Disclaimer: JK owns all, the plot however is all mine.


Fools rush in, where angels fear to tread.


This is my new fic called 'fools rush in', its loosely based on the film 'fools rush in' which stars Matthew Perry. It's a really good film and this fan fic is based on the over all plot of the film, a little.


Chapter 1- A heated discussion

They were at it again.

In the middle of the great Hall.

In front of everybody.

Draco Malfoy, sat in the middle of his table, all high and mighty he looked. And that was what started it all off. Hermione Granger just couldn't keep her nose to her self on this occasion.

Everyone in the hall was a buzz with energy, it was the seventh years graduation day and all the seventh years were exited at the thought of leaving Hogwarts for good. Other years were exited because they were having a long summer holiday.

Hermione Granger, been the type of girl she was could never stop her self from defending what she believed in, especially when she knew she was right and one little comment from Draco Malfoy's mouth sent her over the edge.

"Those bloody Gryffindorks didn't know what hit them this year" he said and made all his cronies laugh. Draco was boasting about how many times he abused his head boy status and gave unsuspecting Gryffindor's as many detentions as possible and took away many house points. Hermione heard his comment and turned round to face him

"I hope you haven't been using your power as head boy Malfoy" she said dangerously to him "To pick on my house" she said, knowing exactly what he had been doing the whole year.

"Who asked you, you filthy little mudblood"

"That's Granger, to you Malfoy" she said smugly

"Ill call you whatever I like, after tonight's ceremony I wont be seeing you at all for the rest of my life"

"Hermione, leave it he's not worth it" Ron said trying to drag her back to face the table, but she pulled away from him

"Poor Weasleby, cant even get the mudblood to listen to you, not much of a prefect were you." He called "Probably why you weren't one this year" he said to his housemates who sniggered and laughed at him.

"Actually Malfoy, Ron didn't want to be one this year, it gave him more free time" Hermione said

"Yeah to hang with Potter and his sister"

"No actually, he got to play more Quidditch and spend time with his friends"

"Play Quidditch did he? He still needs to work on his moves. You may have the cup….but we had the better team"

"That's right we have the cup Malfoy. And as for who has the better team…just take one look at yours and you cant say you have. Harry treats all his team with respect because they are his friends, unlike you because you don't have friends"

"I have friends"

"Oh maybe you do, but honestly Malfoy, dumber and dumber" she pointed at Crabbe and Goyle "Puggingson as well even you could have done much better" she said looking at Pansy. This made Draco actually want to smile, which he did, it was an inside smile.

"There better than yours. Saint Potter, death and destruction follows him ever where he goes. And the Weasley's there too poor to have real friends so they have to settle for the likes of you, a little mudblood. They are just blood-traitors."

"At least there my true friends, they actually love me. Who loves you? Honestly now for who you really are, not your money or your family" she smirked at the drop on his face.

"Hermione, leave it" Ginny said from the opposite of the table

"Ginny, let me handle it, its time he was taught a lesson" she said and turned back to Draco.

"You know Malfoy that's a true friend, she doesn't want me to get in trouble for the likes of you, I don't see any Slytherins trying to stop you so you don't get in trouble"

"Because they know I can handle myself. Anyway this is about me and you, not our friend's"

"Anything to do with me and you is about our friends Malfoy, it always has been."

"Mudbloods should never be allowed in our schools," Draco Malfoy informed his minions

"What was that Malfoy?" Hermione asked, knowing what he had said

"Nothing Bitch" he replied with his trade mark smirk

"You know Malfoy your just scared because I'm better at everything than you are, admit it. Your worried that when NEWT results come around I'm going to be on top of you"

"Not on top of me"

"Oh I will be…you can bet all the money in the world ill get better grades than you. Your just jealous that I was better in school than you"

"Just you keep telling yourself that," Draco said to her

"I only will because I know its true," she said finally turning around and continuing with her meal.

"You tell him Hermione" Ron said patting her on the back

"Yeah 'Mione, he needs to be taught a lesson" Harry added "He needs to know that just because he's higher in the blood chain than you he cannot treat you with any less respect"

"Thanks Harry…but it doesn't matter after tonight I never hope to see him again"

"And I actually thought he had changed since he turned against his father and Voldemort in the war. Especially since Voldemort is dead." Ginny said

"Ginny" Ron scolded

"Oh for goodness sake's Ron, he's gone, I think you can call him Voldemort" she went back to eating her sticky toffee pudding while her brother reddened in the face and grabbed a few more slices of cake.


Hope it wasn't too OOC for you all.

It may be a while before I get the next chapter up of this fic because I'm reading HBP at the mo, which is fantastic and also because I usually have the first few chapter pre written before up loading the first chapter, well I haven't in this case so could be a while.