The Joker was bored. Bored to death. Bored to the death of everyone else on this plane. Ordinarily, he could entertain himself for long periods of time within the walls of Arkham Asylum, either making fake escape plans and framing the Ventriloquist by leaving them out in the open in his cell or just watching reruns of Three's Company (He especially loved the episode where there was a misunderstanding!). But today, above this beautiful stretch of Canadian wilderness below, Joker thought something was missing. Sure, he could always get out of his chains, but did he really want to cause such mayhem when they had just left the airport five minutes prior? Nah. He'd save his crude airline food jokes and harassment of the flight attendants for later. He wanted to at least be awake (a.k.a. Not sedated) long enough to catch the in flight movie. Although, if they were showing Legally Blonde, all bets were off.

"Maybe that's what's missing. Entertainment!" Joker mused.

He looked around the plane at the other passengers. A few of them he recognized. Old high school chums like Two-Face and Poison Ivy. But others he couldn't place a name. The Asian woman must have been Cheshire, or Lady Shiva, or some other attractive female Asian martial artist.

"Ha! They all look alike!" The unknown Asian woman looked up and scowled at Joker.

Joker quickly noticed another faintly familiar face. "HEY!" he shouted across the plane, "HEY! KING KONG!"

Gorilla Grodd, a frequent nemesis of the Flash, grunted, suppressing any urge to break out of his seat and wring the little lunatic's neck.

"Yoo-hoo! Over here! Hey! Mr. Kong!" Joker persisted.

By now, everyone on the plane was ignoring Joker and his remarks. Just then, a security guard approached Joker's seat. Joker looked absolutely delighted.

"Stewardess, I would like a bag of peanuts please!" Joker said to the hulking guard, who did not at all appear amused at this last statement.

"Hey, clown, I'm no stewardess…"

"OH! Deary me, I AM so thoughtless." Joker interrupted, "Flight attendant is what they call you people nowadays! All this politically correct donkey dookey, no offense to Donkey Kong in the back there! Okay, flight attendant, may I have a bag of peanuts?"

"Clown, this ain't no pleasure flight!"

"But… aren't we going to sunny hawaii to give gifts to the natives, such as shoes, Christianity, and antibiotics?" Joker said, feigning confusion.

"Yeah. You'll be tannin' on the snow covered banks of Antarctica in no time! That is, if they give you any beach time in the Slab!" The guard said smirking. "Now, shut up clown, or I swear I'll sedate you for the rest of the flight!"

"Oooh, nope nope nope. Don't like needles." Joker playfully shot back, laying his chained hands in his lap.

"Who said anything about needles?" The guard said, darkly looking back at the Joker as he walked off.

"You flirt!" Joker said laughing as he waved the guard goodbye.

Joker giggled. That was the most fun he had had so far on this flight. But it still wasn't enough. Not a titter came from any of the other passengers. Dead silence. He needed people to play along. None seemed like they were up to it, though. Thoughts of Harley Quinn crept into his mind's eye. Harley Quinn, laughing with that bubbly laugh of hers. Harley Quinn, singing the song Moon River with that Brooklyn girl accent. Harley Quinn on fire, cart wheeling off a balcony just to cheer Joker up. He had just seen her this morning in Arkham and semi-missed her already. Everyone else was intolerant of Joker and his brilliant mannerisms, but Harley took all the punches. The preemptive straight man. Too bad she wasn't on this flight, too.

Joker guessed that the Slab only accepted extra "special" people. This meant he ones with the body counts in the 1000s. Over achievers in supervillain high school. Though, out of this crowd, Joker thought, he'd be valedictorian. Joker's roller coaster track of thought was interrupted, though, by the "fasten your seatbelt" sign flashing overhead.

"Now they're just mocking us." Joker said flatly, looking over is shoulder and catching site of Poison Ivy five rows behind him. Ivy looked bored, her green face resting on an equally green hand. Two-Face didn't look much livelier either, just sitting there two rows behind Ivy. A scowl was imprinted on his face, just as Joker's rictus was to his. He thought maybe it was time to get in touch with his old "classmates".

"Ivy! Over here! Look! I'M here too! What are the odds!" He shouted over his shoulder.

Ivy just looked away and acted like she was concentrating on something out her window. Joker thought he might have better luck with Two-Face.

"Twofers! Ivy thinks she's too cool for us! Acts like our friend all through high school then ditches us on the first day of college!"

"MUST YOU DOOM THE DAMNED, JOKER?" Ivy shouted at him. "It's not bad enough we're being shipped off to the Slab, but you have to torture us on the way there too?"

"NOW she talks to us, Harv! Finally came to her senses and realized who her true friends are! Now maybe we can plan that threesome…"

"Shut up, clown, or I'll make sure you leave this plane with one extra hole in your head." Two-Face said.

"Is that Two-Face or Harvey Dent talking?" Joker asked.

"Unanimous." Two-Face replied, Ivy smirking at this retort.