again.

Caryl Mc: You love Usher too? I LOVE USHER! I wish I could see him too, why can't he come to my city. Yeah right, like that will happen. Oh that's too bad if Like You isn't there yet, is it now? I love it! Does Vegeta have feelings? Looks like we'll have to wait and see, huh? Saiyans, I like them as them as Saiyans too, just wait and see if I do. Yep I can't name all of Usher's songs, but you know what I always drool over his poster without his shirt. OH YEAH! Please review.

firehottie: You don't have to wait any longer because her it is! Please review!

Trunksmybaby: Oh that's too bad about hurricane Katrina, I watched it on the news. Hope you review!

LOVE IT: I'm so glad you love it and here is an update.

Bulma: Glad you love it too! And here is an update!

Please review! Please!
